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Do Vaishnavas ever pray to Lord Ganesha?

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Don't get trapped by the FAKE Confused Philosophy of Vaishnavas




There are 2 kinds for People in Vaishnavas and other Stupid sect which is self Created by their Igroance



They believe what all Lies their ancestors has written just for the sake of personal Gains or to please the Kings they composed many Fake poems for the sake of rewards land and Money


None of the 63 Saiva Saints Did that for the Sake of Money or Fame


They Sacrificed them self for the Sake of Salvation rather like Vaishnavas Saints


who wrote false Prophecy to please Kings for material gains


Some some fools believe Unending Fairy Tales they are confused what to follow and tired and Restless But they Defend they Sect just because they have been following it for AGES and for the tradition Sake


the second type of people are They do every thing to prove they are right what they are doing is write and Just simple lie they have experienced God in their way,But in reality they will be Restless and struggling and Imagining things their Heart Knows nothing is happening of what they claim But Their EGO is at High so they are Not only fooling others but them self also


So don't fall in these 2 Fake Ritual following category rather Accept the Naked truth and Get salvation from the Only GOD SIVA


Lord Siva is the Supreme Reality

The one without a second—Ekameva Advitiyam.

Siva alone exists in Himself.

He is the Impersonal Absolute Brahman.

He cannot be seen by the eyes but He can be realised within the heart through devotion and meditation,Lord Shiva is the God of all and is worshipped by All,


Devas (Gods) SUCH AS

Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu,Lord Rama,

Sri Krishna,Ganesha.....

By Asuras (Demons) like Bana, Ravana,By(Humans) like Adi Shankara, Nayanars,By (Creatures) such as Jatayu, an eagle, Vali,an ape, and the list goes on and on. Furthermore, the site states that people of different backgrounds and qualities worship the Shiva,with many temples having histories of even cranes,bees,

elephants,Kalahasti,spiders,sn akes,worshipping Shiva and getting blessed.

It concludes that the Lord,as the Supreme one,blesses anyone who worships him in sincere devotion as there is No Discrimination on who the seeker is.

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Vaishnavas are the greatest Devotees of Shiva!


Offenses to Vaishnava are offences of the type that form the supreme conception of an 'offense'


--learn who is who, among the hiarchy and then serve accordingly.


Saivism is ancient, truly ageless,


for it has no beginning. It is the precursor of the many-faceted religion now termed Hinduism. Scholars trace the roots of Siva worship back more than 8,000 years to the advanced Indus Valley civilization. But sacred writings tell us there never was a time when Saivism did not exist. Modern history records six main schools: Saiva Siddhanta, Pashupatism, Kashmir Saivism, Vira Saivism, Siddha Siddhanta and Siva Advaita. Saivism's grandeur and beauty are found in a practical culture, an enlightened view of man's place in the universe and a profound system of temple mysticism and siddha yoga. It provides knowledge of man's evolution from God and back to God, of the soul's unfoldment and awakening guided by enlightened sages. Like all the sects, its majority are devout families, headed by hundreds of orders of swamis and sadhus who follow the fiery, world-renouncing path to moksha. The Vedas state,


"By knowing Siva, the Auspicious One who is hidden in all things, exceedingly fine, like film arising from clarified butter, the One embracer of the universe by realizing God, one is released from all fetters." Aum Namah Sivaya.


O siva , I know that You are the Supreme controller(Parameswara), You are both the father and the mother of the entire cosmic manifestation and as the one ever auspicious and supreme brahman who is beyond cosmic manifestation" (SB 4:6:42 )

brahma said:

"O siva, by your Divine energy, You alone by your personal expansion create, maintain and annihilate this universe that works like a spider's web. (SB 4:6:43 )

iskconites usually claim siva is just a personal expansion of krsna. but brahma says it is Personal expansion of supreme Lord Shiva.

iskconites sometimes say Siva is just a DEVA but not God.He is just Maha Deva.

krsna is not called as DEVA but as supreme personality of god head.

i wonder, then why is he called VASU-Deva ?

even Arjuna after knowing ksna completely, he addressed him as Deva only.

"Therefore, bowing down, prostrating my body, I crave your forgiveness, adorable Lord. As a father forgiveth his son, a friend his friend, a lover his beloved, even so should You forgive me, O DEVA." ( 11 : 44 BG )

i'm sure prabhupada cannot translate this 11:44 verse ,something like this : " O demi-god therefore i bow down ........"

hence, mere addressing someone as DEVA doesn't mean 'Demi-god.


Siva, the Auspicious


One who is hidden in all things


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iskconites usually claim . . .


iskconites sometimes . . .


i'm sure prabhupada cannot translate . . .



What is the reason for seeking artha, kama, Dharma & moksha?


Where is spiritural enjoyment, pastimes & purpose of existance --in your so-called Devotion to Shiva?


Where is heaven and why do we seek it?



Is it not true Princegoutham, that you would have found another hobby if your tool was larger?

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Prince goutham,you rascal,you are ignorant about Devi bhagavtam,Radhikopanishad and Radha Tapni Upanishad,wher the Supreme Status of Radha is declared.


Sri Ramakrishna sings,"After chanting Rama’s name, Thakur chants the name of Krishna: “Krishna! Krishna! Gopi Krishna! Gopi! Gopi! Krishna, the life breath of the cowherd boys. Krishna, the boy of Nanda! Govinda! Govinda!”

Now he chants the name of Gauranga:

“Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda! Hare Krishna! Hare Rama! Radha Govinda!”

Then he repeats: “The Imperceptible Pure One.”[28] Saying this, he weeps. Watching him weep and hearing his touching voice, the devotees standing close also begin to cry. He weeps and says, “O, the Pure One! O my dear, come and eat. When shall I make my life blessed by feeding You? You have come, assuming a body, for my sake.”

He is expressing his pain before Jagannath, the Lord of the Universe, the friend of the lowly, the friend of the world. “I am not separate from the world; my Master, be merciful to me.”

Becoming intoxicated with ecstatic love, he sings:

Live joyfully chanting the name of Jagannath of Orissa.

Now he dances, singing the name of Narayana: “The Lord Narayana! The Lord Narayana! Narayana! Narayana!”

Dancing, he sings again:

O gopi friend! I have not yet found Him whose love has driven me mad.

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – all three are mad.

These three mad gods have conspired to break Navadvip.

And in the fields of Vrindavan I have seen another who is mad.

He has clad Radha in royal robes and assumed for Himself the role of a guard."



Sripada Shankaracharya,the greatest "Shaivite" declares,"Shudhayati naa antaraatma krsna padambohj bhaktimriteh."


Without developing devotion for Sri KRsna's feet,the MIND CANNOT GET PURE.


Sri Shankaracharya declares about Sri Ramacandra in the Ramabhujanga stotra,"Lord Shiva touches His head at your feet."


So,princegoutham,there you go.Stop your nonsense ranting.

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Guest Melvin1

In Srimad Bhagavatam, it is said that if one(a vaishnava) recalls the story of Gajendra and how he was saved from the crocodile that bit his leg every morning, it`s assured that one (a vaishnava) won`t be having nightmares at night.

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ranjeetmore U Fool Dont Burn in Hell


Rama and Raven,Krishna Or kamsa Good or Bad they all worshipped Supreme shiva As


He was the One and The only Source of Power for all :smash:


When creation had been completed, Siva and Parvati had been living on the top of Kailas. Parvati asked: “O venerable Lord, which of the many rituals observed in Thy honour doth please Thee most?” Lord Siva replied: “The thirteenth night of the new moon, Krishna Paksha, in the month of Phalguna (February-March) is known as Sivaratri, My most favourable Tithi. My devotee gives Me greater happiness by mere fasting than by ceremonial baths, and offerings of flowers, sweets, incense, etc.

Gopeswara means Gopi + iswara , it means iswara of Gopis.ie., Lord of Gopis. the name itself says Shiva


See this Mantra, which is sung even today in all the Hindu Temples all around the World Every True Hindu Knows This song

Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam
Nirmala Bhashita Shobhita Lingam
Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, which is praised by pure and holy speeches and which destroys the cycle of births and deaths.

Vedic culture respects the Gods. Krishna showed it by his own example. He earnestly took initiation into Shaiv Pashupata Yoga from Upmanyu and became the greatest Shaiva. You can say he played a role. Okay! There must be a reason for him to show this example then! The Lord doesn't do anything for no reason! Isn't it? Of course Krishna says in the BG to leave everything and surrender unto him! So do it.


Vishnu Purana 5.33.47-48) Vishnu / Krishna says to Lord Shiva:

matto 'vibhinnam AtmAnaM draSTum arhasi zaGkara ||

O Sankara, you're fit to see that you yourself are not apart from Me."

yo 'haM sa tvaM jagac cedaM sa-devAsura-mAnuSam |

avidyA-mohitAtmAnaH puruSA bhinna-darzanaH ||

"What I am, you are--as well as the universe with its gods, demons, and men.

Those who are bewildered by ignorance see with separate vision."

Accept Vedas and Gods Words ok follow truth awake can you show me one line of Praise in saiva Books there is no single sentence but i can show 100s of verses changed and rewritten

Read Bhagavad gita as it was Before,But not as it is altered Now by Hare Krishna

Saivism is ancient, truly ageless, for it has no beginning. It is the precursor of the many-faceted religion now termed Hinduism. Scholars trace the roots of Siva worship back more than 8,000 years to the advanced Indus Valley civilization. But sacred writings tell us there never was a time when Saivism did not exist. Modern history records six main schools: Saiva Siddhanta, Pashupatism, Kashmir Saivism, Vira Saivism, Siddha Siddhanta and Siva Advaita. Saivism's grandeur and beauty are found in a practical culture, an enlightened view of man's place in the universe and a profound system of temple mysticism and siddha yoga. It provides knowledge of man's evolution from God and back to God, of the soul's unfoldment and awakening guided by enlightened sages. Like all the sects, its majority are devout families, headed by hundreds of orders of swamis and sadhus who follow the fiery, world-renouncing path to moksha. The Vedas state, "By knowing Siva, the Auspicious One who is hidden in all things, exceedingly fine, like film arising from clarified butter, the One embracer of the universe by realizing God, one is released from all fetters." Aum Namah Sivaya.

Rig Veda (1.164.46): Ekam Sat viprah bahudha vadanti, "Truth is One, sages describe it variously."

O siva , I know that You are the Supreme controller(Parameswara), You are both the father and the mother of the entire cosmic manifestation and as the one ever auspicious and supreme brahman who is beyond cosmic manifestation" (SB 4:6:42 )

brahma said:

"O siva, by your Divine energy, You alone by your personal expansion create, maintain and annihilate this universe that works like a spider's web. (SB 4:6:43 )

iskconites usually claim siva is just a personal expansion of krsna. but brahma says it is Personal expansion of supreme Lord Shiva.

iskconites sometimes say Siva is just a DEVA but not God.He is just Maha Deva.

krsna is not called as DEVA but as supreme personality of god head.

i wonder, then why is he called VASU-Deva ?

even Arjuna after knowing ksna completely, he addressed him as Deva only.

"Therefore, bowing down, prostrating my body, I crave your forgiveness, adorable Lord. As a father forgiveth his son, a friend his friend, a lover his beloved, even so should You forgive me, O DEVA." ( 11 : 44 BG )

i'm sure prabhupada cannot translate this 11:44 verse ,something like this : " O demi-god therefore i bow down ........"

hence, mere addressing someone as DEVA doesn't mean 'Demi-god.

O Arjuna ,iswara abides in the hearts of all beings, spinning them round by his divine Power. (18:61)

Gita was told by 'Iswara' in krsna but not 'krishna'. The krishna's body is just an instrument. but truly speaking it was 'PARAMESWARA',the cause of the causes. He used krishna's body because of krsna's devotion towards siva. Siva has given eight boons to krishna.


Dont Worship the Demi-Gods Like Rama Krishna who they them self Worshipped Supreme Shiva they rae the messangers of Supreme shiva who had come down By his Orders to Restore Dharama in Mean time they themself worshipped him


Lord Shiva has No parents No Birth or Death He is Beyond everything


He didnt Die Mortal Death like Rama or Krishna He is Forever There in every Yuga in Rama Yuga and Krishna Yuga




Now He is the Only Ruling God in KALIYUGA

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Everything that we see undergoes change. It has an origin, existence and decay. The physical bodies, mental and psychological instruments, worldly things and the universe experience these changes. For any change to occur force or energy is required.


While experiencing these changes, man, at times, has realised a subtle power or entity which causes these changes but does not change by itself . This must be an intelligent and all powerful Being. It is called God.


Various religions call God by various names.


Saiva religion refer to Him as LORD SHIVA

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"O King, when that uncontrollable poison was forcefully spreading up and down in all directions, all the demigods, along with the Lord Hari Himself, approached Supreme Lord Śiva [sadāśiva]. Feeling unsheltered and very much afraid, they sought shelter of him.


( Srimad Bhagavatam 8:7:19)


Ha ha and the Stupid Vaishnava who opposed Sri Adi shankara now writing all Fake stories about him when Buddhist were Converting all the Hindus


All the Pussy Vaishnavas Ran and Hide in Forest Only the Saiva warriors Fought the Buddhist and later Sri adi Shankara came and Defeated the Buddhist monks


Sri Adi shankara sang Bhaja Govindam, not in praise of govinda but preaching the foolish vaishnavas that rather that focusing of Grammar and language at least worship your so called govinda so that you shall be save O fools


Vaishnavas are Money oriented and Fake Cult even their worship is not in devotion rather in decorations

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iskconites usually claim . . .


iskconites sometimes . . .


i'm sure prabhupada cannot translate . . .



What is the reason for seeking artha, kama, Dharma & moksha?


Where is spiritural enjoyment, pastimes & purpose of existance --in your so-called Devotion to Shiva?


Where is heaven and why do we seek it?



Is it not true Princegoutham, that you would have found another hobby if your tool was larger?



My sanathana dharma believes in the concept of Dharma,Artha,kama and moksha.


Follow Dharma ---- Earn (money)Artha ----- Fulfill Desires(kama) ----- attain moksha.


'Dharma' is eternal. One who follows dharma is protected by dharma( Dharmo rakshati rakshitah). one who does Adharma is bound to perish just like Ravana,kauravas etc. Hence, we believe in eternal dharma.


Artha(money) is one of the purusharthas. one must toil to earn 'artha(money)' . with that 'artha' one must fulfill 'kama'(desires). unless one is free from 'kama'(desire) one cannot attain moksha. One must earn "artha"(money) and fulfil 'kama'(desire) only in 'Dharmic' way.


'kama'(desire) is the very basis of existance. one who is free from 'kama' can alone get 'moksha'. All the desires are to be fulfilled only in Dharmic way. satisaction can alone put full stop to 'kama' but not repetition of work.



Where is spiritural enjoyment, pastimes & purpose of existance --in your so-called Devotion to Shiva?


Shiva is the 'self' of all beings. The devotees of Shiva who realises their essential nature as Sat-chit-Ananda need not look for any kind of enjoyments. Pastimes are for those who are unable to rise beyond 'time'. but shiva is beyond space and time. He is the creator of both space and time. He is the nondual supreme self. The great yogis regulate their breath, control and still their mind, look inward and enjoy the bliss with their hair standing on edge and eyes filled with tears of joy It looks as though they are immersed in nectar that bliss which they see in their heart and exult thus, is verily Shiva.




Where is heaven and why do we seek it?


Heaven,hell,planets..etc are for those who are bewildered by ignorance. The devotees of shiva who realises themselves as 'Atman' are not bounded by hell or heaven. The 'self' is all pervading. Hence, There is neither going nor coming. This unborn Atman is the basis for time,space,heaen,hell,spiritual planets..etc.

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To All All Fake scriptures Following

restless sects of Hindu Dharma:confused:


Awake Its the Final Call From Dev Adi Dev Mahadev:pray:




Radhika tapani upanishad, Radhopanishad are not vedik upanishads. They are written recently. please give vedik upanishads which are used by vedantins.


similarly, Chaitanyaopanishad,Allopanishad..etc are written very recently.


They have nothing to do with vedik upanishads. atleast stick to 108 upanishads of muktika cannon.

Srimad bhagavatam, vishnu puran are primary vaishnavite texts which speak about Vishnu.


They never say anything about Radha or Goloka. Devi bhagavatam talks about superiority of 'Devi' who killed demons like shumba,nishumba, mahishasura..etc.


obviously, Radha did not kill demons. devi bhagavatam is a shakteya text. vaishnavites have nothing to do with it. because, it places vishnu as a minor deity.:smash:

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Lord Siva is the God of Love.:)


His grace is infinite. His love is infinite. He is the saviour and Guru. He is engaged in freeing the souls from the thraldom of matter. He assumes the form of a Guru out of His intense love for mankind. He wishes that all should know Him and attain the blissful Siva-Padam (the state of Siva). He watches the activities of the individual souls, and helps them in their onward march. He liberates the individual souls from their fetters or bonds.


Characteristics of the Supreme Reality: The Supreme Reality is called Siva. He is infinite consciousness. He is eternal, changeless, formless, independent, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, one without a second, beginningless, causeless, taintless, self-existent, ever free, ever pure, and perfect. He is not limited by time. He is infinite bliss and infinite intelligence. He is free from defects, the all-doer, the all-knower.


The Five Activities of the Lord: The five activities of the Lord are: Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Veiling and Grace. These, separately considered, are the activities of Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara, and Sadasiva.


Rudra is One of the aspect of Siva,Destructive Form of supreme shiva


Siva, Shakti and Maya: Lord Siva pervades the whole world by His Shakti. He works through Shakti. Shakti is the conscious energy of the Lord Siva. She is the very body of Lord Siva. The potter is the first cause for the pot. The stick and the wheel are the instrumental causes. The clay is the material cause of the pot. Similarly, Lord Siva is the first cause of the world. Shakti is the instrumental cause. Maya is the material cause.

Shakti is not the material cause of the universe, because She is of the nature of consciousness (Chaitanya). Siva is pure consciousness, but matter is pure unconsciousness. Shakti is the intermediate link between the two.


Shakti is the reflex of Siva. It has no independent existence. Siva assumes this form out of His great love for mankind. Siva wishes that all should know Him.


Evolution of the Tattvas from Suddha Maya: The world undergoes evolution for the benefit of the souls. The whole process of creation is for the sake of the salvation of the souls. The world is real and eternal. The world of matter and souls forms the body of the Lord


Maya evolves into the subtle principles, and then into the gross. Siva Tattva is the basis of all consciousness and action. It is undifferentiated (Nishkala Suddha Maya). The Shakti of Siva starts her activity. Then Siva becomes the experiencer. Then He is called Sadasiva, known also by the name Sadakhya, Who is not really separate from Siva. The Suddha Maya becomes active. Then Siva, the experiencer, becomes the ruler. He is then Iswara, Who is not really separate from Sadasiva. Suddhavidya is the cause of true knowledge.

The bonds that bind the soul (Anava, Karma, Maya): Souls (Pasu) are by nature infinite, all-pervading, eternal, and all-knowing like Lord Siva (Pati). Yet they think that they are finite, limited and little-knowing, ignorant, and temporary. This is due to the bonds (Pasa), viz., Anava, Karma, and Maya, which are called the three Malas or impurities. Anava is the impurity which makes the all-pervading Jiva think itself to be atomic (Anu). It produces the erroneous notion of finiteness. The second impurity or bond is Karma. The soul acts in certain ways on account of its limitation, and does good and evil actions. Karma brings about the conjunction of the soul with its body. The results of the Karma have to be worked out in the world. There should be worlds and bodies, in order to experience the fruits of actions and acquire knowledge. These are provided by Maya, the third Mala or bond. Maya is the material cause of the world. The soul gets experience and limited knowledge through Maya.


The soul learns, by long experience, that this Samsara is full of pains and is transitory, and that he can attain eternal bliss and immortality only by attaining Sivatva or the nature of Siva or God-realisation. He develops Vairagya (dispassion), and Viveka (discrimination between the Real and the unreal, the Permanent and the impermanent).

Discipline and grace culminate in Jnana. Jnana is the supreme means of salvation or the attainment of the final beatitude. Karma and other means are only subsidiary to it. They are auxiliaries.


The attainment of Sivatva or Siva-nature does not mean complete merging of the soul in Siva. The liberated soul does not lose its individuality. It continues to exist as a soul in God. Sivatva is the realisation of an identity of essence in spite of difference. The soul attains the nature of Siva or God, but it is not itself Siva or God.

Three orders of Jivas: The Siddhantins divide Jivas or Pasus into three orders, viz., Vijnanakalas, Pralayakalas and Sakalas. Vijnanakalas have only the Anava Mala (egoism). Maya and Karma have been resolved. Pralayakalas have been freed from Maya alone, in the stage of Pralaya. Sakalas have all the three Malas.


The Malas affect only the Jivas, and not Siva. Those who are freed from the Malas or impurities attain Sivatva or the nature of Siva. They are the Siddhas or perfected beings.


The way to the attainment of Sivatva or God-realisation: You must free yourself from the three bonds, if you want to attain salvation. You must annihilate Maya, which is the root of all sins. You must destroy all Karmas which produce rebirth. You must remove the erroneous notion of a finite self.


The three bonds can be removed only through rigorous Tapas and proper discipline, the help of a Guru, and, above all, the grace of Lord Siva. Charya (observance), Kriya (rites), and Yoga (Yama-Niyama) constitute the discipline. When the aspirant practises in right earnest Charya, Kriya and Yoga he obtains the grace of Lord Siva. Then the Lord instructs the soul, reveals Himself and illumines him. Then the soul realises its nature as Siva

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If we say the Real Truth that krsna worshiped lord shiva.,:eek2:



The HKs Fools won't accept the Naked truth . Even if we show from Mahabharat anushasana parva.



They won't accept Mahabharat. They accept only Bhagavat gita portion. in fact, they have nothing to do with mahabharat.



But, we have more proofs now. This time we have collected from Srimad Bhagavatam. They cannot refute it. because, it is their primary text.

ekadā deva-yātrāyāḿ

gopālā jāta-kautukāḥ

anobhir anaḍud-yuktaiḥ

prayayus te 'mbikā-vanam ( SB 10.34.1)


One day Gopala along with his mates, eager to take a trip to worship Lord Śiva, traveled by bullock carts to the Ambikā forest ( SB 10.34.1)



tatra snātvā sarasvatyāḿ

devaḿ paśu-patiḿ vibhum

ānarcur arhaṇair bhaktyā

devīḿ ca ṇṛpate 'mbikām ( SB 10.34.2)


After arriving there, Krsna along with his mates bathed in the Sarasvatī River and then devotedly worshiped with various paraphernalia the All powerful and all pervading Godhead Lord Paśupati [devaḿ paśu-patiḿ vibhum] and his consort, goddess Ambikā. ( SB 10.34.2)


NOTE : the word used to address lord shiva is 'vibhum' . Vibhum means " All powerful and all pervading supreme almighy godhead "


so, this is ample clear that krsna worshiped lord shiva devotedly with much respect.

So krsna is a 'pashanda' as per Srimad bhagavatam.




The hare krsna stupids think that 'Rudraksha mala' is not worthy as 'Tulasi mala'. The Rudraksha mala is tamasic ... etc,

But as per Srimad Bhagavatam, At the time of Upanayana ( initiation into brahminhood ) Saraswati devi gave Rudraksha mala to Vamana deva :


kamaṇḍaluḿ veda-garbhaḥ

kuśān saptarṣayo daduḥ

akṣa-mālāḿ mahārāja

sarasvaty avyayātmanaḥ (SB 8.18.16)


O King, Lord Brahmā offered a waterpot , the seven sages offered Him kuśa grass, and mother Sarasvatī gave Vamana deva a string of Rudrākṣa beads.( (SB 8.18.16)



So it is very clear that, Rudraksha is used by vishnu in his vamana incarnation too.


so, Vamana avtara is also 'Pashanda'.

so, as per vaishnava literature, Rama,Krsna,Vamana,parasurama,..etc all are pashandis, ie., worse than chandalas.

Ha.. ha...

OM Namah shivaya.

Sarvam shiva Mayam:pray:

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Dude,your crazy.


Just Awake to reality


if we say that krsna worshiped lord shiva., the HKs won't accept it. even if we show from Mahabharat anushasana parva. They won't accept Mahabharat. They accept only Bhagavat gita portion. in fact, they have nothing to do with mahabharat.

But, we have more proofs now. This time we have collected from Srimad Bhagavatam. They cannot refute it. because, it is their primary text.

ekadā deva-yātrāyāḿ

gopālā jāta-kautukāḥ

anobhir anaḍud-yuktaiḥ

prayayus te 'mbikā-vanam ( SB 10.34.1)


One day Gopala along with his mates, eager to take a trip to worship Lord Śiva, traveled by bullock carts to the Ambikā forest ( SB 10.34.1)

tatra snātvā sarasvatyāḿ

devaḿ paśu-patiḿ vibhum

ānarcur arhaṇair bhaktyā

devīḿ ca ṇṛpate 'mbikām ( SB 10.34.2)

After arriving there, Krsna along with his mates bathed in the Sarasvatī River and then devotedly worshiped with various paraphernalia the All powerful and all pervading Godhead Lord Paśupati [devaḿ paśu-patiḿ vibhum] and his consort, goddess Ambikā. ( SB 10.34.2)

NOTE : the word used to address lord shiva is 'vibhum' . Vibhum means " All powerful and all pervading supreme almighy godhead "

so, this is ample clear that krsna worshiped lord shiva devotedly with much respect.

So krsna is a 'pashanda' as per Srimad bhagavatam.

The hare krsna stupids think that 'Rudraksha mala' is not worthy as 'Tulasi mala'. The Rudraksha mala is tamasic ... etc,

But as per Srimad Bhagavatam, At the time of Upanayana ( initiation into brahminhood ) Saraswati devi gave Rudraksha mala to Vamana deva :

kamaṇḍaluḿ veda-garbhaḥ

kuśān saptarṣayo daduḥ

akṣa-mālāḿ mahārāja

sarasvaty avyayātmanaḥ (SB 8.18.16)

O King, Lord Brahmā offered a waterpot , the seven sages offered Him kuśa grass, and mother Sarasvatī gave Vamana deva a string of Rudrākṣa beads.( (SB 8.18.16)

So it is very clear that, Rudraksha is used by vishnu in his vamana incarnation too.

so, Vamana avtara is also 'Pashanda'.

so, as per vaishnava literature, Rama,Krsna,Vamana,parasurama,..etc all are pashandis, ie., worse than chandalas.

Ha.. ha...

OM Namah shivaya.

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Dear mr PrinceGoutham. Your devotion to Lord Shiva is very admirable. But your distaste and in some cases outright hatred for Lord Krsna, Rama and Vaishnavas in general is not very admirable. Now lets just suppose Lord Siva is the Supreme; do you think He would be happy with His devotee (PrinceGhoutam) going around in various forums slandering his supposed subordinates like Lord Krsna and Rama?


No, Lord Shiva would not be happy with that. So please shut up!

Even Krsna Himself says that one should not slander against Lord Shiva, and that anyone who says is His (Krsna) devotee but has enmity towards Lord Shiva is not actually His (Krsna) devotee. So surely Shiva would not appreciate someone making offenses to the feet of Krsna.


Moreover, you are quoting verses out of context and bending them to suit your own point of view. This is known as poisoning shlokas. You have clearly demonstrated a lack of understanding in relation to the meaning of these verses! You should try and learn the real meaning of Gita and Bhagavatam from Vaishnavas.


Your are correct in advocating that there have been some instances where Krsna and Rama have worshipped Lord Shiva. But there have also been many instances where Lord Shiva has worshipped Rama and Krsna. What's the big deal over who worships who? The Supreme Personality of Godhead is not one who shows no emotion and/or thankfulness to his subordinates. Just like how an owner of a company sometimes praises his employees and requests the aid of his employees, so God may do the same - that doesn't mean he's no longer God. This subject of why God may worship devatas is lost on you, you think that a God is not able to worship anyone or else he is not God.


You should see how Krsna the Supreme God falls at the feet of Srimati Radharani and worships Her in a mood of complete subordination.


And for the record, Vaishnava's (maybe not the Iskcon ones) do offer praise to Sada Shiva on the day of Shiva Yatri. At this time we ask Lord Shiva to help us become better devotees of Krsna and remember his glorious pastimes in relation to Krsna etc. Lord Shiva is excellent and it is upheld that he's the best Vaishnava. :)



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have ar read at this this is a shakt text and it clearly shows krisna is supreme



O Great Muni! At this moment sprang from the navel lotus the four-faced Brahmâ, with his wife Sâvitrî, an exceedingly beautiful woman. No sooner the four-faced Brahmâ, the foremost of the Jñânins, fond of asceticism and holding Kamandalu in His hand came into being than He began to praise S’rî Krisna by His four mouths. On the other hand the Devî Sâvitrî, with a beauty of one hundred moons, born with great ease, wearing apparel purified by fire and decorated with various ornaments praised Krisna, the One and Only Cause of the Universe and then took Her seat gladly with Her husband in the throne made of jewels. At that time Krisna divided Himself into two parts; His left side turned into the forn of Mahâdeva; and His right side turned into the Lord of Gopikâs (cow-herdesses). The colour and splendour of the body of Mahâdeva is pure white like white crystal; as if one hundred suns have arisen simultaneously. In His hands there are the trident (Tris’ul) and sharp-edged spear (Pattisa); He is wearing a tiger skin; on His head is matted hair (Jatâ) of a tawny hue like molten gold; His body was besmeared all over with ashes, smile reigning in His face and on His forehead, the semi-moon. He has no clothing on His loins; so He is called Digambara (the quarters of the Sky being His clothing); His neck is of a blue colour; the serpent being the ornaments on His body and on His right hand the nice bead of jewels well purified. Who is always repeating with His five faces the Eternal Light of Brahmâ, and Who has conquered Death by praising S’rî Krisna, Who is of the nature of Truth, the Highest Self, the God Incarnate, the material cause of all things and the All auspicious of all that is good and favourable, and the Destroyer of the fear of birth, death, old age, and disease and Who has been named Mrityunjaya (the conqueror of Death). This Mahâdeva took His seat on a throne made of jewels (diamonds, emeralds, etc.).

devi bhagv.skandh 9 chapter 2

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have ar read at this this is a shakt text and it clearly shows krisna is supreme



O Great Muni! At this moment sprang from the navel lotus the four-faced Brahmâ, with his wife Sâvitrî, an exceedingly beautiful woman. No sooner the four-faced Brahmâ, the foremost of the Jñânins, fond of asceticism and holding Kamandalu in His hand came into being than He began to praise S’rî Krisna by His four mouths. On the other hand the Devî Sâvitrî, with a beauty of one hundred moons, born with great ease, wearing apparel purified by fire and decorated with various ornaments praised Krisna, the One and Only Cause of the Universe and then took Her seat gladly with Her husband in the throne made of jewels. At that time Krisna divided Himself into two parts; His left side turned into the forn of Mahâdeva; and His right side turned into the Lord of Gopikâs (cow-herdesses). The colour and splendour of the body of Mahâdeva is pure white like white crystal; as if one hundred suns have arisen simultaneously. In His hands there are the trident (Tris’ul) and sharp-edged spear (Pattisa); He is wearing a tiger skin; on His head is matted hair (Jatâ) of a tawny hue like molten gold; His body was besmeared all over with ashes, smile reigning in His face and on His forehead, the semi-moon. He has no clothing on His loins; so He is called Digambara (the quarters of the Sky being His clothing); His neck is of a blue colour; the serpent being the ornaments on His body and on His right hand the nice bead of jewels well purified. Who is always repeating with His five faces the Eternal Light of Brahmâ, and Who has conquered Death by praising S’rî Krisna, Who is of the nature of Truth, the Highest Self, the God Incarnate, the material cause of all things and the All auspicious of all that is good and favourable, and the Destroyer of the fear of birth, death, old age, and disease and Who has been named Mrityunjaya (the conqueror of Death). This Mahâdeva took His seat on a throne made of jewels (diamonds, emeralds, etc.).

devi bhagv.skandh 9 chapter 2


Thanks for sharing sant prabhu.

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Prince Goutham,you seem to not know that Sri Sadashiva is also a personality of Godhead.He is indifferent from Sri Vishnu.


Tulsidasa states,"One who offends any of these Two Lords(Rama and Shiva) will have to go to hell for billions of years eventhough they might show that they are big devotees of either of them."



It is a widely known fact that Sri Uma-Mahesvara are the Inspiration behind Rama-caritamanasa.

It was Lord Shiva's idea to manifest this invaluable gem ,the Lake of Lord Ramacandra's pastimes,to the world.

He Himself has appointed the title to the text.


Thus,Ramacaritamanasa is the most authoritative text on the position of the Supreme Lord.

So we should accept what it says.

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