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<font color="blue">PAMHO</font color>


A few days back my mother was warded because of Aneamia(less red blood cells in blood)...she is feeling dizzy all day and looks very tired...sometimes she vomits...doctors gave folic acid and other drugs...


I would like to know if there is any natural cure for this...

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If they gave her folic acid they probably also gave her iron. highly nutritious and easily assimilated foods are a must. Like vegetable juices especially green juices which are high in chlorophyl. Small amounts but often until she finds out how they react in her stomach. She should drink as much as she comfortably can. raw of course is by far the best but some people prefer broth in which case you can make the juice and then very slowly warm it up a little but NEVER anywhere close to a boil.


And as always and for just about everything, deep breathing. Not necessarily pranayama but just long deep rythmic breaths. Deep easy relaxing breaths.


She will soon get past this.

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oh no no...it is not that serious...

they just gave her folic acid,B12 vit,another one i donno wat it is...maybe iron..they didn't recommend anything else..


acupunture?...does it work?...I don't think there is any of this service near my area..

yes kulapavanaji i think u r rite...just like theistji said..she should eat a lot of vegetables...she skips meal sometimes...now she is a bit stable..no dizzyness...


is there any particular vegetable or herb for this?..




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Try a google search on the words chlorophyll and anemia. Lots there on this subject.


Here is one that looks promising.


Chlorella and Chlorophyll

"Chlorella contains the highest percentage of chlorophyll in the known plant world, from 1.7% to 7%. The chlorophyll molecule is very similar to the hemoglobin molecule in blood, and it acts as a wonderful cleanser in the bowel, kidneys, liver and bloodstream. Green plants help build red blood cell count and control calcium in the body. Chlorella contains as high as 7% chlorophyll, 35 times more than we find in alfalfa.


An experiment by the US Army showed that animals fed chlorophyll-rich greens survived twice as long as other animals when all were exposed to fatal levels of radiation. Another experiment by scientists at National Taiwan University showed that Chlorella helped protect rats from liver damage when they were fed a toxic chemical named ethionine."


"Chlorella, Jewel of the Far East" by Dr. Bernard Jensen,D.O.,Ph.D.



"Chlorella's chlorophyll content is important, because it makes an important contribution to chlorella's effect in the body. One example of this is stimulation of erythrocyte (red cell) formation in the blood.


Two University of Liverpool scientists performed several studies on laboratory animals. In one, induced anemic rabbits were given varying doses of chlorophyll (refined or fresh). The rabbits were able to convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin, thus correcting the anemia. Although the reaction occurred with both types of chlorophyll, the percentage of conversion was higher when the fresh chlorophyll was used.


In 1941 Dr. S.L.Goldberg reported on treatment of 300 patients suffering from pyorrhea (bleeding gums and loosening teeth), noting significant improvement. Vincent's stomatitis, a gum infection which occurs most often in persons suffering from stress with an underlying cause of a severe vitamin C deficiency, was also treated by the doctor with chlorophyll. Goldberg noted that the use of chlorophyll resulted in a tightening of the teeth, the cessation of bleeding from the gums and the growth of new tissue to replace damaged tissue."


"Chlorella - The sun-powered supernutrient and its beneficial properties" by William H. Lee,R.Ph., Ph.D. and Michael Rosenbaum, M.D.



"In addition to CGF, Chlorella also contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. Since chlorophyll's chemical structure is similar to hemoglobin’s (the red pigment of blood) several scientists have suggested the use of chlorophyll as a medical therapy for anemia. A complete review of chlorophyll and its effectiveness in correcting anemia as well as other medical uses was presented by Kephart in 1955. Briefly, if the person is not lacking iron or copper, the addition of chlorophyll may stimulate the production of blood presumably by providing the precursors to hemoglobin. Much research has been done which has proven that chlorophyll or its derivatives influence bacterial and animal growth, metabolism, and respiration. Chlorophyll or its derivatives stimulate the formation of erythrocytes in the blood, and affect nutrition, synthesis of vitamins in plants, hormone action, tumors, and a number of diseases, like anemia, arteriosclerosis, cardiac hypertension and others."


"Chlorella - Natural Medicinal Algae" by Dr. David Steenblock,B.S.,M.Sc.,D.O.



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