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esoteric places, astral travel

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I am from India, and I like the multiculture environment we have here. Though some misguided people try to pollute it now and then!!


Is there any Esoteric places anyone here has been able to visit??


I am taking free online courses at : http://www.mysticweb.org/phps/netclasses/

I am able to come out of my body at will, but has not perfected it as yet. I could also travel in my astral body. I have once had a short trip to Pyramids. Do pyramids have any significance in Indian religion?


I would like to know what esoteric places like temples and places of esoteric learning are there around, so that I can try to project there.


Thanking you,


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Hare Krsna mini,


No need to leave India and go to Egypt. Leave that for the ordinary tourists. Set your mind on Vrndavan. I was there once but encased my in physical body which is a real drag to carry around /images/graemlins/smile.gif. While there even from the gross physical side one can sense a whole other world taking place behind the purview of the ordinary senses. One which is even inconceivably more subtle than astral worlds. In fact I am rather sensitive to such things and can often sense discarnate beings and depending on my general mental state can sometimes pick up on the presence of much higher realms. I am talking about vague feelings now and not clear sight. The thing is in Vrndavan I could not sense any of that. In fact the ethers seemed so unusually clear and clean of all distracting forces and I felt that if only I was spiritually sighted I could envision Krsna playing with His friends all through the area.


Meditate on arriving their in your subtle astral body. Become very determined. Maybe get some picture books of Vrndavan and fix them in your mind.


I went from California two weeks after 9/11,2001. It took all the determination I could muster. I even visualized my plane being bombed and my astral form leaving my body and without hesitation it flew on to Vrndavan.


Desire it, picture it and go. Chanting Hare Krsna is very important. Just chant Hare Krsna and desire to go to Vrndavan. You will make it.


Oh how I wish such travel was spontaneously available to me.


Good luck and happy trails.

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Hello Theist,


Thanks for replying. Vrindavan sounds a nice place to visit. Infact during one of my dreams , I saw a calendar with the picture of Lord Krishna, and then the picture became alive. Lord Krishna seemed to be smiling and the cows were moving around freely.


The course there also refer Lord Krishna as a real master .






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Hello again,



Past life???


Isn't the concept strange? I myself believe in previous existences, but I sometimes wonder, are we born into same religions or different religions in new life?


It could be that those who oppose one faith or religion are born into the religion they dislike in next life.





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Hi mini,




Isn't the concept strange? I myself believe in previous existences, but I sometimes wonder, are we born into same religions or different religions in new life?



The way I understand it is that it is like a continuum. That we carry over our core personality traits into our next birth. And build on those or change directions even. Ever wonder about a great musician like Bach or Shankar. No way they could have become such masters in just that one life. They have been interested and practicing music for many births and building on their talents.


In regards to religion it is much the same. But I have wondered about someone who comes to a point where they outgrow a particular religious practice. I think maybe they might move on to a higher form but along the same lines, just one that contains more information of God. Sounds like it might be justice for someone who hates to be put in a similar situation so they can learn that perspective and grow out of their hatred. I have often thought that say somebody hates a certain race of people and then they take birth in that race.


In the Gita Krsna says that whatever state we are thinking of at the time of death that state we will obtain without fail. The subtle body takes on that shape and carries the soul to a body that matches it. And of course that will be influenced by all that we have thought of during our lives. That's why all different kinds of people of any religion are reccommended to chant and meditate on the names of God so they will go to God.


I'm not sure if you are still in India or in the US now from India. But either way you have heard of Narada Muni. He travels the universe in his spiritual, not astral but his fully spiritual body, chanting God's names and bringing the knowledge of Krsna to different planets. No spaceship even just pure spirit, faster than thought. Cool lifestyle or what?


Hare Krsna

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Hello Theist,


Thanks, You are always quick to respond. If I go by my dreams then I have been into various religions in past lives. I have seen in my dreams 3-Dimensional portrait of Guru Nanak Dev, A child Christ with Mary, Buddha statues and sufi saints , and perhaps others that I couldn't remember.


Yes , I am in India and I know about Narad Muni. I have read Bhagwat Gita as well, very inspirational text and my favourite one too.


Is chanting alone enough to bring enlightment??

It no doubt brings in consciousness, but is complete realisation possible through Jap alone??




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Wow those are best of dreams. I used to sometimes dream of krsna but for a long time now i can't remember my dreams. I hope I am having such dreams and forgeting them when I wake up. Better than not having them at all.



Yes , I am in India and I know about Narad Muni. I have read Bhagwat Gita as well, very inspirational text and my favourite one too.



Yes he is very famous devotee. Everybody loves Narada Muni. if you in my posts it will take you to a site where you can read Bhagavad-gita and many other books on-line. Once there when you click on the number of the particular verse the sanskrit comes up along with very elaborate commentaries by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

I am sure you will like it and hopefully tell a friend.



Is chanting alone enough to bring enlightment??

It no doubt brings in consciousness, but is complete realisation possible through Jap alone??



Yes chanting the Holy Name is said to be sufficent to bring us to full love of God. Rather japa or bhajan or kirtana the point is the potency is in the Name.


Below I have posted the eight slokas left the world personally by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.





The eight slokas completed by the Lord are:


Glory to the Sri Krsna sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious.



O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like Krsna and Govinda. In these transcendental names You have invested all Your transcendental energies. There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names. O my Lord, out of kindness You enable us to easily approach You by chanting Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for them.



One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.



O almighty Lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor do I desire beautiful women, nor do I want any number of followers. I only want Your causeless devotional service birth after birth.



O son of Mahäräja Nanda [Krsna], I am Your eternal servitor, yet somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death. Please pick me up from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms of Your lotus feet.



O my Lord, when will my eyes be decorated with tears of love flowing constantly when I chant Your holy name? When will my voice choke up, and when will the hairs of my body stand on end at the recitation of Your name?



O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a moment to be like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence.



I know no one but Krsna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly in His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord unconditionally.


Hare Krsna

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Hello Theist,


Thank you so much. That is a wonderful database of texts you have at your site.


I was thinking if I made some mistake in asking question. Please know , I have great respect for religious feelings and mean no offense to anyone. But I have a questioning mind as well. I will continue to ask, and if this is not a place to ask, or if my questions are inappropriate, please delete my posts.



I read in a book by Samael Aun Weor, the gnostic master, about an immortal Babaji, a Yogi Christ from India, whose physical body has existed for millions of years. Babaji drives all life and has the power to create and create again. And also talks about the Yogi-Avatar Lahiri-Mahasalla who was initiated by Babaji.



It further is written that the immortal Babaji and his sister Mataji have maintained their physical bodies for millions of years. They will perform great missions for humanity in the future in the sixth and seventh great root races.


Not only this, but Babaji has a power to travel in the astral plane with his physical body.



Does anyone here have any information of the Babaji? Or if anyone has had a chance to see him?








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Hello Theist,


Thank you so much. That is a wonderful database of texts you have at your site.


I was thinking if I made some mistake in asking question. Please know , I have great respect for religious feelings and mean no offense to anyone. But I have a questioning mind as well. I will continue to ask, and if this is not a place to ask, or if my questions are inappropriate, please delete my posts.



I read in a book by Samael Aun Weor, the gnostic master, about an immortal Babaji, a Yogi Christ from India, whose physical body has existed for millions of years. Babaji drives all life and has the power to create and create again. And also talks about the Yogi-Avatar Lahiri-Mahasalla who was initiated by Babaji.



It further is written that the immortal Babaji and his sister Mataji have maintained their physical bodies for millions of years. They will perform great missions for humanity in the future in the sixth and seventh great root races.


Not only this, but Babaji has a power to travel in the astral plane with his physical body.



Does anyone here have any information of the Babaji? Or if anyone has had a chance to see him?







P.S: Thanks again for the slokas .




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Mini thanks for the pointer to the website with classes, I signed up!


Tell us about how easy or hard was to learn to do this?


Why don't you go the next level of planets? Ask for help from nearby (Midwayers or Angels) and tell them to take you someplace exciting like that!

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Thanks Mpuri. It was amazing to read about Babaji. I am posting a link to the book you mentioned, in case anyone wants to read:




About the courses, they are practical and result-oriented. And I started in February and have consciously projected 10-12 times, but yet to practise it, as I get pulled back faster than I wish to.


About next level of planets and Area 51, there are spiritual laws in astral plane which no one can break. When one has made oneself capable of something, only then one gets it. Area 51!! I heard it is shielded.


I am glad I asked this question here.




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mini, you haven't even come close to offending anyone. The fact that you are concerned about is a trait of an evolved being. I am very glad you joined us here.


Not familar with the Babaji but it appears Manu is. I read Autobiography of a Yogi long ago so I must have read about him a little.


I want to clarify that that site is not mine. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to put one up. This nice devotee named Ruptor put it up as a service and I try to direct people that way when I can. He made it very simple to use which I really like.


Hare Krsna

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Hello Theist,


To be honest, I cast a shadow in the astral, I don't consider myself as an evolved being, though I am making efforts to check my involution.


My sincere wishes and thanks to Ruptor, and all those who have put this one site as well. This site is really nicely put.


best wishes,


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