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I am taking Spirulina capsules. Even the capsules are vegetarian. Since the karma phal of eating anything is Satwik, Rajsic and Thamsic thoughts based on food eaten.


I would like to know what catergory Spirulina comes under? Is it Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic food? If it is Rajasic or Tamasic..then I would like to give it up.


Please reply!!

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Spirulina is the lowest form of algae like Nostoc and they have blue-green color. Its rich in vitamins and since they photosynthesise, they are classified under plant kingdom. So dont worry you are not eating anything nonvegetarian. Spirulina is 100% vegetarian that is also 100% healthy in its nutrient. But Its taste is awful when taken as powder, that I have tried. So if you are taking as capsules, you are better off in one gulp.


The following link gives general info about Spirulina


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Algae /images/graemlins/shocked.gif..is it classified under plant kingdom???


Can I consume it /images/graemlins/confused.gif Algae sounds like some worm /images/graemlins/shocked.gif


Onions and Garlic are classified under plant kingdom but are Tamasic. Is Spirulina Sattvic or Tamasic or Rajasic in nature.


I guess since I started taking Spirulina, I am not able to control my mind..Not sure whether its because of spirulina or any other reason /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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If you are looking for nutrition, then Spirulina is good, but if you want to avoid tamasic food, then spirulina I would classify under tamasic since I know for sure the contents of essential nutirents in it, can be aphrodisiac like onion and garlic or some tuberous varieties of plants. Primarily aphrodisiac contents are rich in particular aminoacids like L-arginine that is essential for for proper sexual function. They release the nitros oxide necessary for the purpose to maintain blood flow during the act in required regions. SO in those days, on special occassions clubbed with religion people used to avoid tamasic foods, like badam, onion, garlic, and tubers.


But actually self control is something to do with the mind that comes by practice and meditatiion and focussing our miind on God. It does not come just by avoiding the particular kind of vegetarian food. This is from my personal experience.


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But actually self control is something to do with the mind that comes by practice and meditatiion and focussing our miind on God. It does not come just by avoiding the particular kind of vegetarian food. This is from my personal experience.




According to our shastras, the food we consume affects our mind also. Purity of food leads to purity of mind. The food we eat shapes our thoughts and our consciousness. Sattvic or pure foods contribute to healthier bodies and calmer minds. By uplifting our consciousness and help to bring our higher nature into play. A sattvic diet is very important from a yogic perspective for it is absolutely necessary to make the mind calm and prepare it for meditation.


Rajasic foods make the mind active, passionate and restless. They make it very difficult to attain a calm mind and a meditative state. It is that aspect which is continually moving, which doesn’t allow the mind to be quiet and peaceful. Rajasic foods include things like very spicy foods, foods that are very hot, bitter, dry or salty, coffee and tea, fish, eggs and chocolate. Onions and garlic, although touted as good for the body, are also rajasic and make meditation for the neophyte more difficult.



Mind Is Made Of Food


Mind is manufactured out of the food that we take. Subtlest part of food reaches upward to the heart and thence entering the arteries called the 'Hita', and thereby bringing into existence the aggregate of the organs of speech and being changed into the form of the mind, it increases the mind. And thus, the mind, being increased by food, is material and not eternal as held by the Vaiseshikas.


The Upanishadic philosophers believed that the mind depends upon the food for its formation. "The food that we take is transformed in three different ways: the gross or the heaviest part of it becomes the excrement; that of medium density is transformed into flesh and the finest part goes to form the mind." (Chhandogya Upanishad, VI-v-1) "Just as in the churning of curd, its fine particles rise up and are transformed into butter, so when food is consumed, the subtlest part rises up and is transformed into mind." (Chhandogya Upanishad, VI-vi-1 & 2). Later, even in the days of the Bhagavad-Gita, we find that the three different mental temperaments-the Sattvic, the Rajasic and the Tamasic-were supposed to be due to the three different kinds of food what we eat apart from once own nature. (Bhagavad-Gita, XVII-8 & 10).


Quality Of Mind Depends Upon Quality Of Food


Food has a direct and intimate connection with the mind and plays a vital part in the make-up of the mind. Sattvic diet calms the mind. Rajasic diet excites the mind. Mark the difference in nature between a tiger which lives on flesh and a cow which lives on grass. Food exercises important influence on the mind. You see it clearly every day. It is very difficult to control the mind after a heavy, sumptuous, indigestible, rice meal. The mind runs, wanders and jumps like a monkey all the time. Alcohol causes tremendous excitement in the mind.


Food plays an important role in meditation. For purposes of meditation, the food must be light, Sattvic and nutritious. The body is Annamaya (made up of food).


When the quality of the mind depends upon the quality of the food taken, it is natural to insist in the interest of the highest morality upon a kind of Sattvic regimen of diet for those aspirants who lead a contemplative life and householders who are attempting to lead a spiritual life in the world.

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