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I want to leave bangalore!!!

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I want to leave Bangalore because it is getting crowded day by day and the pollution is ever increasing. Every other person who is in India is coming to Bangalore due to job opportunities and making it dirtier and dirtier, Karnataka government is doing nothing to stop this and neither the citizens of Bangalore have Civic sense ( dumb heads ). Everyday 500 new cars are added to Bangalore roads. Our former chief minister said that he would make Bangalore a Singapore. How can they transform Bangalore into Singapore when they cannot improve the basic PUBLIC transport? Since the public transport is so pathetic, people are opting to buy new vehicles and that increases the pollution. The maximum capacity of Bangalore roads is only 3 lakh vehicles, it’s six times more than that now, and the vehicle count has increased to 18 lakhs.


I do not want to leave India as it is said that this is the best place for sadhana and also I would like to stay with my people around (Indians). I want to move to either Mysore (which is less polluted, less populated, much more cleaner and calmer than Bangalore), or to Coorg which is very green, has beautiful forests around or to Hrishikesh).


I belong to a brahmin family, I am yet to be married and stay with my family. My parents wouldn’t allow me to move to the above-mentioned places. I cannot stay in Bangalore as it affects my sadhana; this pollution will cut my life short. I am thinking of learning pranayama, even practicing pranayama wouldn’t help in Bangalore, as Bangalore is not situated in lower levels. So the pollution that goes up in the sky during daytime will come down during late night and early mornings (which is the best time for practicing pranayama) as it mixes with the fog, this causes Asthma (which is more common is Bangalore, luckily I do not have any respiratory disorders). This is not the case in Mumbai, Chennai or Calcutta as the polluted air is blown away by the sea breeze. So most people staying in theses places are not prone to Asthma or any respiratory disorders.


Everyone is busy making money. People think that they will be called civilized if they have 5 to 10 vehicles, big houses, cosmetics, dresses etc. Unfortunately, it’s the other way round, they are becoming uncivilized. Atleast animals are better than humans because they have some discipline. Indians were happy and contended with what they had 50 years ago, now due to western influence, they have become materialistic.


I am all-alone in the fight against pollution; What do I do?

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Ahh, now you know the other side of the coin. Amerikkka has had this problem for 100 years, our prosperity has created so much despair. Here, we hate LA for the same reasons, so we move to honolulu, to paradise, and make that place uninhabitable, so we go to maui, then the beautiful hotels turn to welfare tenements unfit for gangs.


Where to go? Within is the only place. This world in this age has no value except that the dualities are very apparent. We can see that material success has horrible consequences. We want security, so we elect fascists to police our streets. And in the process, we lose our rights and our security, so all we end up with is prescriptions for prozak, and the only careers left to us is a soldier or a prison guard.


Where to go? Back home, back to godhead. We see materialism for what it is, a fools paradise.


Good luck. If you have funds, mauritius is a very nice place, full of your countrymen.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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The problem is that our desires do not end. We are never satisfied with whatever we have. No matter how much we have, we desire something more. Not only this, we often have contradictory desires. If A and B cannot exist together, then if we have A, we desire B. But, if we get B, we desire A.


There was a time when there were many places in India where we could get clean air to breathe and live in peace. Now, more and more places are getting polluted. Why? This is because we desired many things and in order to achieve that, we increased pollution. In order to fulfill our desires, we created lots of vehicles, gave rise to huge industries, and many other things that interfered with Nature. Now that we have these, we desire peace!


The real problem is not that people are coming to Bangalore. It is human's nature that they want to go to a place where they think that they can live better life. You have written that you want to move to Mysore. Let us say that more and more people move to Mysore, then one day, Mysore will become overcrowded and polluted. The same is possible with any place where more and more people move-Coorg, Hrishikesh, or any other place.


You have written that the chance of getting respiratory disorders is very little in Mumbai, Chennai, or Kolkata. Even if we accept that, the fact remains that there are many people living in these places and they are not happy. The people in Mumbai complain that the city is too costly and you have to rush for everything. Chennai is said to be extremely hot. Kolkata is said to be dirty in many places.


It is true that people are busy making money. But, if our desires keep on growing, then we will need more and more money. If we do not earn on our own, then we will become a burden on others to fulfill our desires.



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We are interfering so much with Nature that so many species of plants and animals have become extinct. Some have not become extinct but have reduced in number considerably.


When I was a child, I used to hear the singing of cuckoo bird. Now, I don't. Just a few years back, sparrows were quite common. Now, there are rarely any. Due to light pollution, we can see very few stars in the night sky. How many butterfles do we see now? When flowers are not able to withstand pollution, how can we expect to see butterflies?

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" so we move to honolulu, to paradise, and make that place uninhabitable, so we go to maui, then the beautiful hotels turn to welfare tenements unfit for gangs. "


Huh ??


Honolulu is not polluted, it's been called americas cleanest city, especially the air. Maui has no hotels that have turned into tenements, the cheapest hotels are 50 dollars a night. Those are tiny mom and pop places, more like bed and breakfest joints. Maui has no cheap housing at all.

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I lived in Hawaii in various times. The 1980's was simple and beautiful. Now, you go to the heavily used beaches, and you can't even see in front of you underwater. So yes, people hear of a beautiful place, they go there, and people tend to mess it up badly since it's the material world. Hawaii is still beautiful, but it's getting built up, beaches overused, and more and more expensive to live.


Going within is a great thing, but if you're really disturbed by your city, maybe it's best to consider another place, but at the same time realizing no place can make is really happy except the state of Vrindavan that can exist inside us should we choose to surrender.

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You dont know what you are talking about. The only beach in hawaii that is like your description is waikiki, the rest of hawaii's beaches, hundreds of beaches, are beautiful and the water is crystal clean. Honolulu is the only city in all of the hawaiian islands, and for a big city is is very nice. The rest of hawaii is heavenly.


<A HREF="http://www.worldisround.com/articles/5157/index.html">OAHU PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.worldisround.com/articles/13198/index.html">MORE OAHU PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.worldisround.com/browse/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/Hawaii/Maui/">MAUI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.worldisround.com/browse/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/Hawaii/Kauai/">KAUAI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://kauaiphotos.tripod.com/photoindex1.html">6 PAGES OF KAUAI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.kauai-blue-lagoon.com/">GREAT KAUAI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.kauai-blue-lagoon.com/morepictures.html">MORE GREAT KAUAI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~slichti/photos/maui/roadtohana/">EAST MAUI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.worldisround.com/articles/8716/">MORE MAUI PHOTOS</URL>


<A HREF="http://www.jans-journeys.com/hawaii00/">GREAT MAUI AND KAUAI PHOTO</URL>

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If you want to leave Bangalore, then leave, why are you contemplating and finding fault with others and society




Finding fault???


Dear brother, truth is bitter and not everyone can take it. But the things that I have mentioned in the above post is nothing but true.


I feel like I shd leave this place..I also feel that I shouldnt leaving this place. Then why am I worried...I'm worried seeing the sad state of affairs happening here.



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I once was forced by circumstance to live in what I thought was a dry, dusty sickening, hick-type town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. I lived in a little shack up against a rocky bluff next to a seasonal creek full of rattlesnakes. I turned it into a little paradise by planting 3.99 roses from WAL-MART & snow-ball bushes & put a herb garden in the back. I played gorgeous devotional music 24 hrs a day, sang & painted while meditating on Lord Krishna. I didn't like this town much but my little shack turned into a Vrndavana for me. Turn whatever you have into paradise. You have no control over other peoples way of life. Don't concern yourself too much with what you can't change. Change, purify,& preserve your space & make that your temple.

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I do understand what and how you feel about bangalore. I am from Madras and its the same story as bangalore. I too feel like leaving madras and also left madras for US, but being in US, there is everything, but the most important thing called human values are not here. Life is so materialistic and you have to fix up appointment even to meet a friend. There is no spirituality. When I visited India after one and half year, I found madras to be paradise. there may be broken roads, crowded buses, even water scarcity, but there is humanity still, human values and morality are still there. People are friendly from heart in India. Above all, there are temples everywhere and religion is part of our day to day life with real values, while in US, even the christians have no morals and have premarital sex and virginity is a shame, (Although not everyone and there are good people also in US, but the percentage is less). ON the positive side, I like the traffic pattern in US, which I would rate as the best in the world and I hate this in Madras and other big cities in India. What to do, we have to cope up with certain things as these advancements are part of Kali yuga. But in India we have the spirituality and that keeps the soil and her sons and daughters to relish it for ever. When I go to the ISKON temples here, I feel glad and so happy to have born in India. there are many americans who like our Indian values, while some of the Indians who come from India, (Not all and this percentage is very less) become big snobs here and disrespect our values.

So there are ups and downs, positive and negative everywhere. The opposite of the field always look green, but whether it is food grain or just a useless grass is something we come to know only when we travel and see actually with our real eyes.


HOnestly after leaving India and living in materialistic country like US, I realised the value of India much better than ever and this made me much closer with God as I follow all our traditions in the way my mom and dad used to follow there. You would miss India when you are not there and there is something there that is unexplainable and I miss that every day here although there are wide roads and copious water supply here.


The value of shadow can be realised only under hot sun.



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because you are not married and can dedicate yourself to real Sadhana, anywhere you wish within India. You can stay anywhere, where you have the basic amenities (yes we are still at this level, where we think of our needs etc.), good water, serene atmosphere and is preferably in the vicinity of the temple of your Ishtadevata or Sadguru. That would be the best place. Hrishikesh may be too far and and you will be alienated from others putting your parents to worries.

Never ever think of Chennai (I am living near Chennai), because the living conditions are horrible to say the least. Apart from the oppressive heat, there is a perrenial shortage of water (the water you may get would be yellow, brown in colour), dirtiest roads during rains, ever crowded. I day, every moment I regret having chosen to work here, though not exactly in Chennai.

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and I admit, it has been a few years since Ive been there, but even seven sacred pools, even the backside between kipahula and polipoli, broken glass everywhere. Baldwin park, sprecklesville, even the surfin beaches were quite polluted.


But I stand corrected, and tip my hat to councilman nishiki for taking care of this problem.


I guess I liked my isle of big mo bettah. down milolii town, naalehu, or hamakua coast/waipio valley. Now theres some jewels fer ya

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Hmm. I don't know why you keep on being untruthfull, there are no polluted beaches on maui, and never have been. I lived in Paia for 4 years, and none of the surfing beaches were polluted, they were spotless and the water was perfect. I lived near Hana for 3 years and there was no pollution there either. I also lived in Kihei and Lahaina, so I know that you are making stuff up. The question is why ? If you came across some glass somewhere after some kids had a party, why you then insist that the place is polluted seems bizarre. Just like the earlier claim of hotels turned into welfare tenements?, makin stuff up for some weird reason.

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you act like maui is eden or something, but it has many flaws just like all the rest of the world. So you lived here and there, but when I lived there, it was by far the trashiest of all the Islands. The road bvetween baldwin and paia was trashed. mckenna was a trash heap unfit for a day in the surf. I already admitted that I was there long ago, and I also noted then that the condos in kihei were not the hot sellers they hoped they would be when they ruthlessly tore all the mango orchards down and taxed those who wished to keep their land in agriculture as if they were condos.


And I suppose you deny that the kula and makawao farmers were robbed of their water rights because fat haoles needed the water for their mansions in maui meadows. Or that hawaiians lived in squalor on sand island in lower kalihi. How about the tent cities of waimanalo, the dire poverty of palolo valley. Maybe you be one of those pakalolo growers out in huelo who goes to sleep by the sound of your neighbors M16s blastin away.


Maui has its good points, but what I said was true, factual, and not decieving in any way. I particularly liked the area between wainapanapa and huelo, keanae valley, etc. In fact, I even wrote a novel about maui, partially presented on the net at:




Give up your heaven on earth mentality and admit that your former home is just another piece of dirt in this kali yuga, a fools paradise. My intent is not to be a K-A to the HVB by proclaiming the wonders of the place, just letting the folks who read here that everything is full of the duality of material life.


So, folks, disregard this illusioned person. Moving to hawaii is not the nectar for which you are anxious, because your very body is a cancer cell waiting to spread.

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Ji, take it down a notch. In the 80's for a few years on Oahu they had a homeless problem. It's not been like that for 15 years. Prabhupada said Hawaii was like a heavenly planet, which is true. Your "glass is half empty" outlook leads you to focus on faults and then blow them way out of proportion. Anyone can tell the truth just by looking at the photo albums I posted. You seem to believe that unless a place is Goloka, with absolutely zero flaws, then it's horrid. Gimme a break, Hawaii, especially Maui and Kauai, is the playground of the rich and famous...for a reason. Thats why I want to establish a strong progressive vaisnava presence there. The negative attitude you display seems to be coming from a place of hostility. Oh brother, where for art thou ?


"One Love! One Heart!

Let's get together and feel all right.

Hear the children cryin' (One Love!);

Hear the children cryin' (One Heart!),

Sayin': give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;

Sayin': let's get together and feel all right.


Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love!);

There is one question I'd really love to ask (One Heart!):

Is there a place for the hopeless sinner,

Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?


One Love! What about the one heart? One Heart!

What about - ? Let's get together and feel all right

As it was in the beginning (One Love!);

So shall it be in the end (One Heart!),

All right!

Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;

Let's get together and feel all right.

One more thing!


Let's get together to fight this Holy Armagiddyon (One Love!),

So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One Song!).

Have pity on those whose chances grows t'inner;

There ain't no hiding place from the Father of Creation.


Sayin': One Love! What about the One Heart? (One Heart!)

What about the - ? Let's get together and feel all right.

I'm pleadin' to mankind! (One Love!);

Oh, Lord! (One Heart) Wo-ooh!


Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;

Let's get together and feel all right.

Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;

Let's get together and feel all right"





"Sun is shining, the weather is sweet

Make you want to move your dancing feet

To the rescue, here I am

Want you to know ya, where I stand


(Monday morning) here I am

Want you to know just if you can

(Tuesday evening) where I stand

(Wednesday morning) tell myself a new day is rising

(Thursday evening) get on the rise a new day is dawning

(Friday morning) here I am

(Saturday evening) want you to know just

Want you to know just where I stand


When the morning gathers the rainbow

Want you to know I'm a rainbow too

So, to the rescue here I am

Want you to know just if you can

Where I stand, know, know, know, know, know


We'll lift our heads and give JAH praises

We'll lift our heads and give JAH praises, yeah


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet now

Make you want to move your dancing feet

To the rescue, here I am

Want you to know just if you can

Where I stand, know, know, know, where I stand


Monday morning, scoo-be-doop-scoop-scoop

Tuesday evening, scoo-be-doop-scoop-scoop

Wednesday morning, scoo-be-doop-scoop-scoop

Thursday evening, scoo-be-doop-scoop-scoop

Friday morning, scoo-be-doop-scoop-scoop

Saturday evening, scoo-be-doop-scoop-scoop


So to the rescue, to the rescue, to the rescue

Awake from your sleep and slumber

Today could be your lucky number

Sun is shining and the weather is sweet"

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Mahak-I'm not tryin to get on your case, it's just that preaching in Hawaii is so important. I know there are those who would rather live in India and think they are great devotees because they do so, But Prabhupada left India.


He wanted to take Krishna to the world. There are certain devotees who think very highly of themselves because they can speak a little bengali, or sanskrit, they live in India, have elaborate deity worship, etc. They see themselves as very pukka and Brahminical, and they look down on the devotees who live in the west and who are trying to serve Prabhupada and his mission to bring Krishna to those in ignorance.


Maui is the most important place in the world to preach, it's where the world's elites hang out. So while those oh-so-perfect-brahmana vaisnavas in India spend their time thinking that by building some temple or doing some preaching, in India, is such a great thing, and makes them such great high and mighty devotees, their whole attitude I find distastefull, elitist, and self indulgent.


Preaching to the worlds elite is vastly more important then pretentious so called service in India. Look at all the huge temples in India Iskcon has made, or other Maths, has it changed anything in India ? Even a bit ? No. Iskcon and Gaudiyas are just another aspect of their religion, it really cannot help India, India's problems are not spiritual, in the sense of a lack of spiritual knowledge. India's problems are based on greed, self serving elites, Adharma. The leaders go to the temples and do their puja and their bhajan, then go on exploiting their positions for wealth and fame and following. Yet Iskcon and so many other devotees think India is a priority when it comes to "preaching". Look at the BJP and VHP, Iskcon and devotees are and were very close with the leading elites in Indian society, what came of that ? The BJP and VHP sold out India to the Globalists, the World Bank/IMF cartel, they sold India out, for a few rupees more then the millions they already had.


But, hey, they gave some of their ill gotten gain to Iskcon and other gaudiyas. Now devotees have some nice buildings and some nice land in India, nice position. Preaching in India is nothing more then begging as far as I am concerned. Real service to Prabhupada and Mahaprabhu means taking Krishna to the people who need and will appreciate what we have to give. India is a wastefull place to focus so much energy on, meanwhile the rest of the world, the preaching has practically ended. Except for Eastern Europe, and some parts of Africa, there is hardly any energy being deployed for Mahaprabhus mission, and neither of those areas have any importance in todays world.


So yeah I preach the importance of Maui, if the devotee community put the effort into Maui, that they put into looking like big big sadhu in India, then the whole world can be affected.

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I certainly cannot counter anyone who quotes bob marley, and I certainly agree that Hawaii has many good points. Srila Prabhupada liked hawaii very much, and I liked it very much as well. I left in 1978, so, like I said, I am very glad that things have changed for the better.


I am one of those who also does not appreciate Indian superiority. And I also know that Srila Prabhupada had Goloka, but chose the Bowery instead. This is the mentality of the gosthyanandi. Preaching is everything to such a person. The wealthy also need to be ministered, but when I was in hawaii, I favored the down and out. But that only goes so far. Palolo Valley folks can be reached, but the Sand Island residents may have been to far suffering where any philosophy is just more nonsense.


Kauai? I liked it, but di rock fever hits too hard on such a small place. Maui has largeness that always makes it fresh. But Isle of Big mo bettah, braddah. I was there for seven years, and never even had time to make it back to the once-visited places. Like green sands beach, the 6000 foot level above Kainalehu (kona), Pahala area (north of Hawi), the wonders of between the volcanoes. Hilo is the best city on the face of the Earth.


But Io Valley cannot be disputed, nor can the road on the backside of Kipuhulu, nor the polipoli wilderness. So, Im glad you are satisfied in your service there, good fortune to you.


"To feel it is to know the Lord".


Hare Krsna, yo brah, mahaka-shaka-malasada.

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I spent time in Hilo, it rains almost all the time, moss grows on sidewalks it's so wet. If all you want is some nice place to live, then different people will like different places, some will like the Swiss Alps, others will like the Amalfi coast, others like you will like the Big Island of Hawaii. My idea is about preaching to the worlds elites. Maui is the single wealthiest place on earth, it surpassed the French Riviera (Around Monaco) some years back. I could care less about what anyone considers their favorite place to enjoy. For preaching there is no more important people then the people who rule the world, they and their families hang out on Maui, which is a small place, cornered, we just need to trap them with Krishna's mercy.

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