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This is the way life began ????

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Times of India

Sept 11th 2004



Scientists analysing the genomes of microbes believe that they have reconstructed the pivotal event that created the one-celled organism from which all animals and plants are descended, including people. The event was the merger of two primitive bacterialtype cells into a eukaryote, the type of cell in all multicellular organisms.

Dr James A Lake, a biologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, said he had spent four years constructing the computer program that led to the analysis, published in Nature. William Martin, an expert on early life at the University of Düsseldorf in Germany, describes the work of Dr Lake’s team as a major contribution to the study of early evolution. “They have opened up a whole new field of endeavor for mathematicians and biologists to make more realistic graphs of the history of life,” Martin said.Because all living creatures are part of the single tree of life, it should in principle be possible to trace their lineages from the tree’s very root, the first cell from which all life is presumably derived. NYT News Service .


How many of you agree with what these scientists say? I definitely do not agree with Darwin's theory. As a matter of fact, Darwin disapproved his own evolution theory at his deathbed (final moments of his life on earth in the human body).

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I can definetely discuss on this topic since I have a doctoral degree in genetics and currently working on cloning, sequencing etc etc etc area of active biological research.

I have read all these theories of how life began from a bacterium and how mitochondria (power houses of the cell that aids in respiration) were originally parasites and became symbionts and this is how eucaryotes (multicellular forms) developed etc etc..All these I read to pass my examinations faithfully as said in the book. Whether it all happend or not, if you ask me, as a scientist my answer is still, I am not sure, because these are our speculations still. Its not just me, there are many scientists in the world like me who is not sure of these things, but yet these things we keep discussing in conferences.


I was about to talk this topic in this and its surprising someone already started. Today morning, I was just thinking of these theories, while I noticed that two of the rotten potatoes that I forgot in my kitchen cupboard unnoticed developed rotten worms in it. I was actually thinking, how these worms originate which is totally against any theories, because worms are classified under nematodes (invertebrates) while the bacteria that degrades the potato are prokaryotes (unicellular organisms in which the genome is naked and not protected in a proper nucleus).

Actually with science, we only speculate many things and try to find out the relative coincidence and connection between each other and build an evolution tree. while certain things appear to be right or atleast make a right sense, certain things are still unexplainable with science.


HOnestly this science can never explain That Supreme Parabrahman Shri Hari....Many good number of scientists are religious and also very sentimental. SOme accept it, while many dont accept out of their ego or not to face any shame which is again because of their self ego.

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must also have a doctoral degree in genetics. Upon him should we bestow the Nobel, while we spend our lives reverse-engineering his creations.


The only problem with science is when they leave their jurisdiction and invade the question "WHY". Even one species giving rise to the forms of another species is quite reasonable when considering the evolution of the soul.

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Brahma is beyond our Genetics and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He and His potency Saraswathi comes in miinutest forms in humans to do the present day science. Yet there are many foolish scientists who think that they themselves are God, especially large number of medical doctors i see in US. What an ego.....

Brahma's genetics is something constantly that is ever researching and his research is based on the nature of soul that it does when remaining in one body. Worst soul faces mutation in the phhysical body to pay of the debts in the form of diseases and disorder and finally understand the Lord Sreeman Narayana.

Brahma's Genetics makes soul, while our genetics just manipulate the physical structures only. So Brahma is already awarded the Nobel prize that is being born as the first son of Sreeman Narayana with all HIS blessings and teaching. Is it worth showing a torch light towards sun to illuminate the sun......

MY fellow scientists find me strange for talking about God and chanting all the time even while at work, but I make a point to tell them that He is the experiment and He is the result and we are not doing anything new.


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Brahma does not make souls, but Since Brahma is empowered by Lord Sreeman Narayana to create, as part of His research, it could be that He gets the protocol from Sree Hari on the souls and put it in different body. Brahma although is Jeeva, but His jeeva is something above our jeevas as a first son who lives for many many billions of years, yet does not forget the Lord and does not fall like us. What a big Bioloical, chemical, physical, astronomical and Genetics laboratory of Sree Hari besides having another lab that we cannot see or understand as how He make Jeevan ...Interesting...... What is that life force.....

Is it in DNA or RNA or what...How it gets switch off....and leave the body and go to another one irrespective of where it stayed earlier.

Very interesting.


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The life force may well be effected from the transcendental soul through the ahankara false-ego and mind, creating a window into one of the common biological virtual reality training platforms developed by various Brahmas.


The actual interface mechanism that links each joystick to its current virtual reality living biological identity will certainly be fascinating. Analog linked to digital, eternal linked to temporal, spirit linked to flesh: all quite inconceivable from this gamer's chair. Yet, in every byte of the virtual reality machine a floating bit represents the owner of both reality and the simulated reality. Perhaps herein lies the inconceivable capability to coordinate and syncopate the two worlds. Using this control of each atom of the simulation, the owner can effect the desired illusion to suit each player.


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