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My Name Is Mahaksa Dasa

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July 13, 2004 VNN8662


My Name Is Mahaksa Dasa




EDITORIAL, Jul 13 (VNN) — July 2004, London, England


My name is Mahaksa dasa. I am a disciple of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. But I am not the same as the Mahaksa who comments on yours and other sites.


Everywhere I go devotees say they have read my comments and I'm very tired of being held responsible for comments and views which I do not share.


I was initiated in Vrindavan in 1974. I joined in Vrindavana and opened the first temple in Bali. I also had a preaching center on the Big Island of Hawaii and am well known to many devotees around the world as I have travelled extensively all my life.


The Mahaksa who comments is not so well known to devotees personally as he left the movement shortly after joining and as far as I understand only associates with devotees by commenting on the internet. Thus most devotees think it is me. I am English by birth and he is American - but we are both musicians and have both spent long periods of time in Hawaii (though I never met him) thus it is easy to think he is me.


In fact I have a hard time persuading devotees it's not me. They often say his views are just like mine. I beg to inform you that his views are far from my own. I am very fallen and unqualified to pass comment on devotees and the movement and thus I don't do so - at least not publicly. I rather hate squabbling amonst devotees and rival guru camps or ritviks vs establishment issues. I'm certainly not interested in any of these issues. In my opinion when gazillions of cows are being killed every day and demons are destroying the earth I can't see why devotees can't get together to do the needful and rid the earth of this burden. I hate and detest any quabbling amonst devotees as I know it is very unpleasing (sic) to Lord Krishna.


Therefore I would like to distance myself from being identified with all these comments made in my name. I say this in all due respect to the other Mahaksa Prabhu as I am sure he is doing his best as he sees it. I would just like it known that it's not me as generally I think everyone thinks it is.


As a result I have taken to spelling my name Mahaaksha to differentiate myself. I'm thinking of changing my name and if there is any guru out there in any camp who would like to bless me with a new name I and Srila Prabhupada would be very pleased.




Mahaaksha dasa



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What more could I do? Only a fool talks down to my Madmax.


The latrine bit was what we call 'humour', hyperbole like 'Get thee to a nunnery'. There is no conspiracy afoot to place the British Max in a toilet. We know nothing of this fellow. And we will not abide our Max to be axed, even with pleasant corner-of-the-mouth phrases. Our British friend would do well to get a computer and read the great Maha Max before he shoots off his fingers.


I would suggest that if Maahaaksaa can't get his associates to accept his word, then he should either abandon them or change his behaviour so that they do not see him as a chronic liar.


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Haribol, Mahaaksa Das, Please accept my humble obiesancies.


In my communication with other devotees, such as Jayadwaita, Satswarupa, as well as with those who I frequently communicate with here in Cyberspace, I have always mentioned the fact that I am not the mahaksa dasa from England, nor have I ever been to Vrndavan. I hoped that when I tried to respond to you years ago on the same issue, after you published a similar letter on Chakra.org newsletter, that you knew that I already had measures in place, such as signing "mahaksadasa", etc.


Since your chakra letter, in which you linked me with devotees who I knew nothing about, or political issues that I was rather unfamiliar with, I believe I have grown, thanks greatly to those devotees who teach me daily on this internet.


I was taught to discern the truth, using the criteria of guru-shastra-sadhu. Thus, I beg Srila Prabhupada to give me a small amount of swan-like ability to separate the grain from the shaff.


As far as my views, those who have read my writings know that I have a bit of fire, that I am outspoken, etc. But the also know of my commitment to the final order of our Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupada. This final order has nothing to do with the establishment of eccliastic religions based on fragments of letters that some use to justify their own creations. The final order I speak of is Srila Prabhupada pleading with his disciples that we have unity in our diversity and that we strive to cooperate with one another.


So, yes, I have been involved in the rtvik debate, I did study the claims of poisoning, and I have placed my peers on the block and asked them all to explain themselves. This is called "scrutiny", and it is what Srila Prabhupada demands of me before I give anyone possession of my ears.


Such scrutiny has made it possible for me to get rid of all the baggage left over from youthful offence. I have come to appreciate all those who utter the names of Krsna out of habit, and do not consider at all where the go to school or even where they teach school. I recognize the Gurus of ISKCON as bonafide gurus to their disciples, and also recognize those contemporaries of mine who have formed their own schools as bonafide gurus of therir disciples.


I still have problems with philosophies, and will debate at any time regardless of your name (which I would be aghast if you attempted to have it changed, because Srila Prabhupada gave you that name. Did you ever think that Srila Prabhupada named us the same because we did share many of the same traits, ie songwriter, musicianship, residents of hawaii, friends of famous people, etc.) But I will not have anything to do with any who, as a custom, vilify the disciples and followers of Srila Prabhupada. I dont care if one is rtvik, GBC supporter, GM, or independent follower of a godbrother of mine who accfepts his own disciple. I use the old baseball rule. First time they make offence, strike one, second time, strike two, third time, you are out of my life. In otherwise, debate is for philosophy, there is no debate about the integrity or spiritual standing of those fortunate enough, like ourselves, to have stumbled onto these matchless gifts.


So, in closing, I invite you to write here and wherever I write, debate me, but there is no need for any of us to distance each other if cooperation is our goal to please Srila Prabhupada. What if Srila Prabhupada is sitting in the vyasasana of my heart, and you distance yourself from me (or this scenario, vis a vis). What an unfortunate miscalculation.


Anyway, as always, I wish you well. ys mahaksadasa

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Haribol. I do not think Im worth supporting, but I would not call gHari's comments "nasty". This is a normal reaction against unwarranted attacks against Vaisnavas (again, Im not self serving in this regard.)


Mahaaksa Das writes:


"As a result I have taken to spelling my name Mahaaksha to differentiate myself. I'm thinking of changing my name and if there is any guru out there in any camp who would like to bless me with a new name I and Srila Prabhupada would be very pleased."


mahaksadasa comment: what is being said here, and is there any reason a vaisnava would not take issue, like gHari has done. First of all, this devotee is lamenting because he was given a particular name by Srila Prabhupada. (FYI, in checking the official ISKCON records, I was given the name "mahaksadasa" prior to Mahaksa das initiation, by a few months, not that it matters, and I was "famous" on the big island and maui before Mahaksa das' arrival there.)


There are thousands willing to accept any and every philosophy in order to get a name from Srila Prabhupada, including accepting names from folks less advanced than the prospective initiate. And this devotee is saddened by the name he was given, thinking a mistake has been made, thinking that Srila Prabhupada would become his servant and rename him because another has stolen his thunder because of Prabhupada's mistake?


So, the other Mahaksa das has some explaining to do. He says "I'm thinking of changing my name and if there is any guru out there in any camp who would like to bless me with a new name I and Srila Prabhupada would be very pleased."

Anybody, help me, I dislike the devotee that has internet fame, and Prabhupada would approve of anyone, from any school, please, give me another name.


Im sorry, I wrote a nice article to him and sent to VNN (which I dont read nor write for, for my own reasons), and it can be seen above, but I agree with gHari's nastiness here.


And its not because me and gHari are friends (which we are, very much so). In fact, gHari and myself were at opposite sides of an issue and argued very strongly a few years back on the Xena issue. But if any of yall were publically addressed in a similar manner, and great pains were taken by another to distance themselves from you, Id be just as nasty, maybe a bit more sardinic.


Hare Krsna, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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I don't see where he commited such a big offense to you in his letter. For someone such as your good self who has often called others names, devotees and others, I would expect you to toughen your own skin up a bit. I don't recall him suggesting that you be placed in a toilet. All your talk about respect to devotees is fine but I would also think you might be inclined to extend that respect to him.


If he wants to change his name for any reason I would think that to be his perogative. As for the little riff between you and he over this I really have no interest.

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You have no sense of humour. That latrine impostor gag was funny as hell. I'm still laughing. No one was taking that letter seriously. It was sham from start to finish.


You don't see offense in the letter? Then you are blind; your opinions meaningless. You see neither humour nor offense, so I would suggest that your comprehension skills are severely stilted, and since you have no interest anyway, then I would recommend that you not bother having an opinion at all. You obviously have no idea what is going on.


I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to change the name that he received from Srila Prabhupada under any circumstance, especially over anything MahaMax would have said. The references to internet writings in the shameless letter bore no resemblance at all to the Mahaksadas I know. It all seemed quite contrived, with an arrogance only partially hidden unskillfully in semi-polite one-upmanship.


And I'm sure our British Mahaaksha das is "doing his best as he sees it" ... but his best just ain't good enough. His best was simply bush league, Mickey Mouse, unfitting, an unfortunate miscalculation.


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Haribol, folks, and howzit, bb, long time, hope you be well. Guest writes:


"I don't see where he commited such a big offense to you in his letter. For someone such as your good self who has often called others names, devotees and others, I would expect you to toughen your own skin up a bit. I don't recall him suggesting that you be placed in a toilet. All your talk about respect to devotees is fine but I would also think you might be inclined to extend that respect to him.


If he wants to change his name for any reason I would think that to be his perogative. As for the little riff between you and he over this I really have no interest. "


mahaksadasa: Who said he committed offence to me? It certainly wasnt me, it was just a sad display of faLSE identity that was concerning. Why write such a letter? Srila Prabhupada has given many devotees the same name, why is he so concerned.


If you accuse me of name calling, it would be better for you to say exactly where I have done this.


If you do not think my letter to him is not extending respect, perhaps you should show how disrespect is evident. Maybe you are ticked off because I said in the subsequent letter (above) that I am a bit apalled for him to invoke imagined support from Srila Prabhupada for his name change by anyone from any school. Maybe he is the one who shows no respect, thinking that Srila Prabhupada is his disciple who will gladly join his bandwagon against another of his disciples.


Actually, if you read carefully, maybe you wont jump to these conclusions and knee jerk responses.


Also, there is no riff between two folks who do not know each other. I asked him to debate whatever issues he thinks are so important that he has to go to such lengths to PUBLICALLY disassociate himself from me. Not just once, he also did the same thing four years ago on Chakra.org newsletter. This is not my idea, to get in a frizzy and write to VNN, saying "My Name is Mahaksa dasa", as if i am somehow not valid. Im not offended by this because I never said I was. It is his fame he is worried about, my fame is quite intact. No one offends me by asking if I am he, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, even if he is in a state of complete forgetfulness, is not an embarassment to me.


As far as "My name is Mahaksa das" goes, so is mine. I am the first disciple of Srila Prabhupada named mahaksadasa, so maybe he can call himself mahaksa II or something. But maybe he is hating mahaksa and does not want to be his dasa anymore.


As far as thick skin goes, I am rhino. I certaqinly dont get riled by anonymous writers, devotees worried about their false prestiege. I just went thru serious sessions with commanders, captains, commodores and admirals of the US Navy, JAGs, civilian administrative Judges, Gordan England, SECNAV, the heads of no less that two DC agency heads. etc. And I lost everything, except one thing. I was right, they were wrong. My skin is thick, but my newfound extreme poverty may cause a little weight loss.


And I coulda won in US Circuit Court of Appeals. Had three capable trial lawyers ready to take my case for free, but I rejected them, for one reason, that is, over4endeavor for material things is a detriment to krsna consciousness. On the same principle, I request the famous mahaksa das, of england, who knows paul mc cartney, get over it, dont let your imagined enemy get in the way of your devotional service.


By the way, we all have the same last name, "Dasa". It is the only name that matters.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


ps bb, write me at mahaksa_d@hotmail.com. Your mailbox has been full (meaning youve been away).

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Haribol. Much ado over collections of zeroes. Neither one of us has any significance at all. Cant even keep a topic alive. yawn. Gnight. ys, mahaksadasa (the lesser)

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