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Which of the lilas of Lord Sri Krishna is considered the most beautiful?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Radhe Krishna,


Smarane sukam.


1.That on being born having shown his chathurbuja to devaki vasudeva and then appeared like any other manushya shishu

2.Poothana Moksham

3.Shakatasura Bhanjanam

4.Thrunavartha moksham

5.Agha bhaga prana vimochanam

6.Navaneetha choram

7.Kalia Narthanam

8.Brahma vimohanam

9.Gopi Vasthrapaharanam


11.Yagnya pathni udharanam




14.Kuvalaya hatham

15.Malla chanoora Bhanjanam

16.Kamsa Vadham

17.Dwaraka nirmanam

17.Rukmini parinayam / Ashtamahishi vivaham

18.Pradyumna Aniruddha vivaham

19.Narakasura vadam

20.Rukmini pranaya kalaham


22.Uddhava sandesham


20.Santhana gopalam



I have left many leelas which I could not remember instantly. Every leela from the time he gave darshan to Devaki Vasudeva till he disappeared at prabhasa Kshethra are sweet. One can again and again read them hear them enjoy them.


"Vaama bahu krutha vaama kapolo valgitha bruradhararpitha venum

Komalangulibhirashritha margam gopya irayathi yathra mukundaha"


Radhe Krishna

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hare Krishna


I want to tell one of the Lila which strikes my mind very much.


When Pandavs were spending their time in Exile Rishi Durvasa came to visit them, with his group of Rishis. He said he would have food after having bath. But Pandavas had eaten till then and even otherwise had very limited food since they were living in forests like nomads.


Draupadi checked all the pots and she just found one grain of rice. Then she meditated on Sri Krishna for a moment and here he is Lord Krishna. He then very cleverly told that Draupadi I am very hungry. Draupadi very humbly offered the grain of rice to Krishna. Krishna ate it and said it is too much and fed the Brahmins including Rishi Durvasa and thus Pandavas were saved from this ordeal. Thus when Lord is offered with heart he fills the belly of the whole world (But this is possible only when he is on this earth.)


Hare Krishna

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Radhe Krishna,

A few rasika additions to the above episode.

Draupadi was not such a careless housewife to clean vessels in such a way that something is still left out in the vessel. she cleaned it properly. When she felt she was in trouble, she thought of keshava. keshavam klesha nashanam.

krishna came there. he told her draupadi, i am very hundgry. give me some food to eat. draupadi told him, oh! my lord, i am sorry. i have just cleaned the vessels. nothing would be there.

but krishna told her, pl see something should have left. even if i get a bit of a remain of letuce, it would suffice. she went and found the remain of a piece of letuce. It was but krishna sankalpa.


Radhe krishna

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  • 4 weeks later...

The remedy that Lord Krishna prescribed for the injustice that society does to women.

Narakasura had raped thousands of women and imprisoned them. Narakasura's arrogance and tyranny crossed all limits. Then for establishing peace <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> killed him. Freeing those unfortunate princesses, <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> informed their parents, not even one came forward to take them back. After many days in the custody of Narakasura, no prince - not even the humblest man will take their hand in marriage. In such circumstances, there is no alternative but suicide. Together all these ladies approached <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> for shelter. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> invited all the princes of the world and asked them to marry these princesses. Everyone turned down <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>'s request. Krishna assured the princesses that they could find shelter in Dwaraka.They argued with <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> that they could also get food, clothing and shelter in Narakasura's prison but this will not bring them back to have social status.Falling at Krishna's feet, these princesses request <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> to save their honor by accepting them. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> respected these souls and married them. By accepting these princesses Krishna showed the world that it is not the body of a woman that was the woman, that a woman has a soul too. Though imprisoned in the body, the soul does not become a prisoner. Even if the body is thrown into stinking hell, its sin does not rub off on the soul. Just because the body has been forcibly enjoyed the soul is not fallen. If the soul finds the means of salvation and follows the path of light, then it is without any mark, free, pure. Where souls unite, bodily relations become a minor matter. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> loved their souls and they are all lovers of HIS soul.

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