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Honest question about the credibility of Hindus

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Maybe, we didn't hit it off quite so well, so let me try again. I am being very sincere, okay? When Hindus claim to be an ancient race, that they've contributed to math, astronomy, medicine etc., it is hardly believable. Look at most hindus of today. They are backward, can't read or write or do simple arithmetic. So how is it possible to believe that hindus have achieved all that in the past? COme on, you know I am making an awful lot of sense here, so dont brush it aside. I just want to know, so I can start respecting them. Only then can i take their religon seriously, perhaps tolerate it. Sorry if I've offended anyone, but westerners must've had similar doubts about the 'lowly character' of hindus before surrendering. To be honest, you guys must've also had doubts whether anything good can ever come out of India/hinduism, for they are, for the most part, clueless. A rational explanation would put things in perspective, and I might be able to understand better, which is good for both of us. But i dont want personal attacks, I am too sensitive.



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Ahmed, all you really have to do is a little research. For example, when I grew up as a kid in the 1950s, we learned two kinds of numerals: Arabic and Roman. It's not hard to find that the "Arabic" numerals--the original ones from which Westerners derive the modern Arabic numerals--are identical to Sanskrit numerals. Zero was invented by Hindus, and that's widely acknowledged (ever take any math?). All it takes is for you to check it out yourself with an open mind, and you'll see that Hindu culture was very rich in the same ways Medieval Arabic culture was. Westerners fail to acknowledge the richness of Arabic and hindu cultures, just as many Muslims can't see much value in Western or Hindu culture, or Hindus see Western and Arabic cultures as barbaric and backwards. It's simply narrowmindedness, maybe even xenophobia. There's just no room for that kind of nonsense in the world today. The result? What you see on the news every night: strife in the Middle East, war in Iraq, terrorism in Saudi Arabia, terrorism between Muslims and Hindus in Kashmir (perpetrated by both sides), etc. ad nauseum.


Don't believe us just because we say so; find out for yourself.

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You'll probably be even more suprised when you do a little research and find the depth of Hindu culture, just as most honest Westerners are aghast to find the richness and depth of Arabic/Muslim culture.


BTW, I'm a middle-aged American man who has been teaching at universities and colleges for the last 15 years. I don't consider myself a Hindu (a vague, somewhat difficult concept to define), nor would many Hindus consider me one of them.

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Look at most hindus of today. They are backward, can't read or write or do simple arithmetic.


Such people are there in all cultures. There are many hindus who are illiterate. There are many Muslims who are illiterate. There are many Christians who are illiterate. Whatever religious group you take, there are many in that group who are illiterate. Not only that, there are many atheists and agnostics who are illiterate.


So how is it possible to believe that hindus have achieved all that in the past?


Not only hindus make such a claim. Many researchers have concluded based on their research that India had a very rich culture. It is not that those researchers are all Hindus. Many of them are not.

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Why argue? let us go into specifics....


The ancient scriptures contain verses following strict mathematical standards (Chandas) called meters, there are several meters, are there such methodical compositions in the Bible/Koran/...?.


The interpretation of scriptures vary and are based on STRONG logic, even today logical debates happen between predominant schools of thought which validate their logic periodically; anythnig based on faulty logic disappears with time, so it is an evolution.


Structure of Sanskrit


Words in the vedas can be understood as composition of sounds, each sound represents something and all the sounds add up to provide the meaning of the whole word(Is this possible in Latin/Hebrew/Arabic?)


The Hindu philosophy is based on logic, "non-violent" arguments among schools, such a culture fosters creativity.





As in all relegions, people not involved in the core philosophy often depend on blind-faith.


UNfortunately when there is Poverty due to circumstances beyond control, people worry about food and other basic stuff rather than literacy, so to measure hindus, you need to look at the middle-class and upper or expatriates in the US. Do I need to speak about the exploits of the middle and upper class Hindus?

It is hoped that the economic growth will reach the less fortunate in years to come.


Another thing is that I am rather surprised that you arbitrarily claim "They are backward, can't read or write or do simple arithmetic", ever heard of India's advances in technology with a fraction of resources, growth in literacy rate?


I'll stop at that by saying that the basic misconception about Hindus is based on information structured by western scholars during the British rule to weaken Indian spiritual thought so that it is easier to spread Western ideas(one of which could be Christianity).


Please come to specifics rather than a blanket assumption that Hindus are backward, worship animals, forms without understanding the basic meaning of Hindusim. To be fair, I do not say all muslims are like Taleban, I respect the fact that God as Allah is given such an supreme position in Islam. I do not also say arbitrarily that Jehad means kidnapping and beheading innocents.

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HAre Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Friend....for your information, saints from ancient Vedic Culture, according to the scriptures, were contemplating the speed of atom from pointA to B. This is just as example. But again, one has to understand the essence of it all, Vedas ultimate goal is about Love of God and not material science, math and chemistry and that is why one would not see much emphasis about material science. Its all spiritual.

Neverthlesss, the ancient vediac civilization was advanced in more ways than one. yes, you should have an open mind before you try to understand other philosophies and stuff.

The proper way for enquiry is to do a research first by yourself and then ask questions accordingly. You dont ask questions to others without any knowledge of that subject for you will not understand anyways because you are ignorant in that particular subject matter.


So, my suggestion, first do the base study and then question.





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Historically India had been the wealthiest country in the wrold for millenia until the muslims, mongols, and British pillaged all the wealth.


Since ancient time India had been the center of world trade, merchants from the far east and the west would converge on India, they were the middlemen of world trade.


During the age of the European explorers the quest was for a direct route to India, Columbus called the natives he found in the caribbean "indians" , he thought at first he had finally been the one to find the prize.


They all had as their common goal the finding of a short route to India, this is why the age of explorers existed.


Why India ?


For millenia India was known for it's extravagent wealth, palaces covered in jewels, people wearing silk clothes, eating off of gold plates, eating rich spicy food, using highly crafted manufactured goods, beautiful architecture, advanced science and medicine, etc.


European and arab and chinese travelers to India wouild write of their travels, people in their home countries were stunned and mesmerized by the fabled land of Sind, India was known as a Shangri-la to the rest of the world, and it was.


While the rest of the world was living in goat skin tents, or simlar rugged conditions, or living in sun baked brick housing, the "harappan" Sarasvati river culture had planned cities built on grids, indoor plimbing, fire kilned brick housing (important if you want a rain resistant building), irrgation for mass farming, and a thriving world trade, merchant trade seals from India have been found all over the middle east, in sumerian archealogical digs going back over 5,000 years, in the persian gulf states, even as far away as Scandnavia Indian money shells from Laksmidvipa, or the money islands have been found.


Indian merchants had moved out around the world and had created a world wide merchant financial system that was to last up until modern times, the famous trade routes by land and sea all converged on India, from China and south east asia Indian merchants plied the seas, those countries became hinduized, Angkor Wat and many other Hindu city states were built all over south east asia,even today the culture of south east asia is based on the Ramayana [Ramakien in thailand] and Mahabharata, Bali in Indonesia is the last fully hindu place left in south east asia, but until buddhism came the entire region was Hindu. Viet Nam was known as Champa and was a Shiva worshipping culture, all of south east asia was made up of hindu states, Angkor Wat in Cambodia being the most famous.


In the middle east the Hindus also had a strong presence, the Kaaba in Mecca was a hindu temple, the people of Arabia before the rise of Islam were called Tsbists, this is a word for Saivites.


This poem was written by Labi-Bin-E- Akhtab-Bin-E-Turfa who lived in Arabia around 1850 B.C. This verse can be found in Sair- Ul-Okul which is an anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It was compiled in 1742 AD under order of the Turkish Sultan Salim.


"Aya muwarekal araj yushaiya noha

minar HIND-e

Wa aradakallaha

manyonaifail jikaratun"


"Oh the divine land of HIND (India)

(how) very blessed art thou!

Because thou art the chosen

of God blessed with knowledge"


"Wahalatijali Yatun ainana sahabi

akha-atun jikra Wahajayhi yonajjalur

-rasu minal HINDATUN "

"That celestial knowledge which like

four lighthouses shone in such

brilliance - through the (utterances of)

Indian sages in fourfold abundance."

"Yakuloonallaha ya ahal araf alameen


Fattabe-u jikaratul VEDA bukkun

malam yonajjaylatun"

"God enjoins on all humans,

follow with hands down

The path the Vedas with his divine

precept lay down."

"Wahowa alamus SAMA wal YAJUR

minallahay Tanajeelan

Fa-e-noma ya akhigo mutiabay-an

Yobassheriyona jatun"

"Bursting with (Divine) knowledge

are SAM &YAJUR bestowed on creation,

Hence brothers respect and

follow the Vedas, guides to salvation"

"Wa-isa nain huma RIG ATHAR nasayhin


Wa asant Ala-udan wabowa masha -e-ratun"

"Two others, the Rig and Athar teach us

fraternity, Sheltering under their

lustre dispels darkness till eternity"



Hindu culture was very much alive just before the birth of Muhammad. Again let's refer to the Sair-Ul-Okul. The following poem was written by Jirrham Bintoi who lived 165 years before the prophet Muhammed. It is in praise of India's great King Vikramaditya who had lived 500 years before Bintoi.



"Itrasshaphai Santul

Bikramatul phehalameen Karimun

Bihillahaya Samiminela

Motakabbenaran Bihillaha

Yubee qaid min howa

Yaphakharu phajgal asari

nahans Osirim Bayjayholeen

Yaha sabdunya Kanateph natephi

bijihalin Atadari Bilala masaurateen

phakef Tasabahu. Kaunni eja majakaralhada

walhada Achimiman, burukan, Kad, Toluho

watastaru Bihillaha yakajibainana

baleykulle amarena

Phaheya jaunabil amaray Bikramatoon"


- (Sair-ul-Okul, Page 315)




"Fortunate are those who were born

during King Vikram's reign, he was

a noble generous, dutiful ruler devoted

to the welfare of his subjects. But at

that time, We Arabs oblivious of divinity

were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting

& torture were rampant. The darkness of

ignorance had enveloped our country.

Like the lamb struggling for its life

in the cruel jaws of a wolf, we Arabs

were gripped by ignorance. The whole

country was enveloped in a darkness as

intense as on a New moon night. But the

present dawn & pleasant sunshine of

education is the result of the favor of

that noble king Vikram whose benevolence

did not lose sight of us foreigners as we

were. He spread his sacred culture amongst

us and sent scholars from his own land

whose brilliance shone like that of the sun

in our country. These scholars & preceptors

through whose benevolence we were once again

made aware of the presence of god, introduced

to his secret knowledge & put on the road to

truth, had come to our country to initiate us

in that culture & impart education."


Muhammad's own uncle, Umar-Bin-E-Hassham was a staunch Hindu and fervent devotee of Lord Shiva. He was a renowned poet and wrote many verses in praise of Shiva. One of these has survived on page 235 of Sair-Ul-Okul and reads as follows:



Kafavomal fikra min ulumin Tab asayru

Kaluwan amataul Hawa was Tajakhru

We Tajakhayroba udan Kalalwade-E Liboawa

Walukayanay jatally, hay Yauma Tab asayru

Wa Abalolha ajabu armeeman MAHADEVA

Manojail ilamuddin minhum wa sayattaru

Wa Sahabi Kay-yam feema-Kamil MINDAY Yauman

Wa Yakulum no latabahan foeennak Tawjjaru

Massayaray akhalakan hasanan Kullahum

Najumum aja- at Summa gabul HINDU



which translates as:



The man who may spend his life in sin

and irreligion or waste it in lechery and wrath

If at least he relent and return to

righteousness can he be saved?

If but once he worship Mahadeva with a pure

heart, he will attain the ultimate in spirituality.

Oh Lord Shiva exchange my entire life for but

a day's sojourn in India where one attains salvation.

But one pilgrimage there secures for one all

merit and company of the truly great.



The modern problems of India came about due to the British, they stole all of India's remaining wealth, the moguls [muslim mongols] had been robbing India blind for centuries before them, Irans peacock throne, Englands crown jewels, all stolen from India.


For over 500 years India was ruled by invaders, they systematically robbed India of its famous wealth, today India is the result of this rape and pillage, both the British and Muslim empires were built completely on the wealth stolen from India, jewels, gold, silks, etc.

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Thanks. I am not replying to anyone in particular. I am not denying that Hindus have invented all that. I know all about their achievements in math, astronomy etc., but I am simply wondering how they could've degraded to the level of africans, if they'd been so superior long time ago. That's my question, I am not asking for proof of their contributions, cuz I dont deny them. The reason why I said no one would believe it is just for the sake of emphasis. But my real query revolves around how and why they've degraded so astonishingly. It is so hard to believe that the third-rate Indians of today could've had ancestors who calculated the value of pi or built monuments once upon a time.

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Why do you think Hindus have degraded. I dont understand that statement. What in your view is defined as degradation. There are many Indians from Hindu religion who have excelled in thier field of profession. Again, this is a material thing. Also, there spiritual giants. All of them from Hindu background. All of them contemporary.

Tell me, based on what account are you summing up every Hindu uncivilised. There are bad people in every sect and every part. One cannot generalize everybody based on the actions of a few.

If thats the presumption to your hypothesis, then muslims according to me are barbarians and hooligans. Just see what chaos they are creaing in the world. I dont have to elaborate on that. But I never came to that conclusion that muslims are like that. This is because I dont judge the Muslim community for the actions of a few. Thats wrong.

So if you say, Hindus have degraded, you need to prove your statement by proof of what is degradation and where do Hindus fit into.





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SB 10.1.4

Glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is performed in the parampara system; that is, it is conveyed from spiritual master to disciple. Such glorification is relished by those no longer interested in the false, temporary glorification of this cosmic manifestation. Descriptions of the Lord are the right medicine for the conditioned soul undergoing repeated birth and death. Therefore, who will cease hearing such glorification of the Lord except a butcher or one who is killing his own self?



In India it is the practice among the general populace to hear about Krsna, either from Bhagavad-gita or from srimad-Bhagavatam, in order to gain relief from the disease of repeated birth and death. Although India is now fallen, when there is a message that someone will speak about Bhagavad-gita or srimad-Bhagavatam, thousands of people still gather to hear. This verse indicates, however, that such recitation of Bhagavad-gita and srimad-Bhagavatam must be done by persons completely freed from material desires (nivrtta-tarsaih). Everyone within this material world, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, is full of material desires for sense enjoyment, and everyone is busy in sense gratification, but when thus engaged one cannot fully understand the value of krsna-katha, either in the form of Bhagavad-gita or in srimad-Bhagavatam.


If we hear the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead from liberated persons, this hearing will certainly free us from the bondage of material activities, but hearing srimad-Bhagavatam spoken by a professional reciter cannot actually help us achieve liberation. Krsna-katha is very simple. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As He Himself explains, mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya: “O Arjuna, there is no truth superior to Me.” (Bg. 7.7) Simply by understanding this fact—that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead—one can become a liberated person. But, especially in this age, because people are interested in hearing Bhagavad-gita from unscrupulous persons who depart from the simple presentation of Bhagavad-gita and distort it for their personal satisfaction, they fail to derive the real benefit. There are big scholars, politicians, philosophers and scientists who speak on Bhagavad-gita in their own polluted way, and people in general hear from them, being uninterested in hearing the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead from a devotee. A devotee is one who has no other motive for reciting Bhagavad-gita and srimad-Bhagavatam than to serve the Lord. sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore advised us to hear the glories of the Lord from a realized person (bhagavata paro diya bhagavata sthane). Unless one is personally a realized soul in the science of Krsna consciousness, a neophyte should not approach him to hear about the Lord, for this is strictly forbidden by srila Sanatana Gosvami, who quotes from the Padma Purana:



putam hari-kathamrtam

sravanam naiva kartavyam

sarpocchistam yatha payah


One should avoid hearing from a person not situated in Vaisnava behavior. A Vaisnava is nivrtta-trsna; that is, he has no material purpose, for his only purpose is to preach Krsna consciousness. So-called scholars, philosophers and politicians exploit the importance of Bhagavad-gita by distorting its meaning for their own purposes. Therefore this verse warns that krsna-katha should be recited by a person who is nivrtta-trsna. sukadeva Gosvami epitomizes the proper reciter for srimad-Bhagavatam, and Pariksit Maharaja, who purposefully left his kingdom and family prior to meeting death, epitomizes the person fit to hear it. A qualified reciter of srimad-Bhagavatam gives the right medicine (bhavausadhi) for the conditioned souls. The Krsna consciousness movement is therefore trying to train qualified preachers to recite srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita throughout the entire world, so that people in general in all parts of the world may take advantage of this movement and thus be relieved of the threefold miseries of material existence.


The instructions of Bhagavad-gita and the descriptions of srimad-Bhagavatam are so pleasing that almost anyone suffering from the threefold miseries of material existence will desire to hear the glories of the Lord from these books and thus benefit on the path of liberation. Two classes of men, however, will never be interested in hearing the message of Bhagavad-gita and srimad-Bhagavatam—those who are determined to commit suicide and those determined to kill cows and other animals for the satisfaction of their own tongues. Although such persons may make a show of hearing srimad-Bhagavatam at a Bhagavata-saptaha, this is but another creation of the karmis, who cannot derive any benefit from such a performance. The word pasu-ghnat is important in this connection. pasu-ghna means “butcher.” Persons fond of performing ritualistic ceremonies for elevation to the higher planetary systems must offer sacrifices (yajnas) by killing animals. Lord Buddhadeva therefore rejected the authority of the Vedas because his mission was to stop animal sacrifices, which are recommended in Vedic ritualistic ceremonies.


nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam

sa-daya-hrdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam

kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira jaya jagadisa hare



Even though animal sacrifices are sanctioned in Vedic ceremonies, men who kill animals for such ceremonies are considered butchers. Butchers cannot be interested in Krsna consciousness, for they are already materially allured. Their only interest lies in developing comforts for the temporary body.




vyavasayatmika buddhih

samadhau na vidhiyate


“In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination of devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place.” (Bg. 2.44) srila Narottama dasa thakura says:


manusya-janama paiya, radha-krsna na bhajiya,

janiya suniya visa khainu


Anyone who is not Krsna conscious and who therefore does not engage in the service of the Lord is also pasu-ghna, for he is willingly drinking poison. Such a person cannot be interested in krsna-katha because he still has a desire for material sense gratification; he is not nivrtta-trsna. As it is said, traivargikas te purusa vimukha hari-medhasah. Those interested in trivarga—that is, in dharma, artha and kama—are religious for the sake of achieving a material position with which to gain better facilities for sense gratification. Such persons are killing themselves by willingly keeping themselves in the cycle of birth and death. They cannot be interested in Krsna consciousness.


For krsna-katha, topics about Krsna consciousness, there must be a speaker and a hearer, both of whom can be interested in Krsna consciousness if they are no longer interested in material topics. One can actually see how this attitude automatically develops in persons who are Krsna conscious. Although the devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement are quite young men, they no longer read materialistic newspapers, magazines and so on, for they are no longer interested in such topics (nivrtta-tarsaih). They completely give up the bodily understanding of life. For topics concerning Uttamasloka, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the spiritual master speaks, and the disciple hears with attention. Unless both of them are free from material desires, they cannot be interested in topics of Krsna consciousness. The spiritual master and disciple do not need to understand anything more than Krsna because simply by understanding Krsna and talking about Krsna, one becomes a perfectly learned person (yasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavati). The Lord sits within everyone’s heart, and by the grace of the Lord the devotee receives instructions directly from the Lord Himself, who says in Bhagavad-gita (15.15):


sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto

mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca

vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo

vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham


“I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known; indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.” Krsna consciousness is so exalted that one who is perfectly situated in Krsna consciousness, under the direction of the spiritual master, is fully satisfied by reading krsna-katha as found in srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita and similar Vedic literatures. Since merely talking about Krsna is so pleasing, we can simply imagine how pleasing it is to render service to Krsna.


When discourses on krsna-katha take place between a liberated spiritual master and his disciple, others also sometimes take advantage of hearing these topics and also benefit. These topics are the medicine to stop the repetition of birth and death. The cycle of repeated birth and death, by which one takes on different bodies again and again, is called bhava or bhava-roga. If anyone, willingly or unwillingly, hears krsna-katha, his bhava-roga, the disease of birth and death, will certainly stop. Therefore krsna-katha is called bhavausadha, the remedy to stop the repetition of birth and death. Karmis, or persons attached to material sense enjoyment, generally cannot give up their material desires, but krsna-katha is such a potent medicine that if one is induced to hear krsna-kirtana, he will certainly be freed from this disease. A practical example is Dhruva Maharaja, who at the end of his tapasya was fully satisfied. When the Lord wanted to give Dhruva a benediction, Dhruva refused it. Svamin krtartho’smi varam na yace. “My dear Lord,” he said, “I am fully satisfied. I do not ask for any benediction for material sense gratification.” We actually see that even young boys and girls in the Krsna consciousness movement have given up their long practice of bad habits like illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. Because Krsna consciousness is so potent that it gives them full satisfaction, they are no longer interested in material sense gratification.

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why do you people even waste time responding to this ahmed guy? he is SO obviously a common troll. otherwise why would he post his "sincere" (LOL!!!!) question an 5 or 6 different forums on this site? he always comes up with offensive "questions" (this is his n-th thread denigrating vedic culture, Hindus and hinduism) and displays the learning capacity of a senile monkey.

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hello i am a hindu and religious. however i have many muslim friends and we have friendly debates about religion, however i back up y i believe hindusim is the one true religion, oldest, many similar writings to christianity and places around the world which show the presence of god and godesses as i have myself. however i find it difficult to research any scientific information and proof other than what i have seen and what is proven(i.e reincarnation) i have knowledge of the Gita but not of the vedas. could any1 help expand on this topic? as we know many muslims were hindus before the moguls. i do not attempt to discriminate any religion but to learn the truth about hindusim.

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I have similar questions myself although i come from a different background. i have noticed before that people have a hard time replying because hinduism seems so hard to easily define. To me it appears to be very vast and contains schools that are of different conclusions.


Let's see where this goes.

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I once traveled to India and found the people very annoying. They were boorish, uncultured. It was adisgusting experience. Not one person displayed any trace of spiritualism.



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I tend to agree with Kulapavana, Ahmed's comments are prejudiced, offensive and his identity is suspect(does'nt seem to a muslim interested in other relegions).


The original question was about Hinduism not India, this is a forum on the former, not a forum about India. A troll can be beneficial to a forum if new knowledge is generated but this troll seems to be shifting focus to irrelavant directions.



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When you go to a country and meet people there, your experience with them depends not only on how they behave with you but also on your expectations, your pre-conceived notions and your behaviour with them.

Many people come to India from other countries. They have different experiences to tell. There are some who, like you, talk about negative expereinces and there are some who say that they found Indians as very loving and cultured. Even before meeting some people, if you have the notion that you will find them boorish and uncultured, then whatever way you find them bheaving, you will interprete their actions in such a way that your preconceived notions seem to be correct.

There are people who have various kinds of expectations from the inhabitants of the place they visit. If those expectations are not met, then the visitors consider the inhabitants as uncultured. They do not see how they themselves are behaving. They do not see the problems of those whom they expect to do certain things.

You have written that not one person displayed any trace of spiritualism. Majority of those who visit various countries have called the people of India as more spiritual than those of any other country in the world. I am not just making up. Just read the experiences of those who have visited India in newspapers and other sources and you will see for yourself. The percentage of people, like you, who say that they did not find any trace of spiritualism is too small. Your experience may be because you just happened to meet those who have nothing to do with spiritualism. Or, more likely, it may be because you have your meaning of spiritualism which they did not share.

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