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If a spiritual master is not properly authorized and only on his own initiative

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I know what you mean. So we're better off not trying to preach to those who tell us to stuff it. It's probably more effective to be kind to them and show them the value of Gaudiya Vaishnavism by our example. That's exactly how Nityananda Prabhu got Jagai and Madhai. They were impervious to His preaching (!), but were so profoundly moved by His example of Krishna conscious compassion that they changed their lives on the spot.

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Babhru, your relationship with James is a beautiful story. "Be guru and deliver the land." Very natural. Supersoul will arrange for the teacher and student to meet based on their mutual qualifications.


I liked the point of how you were being exposed to new waters along with James. Maybe easier for you because of your training as an educator, but cetainly something all may go through this birth or the next.


That's the sacrifice. The cross of Christ in our lives. We have so many personal concerns but then God brings someone who needs help to you. The choice is to ignore them and concentrate on one's own issues or to die to those smaller issues and render aid. If we accept the later it means moving out into unfamilar waters.

"I die daily"-Paul. That takes excercising of some faith. That faith then becomes strengthened. Gradually growing and then Krsna may bring others to you and arrange your life so that you are capable of rendering even more help. A process for both teacher and student that leads to absolute purity for both in Krsna consciousness. Then I imagine things will get even more interesting as one's potency is unmixed.


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SB 10.20.12

With their wealth of grains, the fields gave joy to the farmers. But those fields created remorse in the hearts of those who were too proud to engage in farming and who failed to understand how everything is under the control of the Supreme.



It is common for people living in large cities to become miserable and disgusted when there is ample rainfall. They do not understand or have forgotten that the rain is nourishing the crops they will eat. Although they certainly enjoy eating, they do not appreciate that with the rain the Supreme Lord is feeding not only human beings but also plants, animals and the earth itself.


Modern, sophisticated people often look down their noses at those engaged in agricultural work. In fact, in American slang, a simple, unintelligent person is sometimes called “a farmer.” There are also government agencies that restrict agricultural production because certain capitalists fear the effect on market prices. Because of various artificial and manipulative practices in modern governments, we find widespread food shortages throughout the world—even in the United States, among the poverty-stricken—and at the same time we find the governments paying farmers not to plant crops. Sometimes these governments throw huge amounts of food into the ocean. Thus the administration of the arrogant and ignorant, those who are too proud to obey the laws of God or too ignorant to recognize them, will always cause frustration among the people, whereas a God conscious government will provide abundance and happiness for all.



Which system do you represent?

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for me to help with anyone's website. I jsut got a blog going on a whim through Google. A late night spur of the moment thing. I can't even find my way way around that so far.


But as I've mentioned, I intend to pass out the link all over the place on the net.


"Man's gotta know his limitations"- Dirty Harry

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A long time ago I had driven fifty miles in to the temple. At the end of the feast I was chanting in the hall not wanting to leave, yet knowing I had to drive back and be ready for work in the morning. It was already after midnight. A brahma-cherry was mopping the temple room floor. He wanted me to help, but I preferred to continue to chant. I'd be awake at least an hour longer than him, so the boy's attachment to sleep didn't draw my sympathy.


He became very upset, and as I was preparing to leave he said "There's no sense in you chanting - because you don't want to do service!"


I responded, "Then I guess you'll want these" as I handed him my beadbag and turned my back and took a step as if to walk out.


I quickly turned and grabbed my beadbag from his paws and said "Learn how to preach, sonny!", and disappeared from his life.


We may think our service is the be-all and end-all, but feel terribly burdened and abused because we have to do it. I'm not sure that makes Krsna view the sacrifice with much pleasure. Where's the love? It is contaminated with love of our own comfort?


There are nine kinds of devotional service - live with it and stop whining. How else are we going to get you to read all that stuff?


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From the purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.7


As already stated, Brahma is the original spiritual master for the universe, and since he was initiated by the Lord Himself, the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam is coming down by disciplic succession, and in order to receive the real message of Srimad-Bhagavatam one should approach the current link, or spiritual master, in the chain of disciplic succession. After being initiated by the proper spiritual master in that chain of succession, one should engage himself in the discharge of tapasya in the execution of devotional service. One should not, however, think himself on the level of Brahma to be initiated directly by the Lord from inside because in the present age no one can be accepted to be as pure as Brahma. The post of Brahma to officiate in the creation of the universe is offered to the most pure living being, and unless one is so qualified one cannot expect to be treated like Brahmaji directly. But one can have the same facility through unalloyed devotees of the Lord, through scriptural instructions (as revealed in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam especially), and also through the bona fide spiritual master available to the sincere soul. The Lord Himself appears as the spiritual master to a person who is sincere in heart about serving the Lord. Therefore the bona fide spiritual master who happens to meet the sincere devotee should be accepted as the most confidential and beloved representative of the Lord. If a person is posted under the guidance of such a bona fide spiritual master, it may be accepted without any doubt that the desiring person has achieved the grace of the Lord

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Srila Gour Govinda Swami


"The sad-guru or Sri Guru is an eternal associate of the Lord. When he disappears he enters into the nitya-lila of the Lord and goes to the abode of Krsna. But if he has accepted someone as his disciple, and if he has not rejected that disciple, then he is responsible for

taking that disciple to the lotus feet of Krsna.


As we speak of sad-guru, similarly there is sat-sisya. As it is very difficult to find a sad-guru, it is similarly difficult to find a sat-sisya, a true disciple."


- The Worship of Sri Guru, 'Sri Guru My Eternal Master.'



"One who is very, very eager and very, very inquisitive, prays to his spiritual master, "Oh my spiritual master, you have departed. You are not physically present, so I cannot understand. I am such an ignorant fool. I have no qualification. Though your instructions are there, I cannot understand what you have said. Please help me."


In Another Form


So guru will also come, but not in the same form. He may come in the form of a sādhu, a very dear devotee, who is also very dear to your spiritual master. Through him this will be revealed. Doubts will be cleared. Through him you will be able to understand tattva, purport. You should think, "My guru is teaching me, he is speaking to me in this form." Don’t think, "My guru is not here. He has departed. What shall I do?" Pray fervently to your spiritual master. He must help you. We have personal experience. We have been helped in this way. "


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