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end of internet

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Haribol, folks. The internet has been a great source of association with devotees for this writer. I have come to know and appreciate peers whom I would have never known had it not been for this internet. I have a website, at:




In which my realizations have been adequately reported, and as time is short, if these songs and essays are to be read, they better be read soon. Maybe my friends here can hot-key their websites so I can have a last read myself.


I am making no liberal or conservative tale here, these terms have no meaning. The war that has afflicted us all also has no meaning, and very soon, no one will even know or care as to why the battle was undertaken. But it is a fact that the world, as we know it, is changing so rapidly that one could say it is ending without being labeled a nut-case.


The internet will soon be lost. There will be no tolerance for snuff flicks or the technology that allows such things to be presented. Communication cannot be continued unchecked, and those of us who use this technology for devotional service practice will not be granted a waiver. How soon? I would say weeks, but it could be sooner. I could say that this is an authoritarian move at mass censorship, but there are many other things that could cause the same effect, natural disturbances, economic collapse, terrorism hacking. Point is, now is the time that we practically apply all these wonderful realizations we have been sharing with others in words, teachings, storytelling, etc.


It all comes down to the utterance of Harinama. The last breath will be taken, whether the collective last breath of the entire world or just a lonely last breath taken individually before the accident takes place. Point is, the arena that we use to apply the false ego is no longer available, so the false ego does not have to be upheld anymore.


In the final cut, we need to get rid of our anger. If one has resentment, this is not a good death-thought. Remorse, regret, fear, greed, envy, these things must be driven away. We are too powerless to do this type of war against such adversaries, but the utterance of Harinam can make these things disappear.


This second, now, there is no more time. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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