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Science in Hindu Sacred Texts

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Science in Hindu Sacred Texts

by bhattathiri MP


Why Bhagavan Lord Krishna says that among flowers I am the basil (thulasi) flower. US scientists found out after research that

thulasi flower can only produce Ozone which acts as a protective cover in the ionosphere preventing radiation from sun and this plant is also be used for making life saving medicines.


Banyan tree, among the trees I am the Banyan tree which can produce maximum oxygen and are usually seen in almost all temples so the air in 5 Kms radious will be purified around a big banyan tree.


Fetus (fully developed embryo in the womb) from 7th month onwards can understand and study. For this examples are Prahlada and Abhimanue who got knowledge when they were 7 months old in the womb. Gynaecology and Sankhyayoga are preached to mother Devahuti by Lord Kapila an incarnation of Vishnu.


The importance of Homam. One Agnihotra Homaam was going on in a family at Bhopal when the Union Carbide Gas accident took place. The whole members of the family were safe eventhough it was near the to the factory, since smoke emenated from the Homam neutralised the effect of poisonous gas from the factory.Resaerch on this is going on in West Verginia in America where the mother Union Carbide factory is situated.


Maharshi Kardama’s space journey with his wife Devahuti in his supersonic space vehicle is far advanced than the present one.


In the dakshayga when Daksha’s head was cut he is given life by joining the head of a goat with the trunk of Daksha a form of plastic surgery.


It is mentioned that yogis can live for thousands of years. This is proved that by reducing the metabolic rate (body activities,such as respiration, excretion, reproduction etc.) it may be possible to extend life. Bhagavatham gives many clues for health and happy long life.


King Priyavrata has gone round the earth seven times in his chariot between sunrise and sunset. This may be related to modern satellite technology. Earth is revolving the sun at 30kms/sec velocity. Normally satellites circle round the earth once in 90 minutes. Hence for seven revolutions ten hours and thirty minutes duration is required. Otherwise we may see that during twelve hour duration eight revolutions can be made. Chariot was bright as sun may mean it was fitted with something similar to solar cells.


One of the well-known laws in elementary physics (or chemistry) is the conservation of matter (or mass) usually attributed to Lavoisier from the late eighteenth century. Simply put, the law states: “Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed.”


There are other laws of conservation found in science textbooks, but the law of conservation of matter is perhaps the most well known. Bhagawan says this repeatedly at various occasion. This actually can be regarded as the mother of all conservation laws.


It is said that the amount of energy released from the destruction of matter is given by E = MC2 where M represents mass lost and C represents the speed of light. The same formula is said to give the amount of mass converted into energy when it gets trapped in a blackhole.


In that sense, matter and energy are two different forms of the same thing. The law did not have the energy component when it (the law) was first proposed. From the original standpoint, the law turned out to be wrong when it was discovered that matter could be destroyed to release energy.


Then the theory was put back together by augmenting the energy part. However, the verse in Bhagavatham does not have to go through such a revision with each new revelation, as it does not direct this law to a particular form of the contents of this universe but rather takes a general approach.


It was ironical that the law of conservation. Brahman'. Our ancient saints have coined a symbol AUM to represent it (just like Ca is used for calcium, for example). Actually, such an indestructible thing by which the universe is pervaded is mentioned. The third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Karma and its result (or fruit) mentioned can be considered equivalent to an action and its reaction, respectively. Latest is regarding cloning so many references are mentioned in SriMad Bhagavatham .


For almost all ayurvedic medicines US Companies are taking patent


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Dear Indians,


Indians should stop basking in ancient glory and try to civilize themselves now. Most Indians are dumb, poor and dirty, and it would be better to change instead of bragging about their so-called ancient culture. What have you achieved now? Thats the only question. Your contributions in the present are zero, so why talk of the past? Try to change, Indians, this is my sincere advice. I am saying this out of love, not contempt.




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What have you done?


What should we do?


How do we change?


Please give us advice, we are your humble servants."


Glad you've asked. First of all, give up your backward religion, whether you call it vasinavism or hinduism or whatever innumerable names you've invented for it. That is the first step. Focus on feeding your people, most of whom are poor and hungry. Religion is not for you, the poor folks. But most of all, Hinduism has made you backward, so give it up and focus on science. THats it for now.

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As in the best software engineers and doctors on the planet. Yeah, you really know nothing about your own country. Why do you think USA is outsourcing all jobs to China and India? Because Americans can't make the cut in tech jobs.


The two things India dominates in are Religion and Science. Oh and by the way, better to be poor and educated and have a rich religious and devotional culture, than to be financially rich and unhappy as most people are in countries like the US. USA has a consumer-driven economy which can only function when people are unhappy and beleive they need to buy more and more material goods to make themselves happy. Happiness cannot be found there.


And by the way, I am an American!




All you good devotees may bow to such stupid comments, and I love you for it!


I cannot, because I am a kshatriya and cannot resist a challenge.


Really people are becoming so ignorant.



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Glad you've asked. First of all, give up your backward religion, whether you call it vasinavism or hinduism or whatever innumerable names you've invented for it. That is the first step. Focus on feeding your people, most of whom are poor and hungry. Religion is not for you, the poor folks. But most of all, Hinduism has made you backward, so give it up and focus on science . THats it for now.




Science is what?



Looking after the body? or the soul?


What YOU call science is different to what we perceive it to be, we are after satisfaction of the soul in relationship with God. Please consider these points.


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Glad you've asked. First of all, give up your backward religion, whether you call it vasinavism or hinduism or whatever innumerable names you've invented for it.


It is not a good idea to connsider something as backward without knowing in detail about it. How much do you know about Vaishnavism, Hinduism? And why do you feel that these are backward?

Focus on feeding your people, most of whom are poor and hungry. Religion is not for you, the poor folks.


I agree that we should feed our people. But I do not believe that feeding people and being religious are mutually exclusive.


But most of all, Hinduism has made you backward, so give it up and focus on science.


Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. People like you believe that if somebody is interested in religion, then he/she cannot have scientific knowledge. This is utter nonsense. How much knowledge of science do you have?

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Ahmed, you are a perfect example of how pride and arrogance makes people blind. I have seen quit a few of your posts here and I'm not impressed. It is good to have strong faith in your own religion, but it is a sign of very low culture to come into an assembly of people who have a different religious tradition JUST TO OFFEND them. Try to act as a GUEST in our house, not as a PEST. Koran teaches about proper behavior for a guest. I suggest you read it! Koran is a good book. People like you give it a bad reputation.

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As in the best software engineers and doctors on the planet."


You can teach the dog a few tricks, but at the end of the day, it is only a dog.


Why do you think USA is outsourcing all jobs to China and India?"


Because they provide cheap labor. What would you do if a bunch of third-worlders are willing to work for 25 cents per hour, whereas your own people are bent on making $25 for the same amount/type of work. It is economics, doesn't mean indians/chinese are bright.


Oh and by the way, better to be poor and educated and have a rich religious and devotional culture, than to be financially rich and unhappy as most people are in countries like the US"


The usual argument by frustrated people.


And by the way, I am an American!"


I am sorry to hear that.



All you good devotees may bow to such stupid comments, and I love you for it!


I cannot, because I am a kshatriya and cannot resist a challenge."


I thought kshatriya was a male soldier, but you are a woman, if I go by that picture. Strange that a woman should come forward to protect a male-dominated religion. Very strange!




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I have no pride or arrogance. I am just trying to help backward people get out of this mess called Hinduism and make something out of their lives, instead of wasting it away. It is tragic-isn't it?-and I am trying to save as many people as possible. Instead of admiring my noble intent, you are attacking me, why???

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why do you think we are backward? what do you know about Vaishnavism? judging by your posts: not much.


your use of the term "Hinduism" to describe people on this forum indicates deep ignorance on your part. Hinduism is a foreign term, used by people with little understanding of the Vedic culture. For example, there is almost no similarity between the Vaishnava tradition and worship of Kali, yet both are lumped together by ignorant people as "hinduism". Your intent may be "noble" but your ignorance is not. And again: try to behave like a guest here, and not like some stupid preacher of a sectarian religion.


"I am trying to save as many people as possible" - this is the same line used for centuries by the ignorant preachers of semitic religions to justify their abuses. Millions died over the centuries (and are still dying today) thanks to them...

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"It is tragic-isn't it?-and I am trying to save as many people as possible. Instead of admiring my noble intent, you are attacking me"


Save me o great noble one !

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I've crushed every argument you made in the previous post, and still you want me to come up with more? Seems as if you cannot accept defeat. This isnt proper behavior of kshatriya. lol.




It is not clear who is hindu, who is vaishnava, or whether vasinavism is part of hinduism and so on. Why? Because you guys are not clear. For instance, one man whom i met the other day, said, "I follow vaishnavism, therefore I am hindu." Another man said, "I follow vasinavism, so i am not hindu." Two contradictory statements. Whom should I believe? It seems as if you people are so confused you dont even know if you are hindus or whatever. Someone says everthing is part of hinduims, while the very next day, someone else denies it and yet calls himself vasihanva or shiva etc. It is very confusing. Where do you draw the line?

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as I mentioned before, "hinduism" is a very imprecise term, used by mostly outsiders to describe what goes on in India in terms of religious traditions. but these traditions are extremely diverse and often have nothing in common. Vaishnavas worship Krishna (also known as Vishnu), who is the Supreme Being, to whom all other demigods (like Durga or Shiva) ultimately have to answer. We worship Krishna out of love, and not a desire for any material benefit. Those who worship demigods do so out of desire for material gain. We dont condemn them for that, as this is their choice. That is tolerance. This is a very broad topic and I suggest you read up on it before you pass your judgement.

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"I've crushed every argument you made in the previous post, and still you want me to come up with more? Seems as if you cannot accept defeat. This isnt proper behavior of kshatriya. lol."


If you define winning by declaring victory, then I guess the "Iraq war" is over and done with simply because George Dubya's people put up a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" and declared themselves victorious. Anyway, this is quite off the subject of the rest of the forum, so I'm done talking to you now. God bless you!


~Madhav Yadav ke Dasi, Vanamali /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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<font color="#FF0000size=5face=monotypecorsiva">PAMHO everybody</font>


For instance, one man whom i met the other day, said, "I follow vaishnavism, therefore I am hindu." Another man said, "I follow vasinavism, so i am not hindu." Two contradictory statements.




funny, I know two kinds of muslims too...one is a muslim terrorist and another is a muslim who go against terrorisme...now i'm confused..which one is real teaching?


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Hey SubhashRao, that is my husband's favorite painting! Bheeshma standing there white beard flowing, as if to say, take me now, Krishna! Kill me!


And then Arjun pleading with Him to stop.


Two great bhaktas from two very different points of view.




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Hare Krishna,



You can teach the dog a few tricks, but at the end of the day, it is only a dog.Because they provide cheap labor. What would you do if a bunch of third-worlders are willing to work for 25 cents per hour, whereas your own people are bent on making $25 for the same amount/type of work. It is economics, doesn't mean indians/chinese are bright.




Total lack of knowledge. I know in software industry and in usa it is Indians who excel. It is not only in software but in every field Indians do better than most others. This is through my direct knowledge.


Contrast this with the muslim population in USA and UK. Most of them are backward, the religion Islam teaches terrorism, mohammad himself approves of kidnapping and rape of captured women, koran acknowledges capturing women as slaves. Talk about backwardness in islam or rather backwardness is islam. Think about how you people treat minorities in islamic countries, how you treat your women like ..


Koran is full of backwardness. It urges muslims to hate non-muslims, teaches stupidity and hatred and teaches non-sense.


Compare that with Vedas and Hindu scriptures. Women are to be treated as a Goddess, Nrada Smriti urges Hindu Kings to treat peoples of other religions righteously even if they oppose Vedas, teaches their people to act selflessly(teachings of Gita), shows the entire world how to attain enlightenment through Upanishads.


There is not one abarahamic religion which offers such generous protection to peoples of other religions and islam is the worst human rights abuser.



Oh and by the way, better to be poor and educated and have a rich religious and devotional culture, than to be financially rich and unhappy as most people are in countries like the US"


The usual argument by frustrated people.


And by the way, I am an American!"


I am sorry to hear that.


All you good devotees may bow to such stupid comments, and I love you for it!



That is the difference between muslims like you and Hindus. Hindus give more importance to spirituality and soul, while for you muslims your pretend god allah sanctions looting of non-muslims for survival.


Our GOD encourages us to act righteously even in vry difficult situations, while your pretend god asks you muslims to loot and rape non-muslims.


If such muslims and muslims like you call us stupid then so be it.



I thought kshatriya was a male soldier, but you are a woman, if I go by that picture. Strange that a woman should come forward to protect a male-dominated religion. Very strange!



Women in Hinduism are treated much better than your barbaric religion of islam. I am not telling this out of hatred, but out of relization and direct knowledge of islam. One needs to see in saudi arabia, pakistan, bangladesh etc. Many women raped in these countries are jailed because their words does not carry weight as per islamic shariah and you are calling Hinduism as male dominated. No wonder all muslims are backward and ignorant like you. To top it all you are in USA and still ignorant about koran and its barbaric teachings.


I am urging all muslims out of love to get rid of their false, backward beliefs and barbaric teachings of islam for the good of ths world and for themselves.

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at least, the so-called barbaric teachings of koran have helped muslims conquer power in 55 countries, whereas hindus have been driven out of every country, even smaller nations like pakistan and bangladesh. In India too, hindus are treated as slaves and they almost had a foreign PM. So what does it say about Hindus? They are backward and worthless, a dead race, and their country india is a dead country. BTW: I am not Ahmed, the original poster, but a hindu, still I have to be objective, you know. It is a palpable fact that Hindus and anything related to it, like hk or vedic teaching etc. are all inferior and worth condemnation.

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"BTW: I am not Ahmed, the original poster, but a hindu...

Hindus and anything related to it, like hk or vedic teaching etc. are all inferior and worth condemnation. "


If you believe all these things about Hinduism and still you are a Hindu, you are the biggest fool on the planet.


Nice try Ahmed.


And if you are "not Ahmed", you are an Ahmed clone.


Anyway, enough about this! Bas hai, bas!



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It is a palpable fact that Hindus and anything related to it, like hk or vedic teaching etc. are all inferior and worth condemnation.




Because the demons condemn Vaishnava's, this is the mentality of demons why should we give importance to them?


Shouldn't we just throw out these demons {on the mind}.


These demonic people are ants, they can be crushed at any time, sometimes when they are prominent, Lord Krishna comes personally to help His DEVOTEES, more Information: see:

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for losing my cool in the previous post, but I was simply trying to offer a different perspective. And for the last time, I am NOT Ahmed or his clone, cuz I don't believe in unethical practices. lol. But the man, despite his sharp tongue, does make good points. Indians should understand that, particularly ppl who call themselves hindus or vaisnavas or whatever, take his advice and move forward.

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