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The unfortunate troops who did what they were trained to do now have to take the scorn of the world, because the fascist is the most dispicable coward on the face of the earth.


Anyone can do the research and find out that the US has an official policy of torturing prisoners, not just in war, but in county jails as well. It is not the work of stressed out kids, it is a policy well researched and written about, in the Wall St Journal, reuters, CNN (not exactly the bastions of the liberal media). It is policy that comes directly from Brookings Institute.


The deeds are not off the wall ideas from untrained kids. They are specifically designed methods of breaking the spirit of the enemy. The Moguls used these same tactics to usurp India from the hindus. Throwing blood of a cow on a hindu would be called "abuse, not torture" by the perverted anti-christian fascist apologists. The deeds had the asame result. Be seen naked by a woman other than ones wives makes a muslim inelligible for heaven.


The result is that the perpetrator of these tortures have removed the very souls of the enemy. Not only have the Moguls practiced such systematic torture, so have the british, and the USA did these very deeds for hundred years against indigenous amerinds.


Some idiots call these deeds "fraternity hazing pranks", I call them what they are, an approved system of domination.


The kids were following orders, or maybe there are still some out there who think that the MiLai (vietnam) debacle only went as high as Lieutenant Calley, and Command Saigon never authorized such illegal activities.


And some think that wars in this age have justification and are not the work of fools and agents of Kali Yuga.


mad mahax

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