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Swaminarayan was god supreme

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Therefore i do not have to prove anything to people like you, who are disgracing such gods incarnation.




you do not have any prove at all of what you are believing

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well dear guest! Shlok 43 in the Skand Puran mentioned even by yourself earlier-says it all for us Swaminarayan devotees. Because we know the leelas that Swaminarayan bhagwan created. And only God has these attributes.



I will say this again. There is nothing in that shloka that unequivocally points to a "swaminarayana" incarnation. Here is that verse again:


dharmadevAttadA bhaktAdahaM nArAyaNo muniH |

janiSye kozale deze bhUmau hi sAmago dvijaH || ||


"Then from the devotee Dharmadeva I, nArAyana muni shall certainly be born on the earth in the land of Kozala as a twice-born singer of the hymns of the sAma veda."


So, believe in a Swaminarayana incarnation if you want. Just realize it is all based on undiscriminating faith.

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It is stated in the Padma puran (one of the 18 purans of our religion as directed by god supreme):


II Datatrayam krutyuge,

tretayaam raghunandana,

dvapare vasudevaha,

kalou swami vrushatmaja II




Wherein Padma puran?



Vishnu dharmottar:


II Pakhandbahuleloke swami namna hari swayam,

papank nimagnam tajuddhaaryishyati II


II Mahadharmanvye punye,

naamna paapvinashke,

hariprasad vivrasya,

swami namna hari svayam II




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Hare Krsna prabhu. I am not here to take sides for anyone yet I do feel it important to say something.


I do not know Haridham, neither do I know you. I have seen him post many times and sure he might not understand a lot but I know for certain that he has a good heart.


I personally think that he might be speaking through some sort of experiance and hey he has his own relationship with krsna and you have your own.


I think the remarks you make as well is not of those fitting a devotee. If he is not humble then maybe you should be.


You bring his guru into this but do you have any clue in what you are talking about?. What he(Haridham) might have gone through?


Why bring a third person into this? Sure Haridham might not know much but there are people around him who will blow you away. I know his Guru.


I think you should show a lot of what you think he should show. Haridham seems like a Neophyte sure but there is nothing wrong with that. Are you an Uttam Adhikari? Are you chanting Hare Krsna? Are you reading Prabhupads books?


I know many people who will prove you wrong about a lot of things you say and I know a lot of people who would want Haridham to clean up his act.


Dont you think forgivness is a humble quality in a devotee?


As for Haridham, please do not speak of things you do not understand. Keep chanting and keep up your sadhana as we all know you have good intentions and remember if you do not know then dont pretend to know.


You are a warrior in Prabhupads army and take this as a sign to rearm yourself because the oposition is armed. Regroup my friend.


All the vaisnavas please accept my humble obesensies.


Jai Prabhupad


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You know something?


I came to this forum thinking association with other devotees could be a form of "virtual satsang"


I am now realizing that the only thing you guys can do is argue about the details of religion. You guys are addicted to intellectual-philosophical elements, but not in a good way. There's always some argument going on in this forum.


If you are really comfortable with yourself and your religion, you don't feel the need to critisize others, because you do not feel threatend when others believe differently than you.


If the situation here doesn't improve, I will have to stop coming here, because this is not satsang, in fact, quite the opposite.


All love and respect to you all,



~Om Sri Venkateshaya Namah

~Om Sri Krishnaya Namah

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these are the words of the lord himself, who is himself stating that when irreligion is flourishing he assumes bodies to protect it!

---wrong, there's no difference for god, in body and soul, he's all transcendental and his body comes from the spiritual world that is full of spiritual bodies


So who are you to question that Lord Swaminarayan is God himself??

----to say that someone's god is a very strange thing... so who says it has the duty to give demonstration, not that others have to accept blindly. I cannot say to you that i am good and feeling bad if you smile or laugh


Just say that it is a possibility at least, and that you worship and do Bhakti of the Lord’s other forms however and just not Swaminarayan. We wont eat you up for that.

---you want to eat our intelligence making us accept blindly that someone is god


I’m just merely showing and confronting the people who think that Lord Swaminarayan cannot be the lord in no circumstances.

---as said this is not the right angle of vision.. i cannot say to you to accept that i am god because there's the possibility that i am really god... i have to demonstrate it


I’m not forcing you to believe in him! But you as a worshipper of the Lord shouldn’t just say that the Swaminarayan Sampraday is just fabricated or even questionable.

----it is up to you to defeat this position with logic and shastra


And even the scriptures cannot describe him and his work …so who are we as mere souls to describe or even discriminate.

---in this way, because even the scriptures cannot fully describe krsna, we have to accept anyone as krsna without any explanation... ok

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"I’m not forcing you to believe in him! But you as a worshipper of the Lord shouldn’t just say that the Swaminarayan Sampraday is just fabricated or even questionable.

----it is up to you to defeat this position with logic and shastra"



Bhakti has little to do with logic. If you don't understand this, then no one can explain it to you.

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Bhakti has little to do with logic. If you don't understand this, then no one can explain it to you.


bhakti has little to do also with blind faith.. bhakti is putting everything at krsna's service.. also the intelligence and logic

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I am from gujrat and know about swami narayan.


I have also been to the west and associated with Hare Krishnas.


Now, Here is a difference i can see.


1) The Hare Krishna's are Accticted to Krishna ,like Krishna has asked for in the Gita.


They have accepted sri Krishna Chaitanya as the Supreme Lord based on a lot of shastric evidence, but they are addicted to Krishna as per His Instruction.


In Fact when i was in Vrindavan i could see that most pracheen(old) Radhe Krishna temples there were being taken care of by devotees from Sri Krishna Chaitanya's sampradaya who were very very appreciative of ISKCON and the Hare Krishnas, one being Sri Radha Raman mandir's pujari's.


And Lord Krishna is accepted as Godhead by Sri Shankara, Ramanuja, Vishnu swami, Nimbarka,Vallabhaarchya recently and by Brahma(Brahma samhita), Shiva(Padma purana), etc... in the past


2) The Swami Narayans.


I must admit that most of then are in a mode of goodness at least.


But what i can see is a prefernce of Love for Swami narayan over Krishna, preference of sikhsa patri over bhagavad gita, preference of gujrat over sri vrindavan dham.


And Swami Narayan is not accepted as Godhead by Sri Shankara, Ramanujacaharya, Vishnu swami, Nimbarkacaharya, Vallabhaarchya recently and by Brahma(Brahma samhita), Shiva(Padma purana), etc... in the past


I can say for sure they are swami narayan's for sure ... but in what sense are they vaishnavas ? I do not know.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Swami Narayana is not parabrahma. Lord Krishna is the supreme brahman, the parabrahma.


This is stated in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10 verse 12


Sri Arjuna uvaca:

param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan

purusam sasvatam divyam adi-devam ajam vibhum


Arjuna said:

Oh Lord Krishna, You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme destination, the purifier of all existence, the eternal divine person, the transcendental God of gods.


If you believe Swami Narayana is the supreme lord and not Lord Krishna then you are following a concocted religion, since all the great Acharyas such as Adi Sankara, Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madvacharya, Sri Vishnuswami and Sri Gauranga have said to worship Krishna.


Bhaja Govinda Bhaja Govinda Bhaja Govinda Bhaja Govinda Bhaja Govinda

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Even the shikshapatri your own scripture written by swaminarayan says krishna is parabramhan and SOURCE OF INCARNATIONS


verse 108 That Ishwara is Lord Shree Krishna: Parabrahman, Bhagawan, Purushottam, our beloved deity and cherished God. He is worthy of worship and devotion by all, and is the source of all incarnations.


I see only 2 ways you can explain this. Either krishna is avtari parabramhan or swaminarayan is a liar thus info contained in the shikshapatri is not worth reading.


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they reason we dont worship krishna because he is an incarnation of god he is not parabrahma and Maharaj (Sahajanand Swami) he is purushottam that is the reason why we worship him




You know you called somebody an idiot before, which was bad enough then you come here saying this!


Do you even read your own sriptures, or you just skip the verses which you feel like?


I have read your scripture and it says basically to worship Krsna, now if you don't then ..


jai sri krishna /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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  • 1 month later...
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Sorry,SwamiNarayans dont worship Pramukh Swami as god but as an Ideal Devotee of god who is Brahman himself and helps us to reach ParaBrahman.


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This is not right that Some Always says Pramukh Swami as God.He is the Choicest devotee of God and can never become god.But due to his purity god resides in him fully as he resides in Akshardhaam.HE is the Akshar and Lord SwamiNarayan is the Purushottam.To attain PAraBrahman one has to become like Brahman i.e., an Ideal Devotee.

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>My dear friend read Vachanamrut then u will Understand the >Full glory of Lord SwamiNarayan.


My dear friend.


Please read the Srimad Bagavatam , the amalam purana , recomended by such pillars of purity like Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva(Padma puran), Sri Vyasa Deva(Mahamuni), Sri Garuda deva(in garuda pruarn), Sripad Mhadvacharya, Sripad Ramanujacharya, Sripad Vishnu Swami, Sripad Nimbarkacahrya, Sripad Vallabhacharya, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Rupa Goswami, Sri Ragunath dasa Goswami, Sri Jiva, Sri Satanatan Goswami, Sri Gopal Bhatta Goswami, Sri Ragunath Bhatta Goswami , Sri Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur, Sri Baladeva Viyabhusana and many many others.


And by following their advice of reading Srimad Bhagavatam u will Understand the Full glory of Lord Sri Krishna.


Dont u get it ?

U cannot disagree with four great sampradays of lord Vishnu/Krishna himself and still be right.

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Yes,That's true.But Vachanamrut and Shikshapatri contains the essence of all the Scriptures.In Shikshapatri God has given the rules which will make one lead the life according to Dharma.He has started from the smallest rule like:"Not killing a living being..." and he goes till becoming Bramnised "Nijatmanam Brahmroopam Dehatraya Vilakshnam....(116 sloka of Shikshapatri)".In this way it Shows that for the Atyantik Kalyan (Ultimate liberation) one has to reach the Brahmic state and then only will he be eligible for the devotion of PARABRAHMAN.And to understand Shikshapatri one has to reach the other scriptures of the Sampraday i.e., Vachanamrut.

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Yes,That's true.But Vachanamrut and Shikshapatri contains the essence of all the Scriptures.In Shikshapatri God has given the rules which will make one lead the life according to Dharma.He has started from the smallest rule like:"Not killing a living being..." and he goes till becoming Bramnised "Nijatmanam Brahmroopam Dehatraya Vilakshnam....(116 sloka of Shikshapatri)".In this way it Shows that for the Atyantik Kalyan (Ultimate liberation) one has to reach the Brahmic state and then only will he be eligible for the devotion of PARABRAHMAN.And to understand Shikshapatri one has to reach the other scriptures of the Sampraday i.e., Vachanamrut.



Hahahaha. These people have no clue. I could make my own sastra and call it the gujukemchomajamacho and say a bunch of things but that doesnt make them legit. The bagavatam is the amala purana compiled by vyasa dev and swaminarayan or sai baba or any person that you think is god mentioned there.


Hare Krsna

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