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about ekadasi

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For energy, get one of those books glorifying ekadashi. After reading the glory or benefits of ekadashi, youi will be empowered. Even on a fast, you have energy to do physical work. Remember that on Janmastami devotees fast and work very hard in the kitchen. ON ekadashi Brijabasis perfom Vrindavan Parikrama. It's all in the mind. You are not so special!!

Vrindavan darma ki jaya!

Radha kunda dasa

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I understand that tomorrow/today is ekadasi. BUt I have a delema. As most of you know i am working two jobs. So its hard for me to fast since my job requires me to talk a lot and I need energy.



absolutely do not fast, eat ekadasi food... there's many energetic things


and if you risk to get sick or to get hurt (working, driving and so on) take it as an emergence, but better to eat grains


(ekadasi is meant to dedicate more time to spiritual realization, if one has to work all day long, in a tecnical sense, ekadasi is already broken, so speaking of fasting or food, in this case, it is almost marginal)

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about a story about a devotee being given permission to eat rice, while he was travelling on ekadasi by his Guru Maharaja. So I think you have to keep your energy levels up.


Funny story though, when I used to fast on Ekadasi I had no idea your not supposed to eat certain foods, I was eating rice/chappatis, I must have done about 10 full Ekadasi fasts before realizing my mistake /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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are the foods that Srila Prabhupada said could be eaten on Ekadasi when He was asked.


He specifically said no rice, grains, beans. Sin personified hides in these foods on ekadasi. So we do not eat them or anything made from them.


Powdered hing is mixed with grains so that can not be used.


There are many foods that can be eaten that are energizing and very filling so you can work - for example potatoes, yogurt, milk etc. Fruit is very energizing.


If possible on Ekadasi fast for as long as you can and then eat only the authorized foods. Also, try chant extra rounds on ekadasi.


Rice is one of the worse things you can eat on ekadasi so I find it hard to believe that anyone would tell someone that it is ok to eat it especially when there are many foods that are equally filling and energizing.

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Here the Gaudiya Math instructions for Ekadasi. soemtimes i fast, sometimes i do full fasts, and it's true you can work hard and fast, some days i remember going to college all day long and in the evening going to my job in a cinema until midnight, and even have some problems with the projections machine, have to run in stairs to fix it,up, down, up down !! returning to the cash register to sell tickets !! it was fun /images/graemlins/wink.gif just eat in teh previous evening, drink a lot and give it a try !!





Standard for Ekadasi Break-fasts


If you have observed a complete fast (without even water) you do not need to break it with grains. You can break it with caranamrita or fruit. But if you have observed Ekadasi by eating fruit, vegetables, etc., then it should be broken on the following day by taking grains at the times mentioned herein.

Maha-dvadasi is observed like Ekadasi



The essence is to eat simply, once or twice, so that one can spend as much time as possible hearing, chanting and remembering Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Never eat meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic, carrots, red lentils (masur dal), green flat lentils, mushrooms or products thereof.


Restricted foods on Ekadasi:

—Tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, broccoli, bell pepper, beets, bitter melon (karela), loki, parmal, toroi, kunli, drumsticks, bindi (lady fingers), banana flower.

—Peas, chickpeas and all types of beans, including products made from beans [papadams, tofu, tempeh, etc.]

—All leafy vegetables: spinach, salads, cabbages, etc., and leafy herbs like parsley, coriander leaves, celery, curry leaves, etc.

—Grains: millet, barley, farina, pasta, rice, corn, etc. all types of flour made from grains and beans (like rice flour, chickpea flour, urad dahl flour, etc.)

—Starches from corn or grains, and products made from and mixed with these starches like: baking soda, baking powder, certain soft drinks with corn syrup, custard, certain yogurts, puddings, certain cream & cottage cheeses, certain sweets, candies, tapioca balls, etc.

—Oils made from grains: corn oil, mustard oil, sesame oil, etc., and products fried in these oils: nuts, potato chips and other snack foods.

—Honey and sweets made with starches.


Spices used on Ekadasi:

—black pepper, fresh ginger, pure salt and fresh turmeric, all taken from a new and clean package.

Spices not used on Ekadasi: hing (asafetida), sesame seeds, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, tamarind, fennel, cardamom, nutmeg, etc.


Foods that can be taken all days of the year, including Ekadasi and Caturmasya:

—All fruits (fresh and dried), all nuts and oils made from nuts.

—Potatoes, pumpkin, cucumber, radish, squash, lemon, avocado, olives, coconut, buckwheat, all sugars.

—All pure milk products—(except yogurt during the 2nd month of Caturmasya and milk during the 3rd month).


For sannyasis, brahmacaris and vanaprasthas: shaving head and cutting nails is to be done on full moon days.

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please do not give advices for full fasting especially for who works in heavy jobs


full fasting is not required, prabhupada himself did'nt fast in ekadasi


devotee's health is precious

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yeah interesting, i'd like to try this mantra !!

Also, as i'm into a hellish condition too, i'd would just like to say that anyone is free to fast according to their abilities. even while working one can fast, i did, of courseit probably also depends of the work you do, if you carry heavy stuff i don't know !!

everything is alright, i didn't post the instructions to say you must fast fully but just to help.


Personally i sometimes do full fasts,sometimes i eat a big meal with potatoes and dry fruits... sometimes i'm strong sometimes i'm weak !! no harm !!

peace !

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by Swami B.V. Tripurari.

Disciple of Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.


On one occasion a disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur had to travel for preaching on Ekadasi. It was important for the mission that he preach, and for traveling you have to eat grains - especially if you're Bengali, you have to have some rice. So they ate rice and went preaching on Ekadasi. This is mentioned in Hari Bhakti Vilasa, if sad-guru says break Ekadasi, then you can break it.


In the preaching mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu we should position ourselves as assistants to a real preacher. We should follow very carefully. But if sad guru says "take grains on Ekadasi" then for the higher purpose of preaching we can do that, as Sarasvati Thakur showed. We have to become acquainted with the principle of Ekadasi, as we must with all the devotional practices. Otherwise it is just niyamagraha. We follow the rules but don't know the meaning. That will be counterproductive and a cause of going down.


We should have this kind of sensibility and understand the principle. We should be saragrahi Vaisnavas and not baragrahi Vaisnavas who simply carry around a burden of so much form that the substance is obscured. This is a gostyanandi line we are coming in, and it is all about adjusting the details for delivering the principle. We have to have some dynamic thinking if we are to preach.


Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur was prepared to serve even meat if this meant Westerners would come to Mayapur to hear about Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His own disciples were shocked. He told them, "You have to have Vaikuntha vritti." This means like Vaikuntha in the mind, where anything can be adjusted from the Vaikuntha perspective, and all things are possible. He was no ordinary devotee preacher. We should aspire to come under the auspices of such a person.


And we cannot imitate such a preacher of course. But we should know who it is we are connected with, and what an extraordinary devotee Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur was, and how great were his followers. We must keep this line of the Gaudiya Sarasvata sampradaya alive with real preaching through understanding the essence of the devotional principles.


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I understand that tomorrow/today is ekadasi. BUt I have a delema. As most of you know i am working two jobs. So its hard for me to fast since my job requires me to talk a lot and I need energy.



Following scriptural ordinances is more important that doing what is easiest in order to maintain one's material position. Two jobs, three jobs, fifteen jobs, it does not matter.


All that matters is doing what advances the feeling of sincere devotion in one's heart. And that includes, among other things, following ekAdashi-vrata.


Your sAdhana shouldn't have to suffer because of your loyalty to your material jobs. Instead, let your performance on the job suffer because of your sAdhana. Then, by the Lord's mercy, your employers and friends at work will gradually think less of you, thus proving the superficiality of their "friendship." You will lose your jobs, and with it, your material engagements which simply takes you away from Krishna even though you try to convince yourself that you are just doing them for Krishna. And then real surrender begins when you find yourself completely helpless and totally dependent on bhagavad-anugraham.





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this is not very helpful for our friend... pretty fanatical and unappropriate in my view... i hope you're joking. Not everybody is ready to renunce this world in two days...


I follow ekadasi and other festival fast and i can work ok, so no need to go in such discussions ... not all types of devotees need to be beaten with a stick to understand the philosophy and grow...

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Ekadashi has been carried out throughout generations. Shree Krishna himself carried out the fast. Shree Swaminarayan stated himself that every ekadashi should be carried out!

Even scientist today has come up with the fact that it cleanses the bodies of toxins and chemicals from the body. This has been stated in the Saam Veda millions of years ago. Not only is it for our physical well-being but also for our advance in our spiritual life.

The senses are too be controlled by carrying out an upvaas (full fast on the day, without water). That’s the real way of doing it as stated in our scriptures. However if this is not possible for people who cannot there are alternatives.


1) To have just one khobo (two palm fulls of milk)

2) Fruit and water only (anytime in the day, this is true farahaar)

3) Baked veg (e.g.. rajgari siro, baked potato, baked vegetables, milk, water, fruit, samo (semolina) nothing vagharel etc.


This is where people today are mistaken. they begin to eat vagharel foods such as cooked peanuts, yellow samo, laadva, penda etc. it is prohibited to!

Ill people should not do ekadashi e.g. people who cannot as they depend on medicine. Don’t worry god knows all. He understands!!


On ekadashi a person should not sleep, swear, cry, cut hair or nails, eat paan, put perfume aftershave on, argue, and become angry.

Pregnant women after 6 months should not carry out ekadashi. They should get their hubbies to or a relative to on their behalf. Before six months they should do a farahaar (fruit water and milk on the day). That will keep the baby's growth healthy too.

A son can carry out an ekadashi for the parents if they are too old.

These are the rules of ekadashi. Hope they come use too most of you. If you want to find out more email mail me on

Trust me ekadashi is beneficial in more than one-way!


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hare Krsna.


You are right that not everyone can renounce the world in two days especially me even though sometimes i wish I could. But the above poster was correct in my view because we are supposed to follow srila prabhupad's order no matter what. Especially if I AM INITIATED.


I want to thank you for considering me a friend. I didnt think i was making any friends here.

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