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"Women Whistle-Blowers"

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Feb 21 2004

"Women Whistle-Blowers"


by Rocana dasa



The popular media has made us aware that there is a common denominator in the recent scandals involving big business, government and the investment community -- women have been the whistle-blowers exposing many major corruption schemes. This has been true in the case of Enron, the FBI, WorldCom, the Air Force Academy, Colorado University football, and most recently, the mutual fund industry.



This phenomenon is due in part to the fact that women are now taking a place in the upper echelons of management. But it is also a result of the fact that they have stronger moral and ethical tendencies. Women are less likely to become corrupted, and have a natural tendency to act as watchdogs.


Within the system of Vedic knowledge, the feminine propensity for honesty and devotion is revealed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, which describes the qualities exhibited by women like Queen Kunti, Draupadi, and Parvati. In fact, within our philosophy it is understood that Krsna is the Supreme Male, and everyone else, whether they take male or female bodies, is in a spiritual position that is essentially female. By definition, the further away one gets from that essential nature, the more contaminated they become.


Taking on a male body in this material world is indicative of one's tendency to want to be God. This envy of God, and the tendency to be under the illusion of wanting to be the supreme enjoyer, controller and proprietor, is most prevalent in those who are male. Of course, the pandits of today's news media don't have this spiritual insight. Instead, they want us to accept their superficial analysis that the women are whistle-blowers simply because they aren't in the old boys clubs that control business and government. By the mercy of the Sampradaya Acaryas, however, we're fortunate to be able to see what is the actual root of this phenomenon.


Like all things in the material world, there are two sides to this discussion -- the material and the spiritual. For example, if males devote themselves to spiritual pursuits, they have tremendous potential to channel their intelligence and energy towards achieving spiritual advancement. If misdirected, this energy will have the opposite effect. In Vedic literature we read about men who say they never want to suffer having to take birth in a woman's body. Of course, these men are the great sages. For them, not taking a woman's body is the equivalent of not wanting to come back as a materialist. The fact is that women have to shoulder the burden of having children, protecting and training them, and this activity is symbolic of the entanglements of this material world. Especially in this age of Kali, there are few males who can break free from this type of entanglement. Consequently, one has to carefully distinguish that such sastric references are often spoken by those men who have broken free and are commenting on how to stay free. This state of advancement really doesn't apply to many men in Kali Yuga, unfortunately.


The feminine nature actually makes women far more religious. This can be observed throughout the world religions, wherein women are the most pious, ethical and devotional. Unbeknownst to most males, these qualities are really what is holding society together. Even economic development requires a foundation of religiosity – a fact that is little appreciated today. In the Vedic culture, women were to be carefully protected because they personified the religious essence of the culture. If the women are left unprotected and become corrupted, then religion will become corrupt. The Vedic injunctions regarding women are not designed to try and hold women back or to excessively control them because they are weak or "less than", but rather to protect them for the sake of society at large so that religion can be maintained. In today's Kali Yuga western culture, of course, this is not possible. It's no longer possible even in strict eastern cultures such as Muslim or Hindu societies.


Those who are familiar with Vedic culture, as it is depicted in literatures like Srimad-Bhagavatam, can understand what a significant role women played within the power structures of that pure society. The queens, the wives of the brahmans, and the consorts of the demigods were very influential and prominent. They were not cloistered, hidden or controlled. In fact, they were very visible and had a recognized influence on any male they were associated with that was holding power. Similarly, the introduction of women in our modern societal power structures is a very good thing, and provides all sorts of universal benefits.


Rocana dasa


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Talk about foot-in-mouth disease! Quick, before the arrival of LE, who is a woman and a devcotee and intelligent. Or is this just a clever scheme to get Mother Pritha (Kunti) back sooner from her hiatus?


Y'all must be from India, Krsna. We western boys have quite correctly had our pompous superiority devastated by intelligent females since birth.


And while we don't shave our legs and paint our faces, still I don't see men as that much less attached to the bodily concept of life.


Ooops, maybe I'm in trouble for that painting thing. Your inner devil demon made me do it, krsna. It paralyzed my fingers and forced me to type. I am totally innocent - a cherub, cent percent maha maha.



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"Y'all must be from India, Krsna. We western boys have quite correctly had our pompous superiority devastated by intelligent females since birth."



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