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Books changes, preaching verses

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ISKCON has only one edition.


This internet is going to get you in trouble. Information overflow - Jnani City - learning without doing - head without heart. I'm glad I had no internet in the seventies; only As It Is. It was Krsna.


Alone on a farm with twelve cows and a book; there was only Krsna. No monkey on a stick, Al Qaeda, politics - just a body, a soul, and God - everything required for the Bhagavad-gita experiment.



If you read about each book change you will find your answer.



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This internet is going to get you in trouble. Information overflow - Jnani City - learning without doing - head without heart. I'm glad I had no internet in the seventies; only As It Is. It was Krsna.


Alone on a farm with twelve cows and a book; there was only Krsna. No monkey on a stick, Al Qaeda, politics - just a body, a soul, and God - everything required for the Bhagavad-gita experiment.





Internet and devotional service make a rough mix.

Only for those highly evolved masters(like gHari) who can dovetail this demonic technology into KC preaching can escape its mayic spin.

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On the farm I had quite enough baggage of my own to deal with. Now with all the baggage dumped on the net, I find myself swept out of the eye of the hurricane into the whirlwind of the mind often enough to tenaciously cling to the quieter moments and the good fortune they contained.


I don't know how new devotees cope. I learned early not to 'preach' to the unfaithful, that their negativity would destroy my tender heart. Now I say the truth, protected somewhat by time and space over this internet communications medium. I know one day I will have to face them, but that will likely not happen until I perfect my compassion. I still seem too ready to walk away and leave them in hell; all for the sake of my own peace of mind.


And that hardly sounds like a touchstone vaishnava.



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The internet is a tool, albeit the product of Kali Yuga. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupad and Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad have authorized the use of modern technology for preaching purposes. 500 years ago, an invention called the printing press enabled the Protestant reformation in Europe. It also allowed for the widespread publication of bibles, and eventually, the widespread publication of Srila Prabhupad's books.


The internet is like any other tool. It has a positive use, and a negative use. I wouldn't blame the internet on the lack of self-control some people on forums past and presents may have had, the individual will accept the karma, instead.


That being said, the impersonal nature of the internet enables all of us to air out our complaints easier than in real life. This can be good to air out legitimate concerns, yet very bad in making sadhu ninda all the more easier.

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I am being cautious at what I read, and not judging straight away, I haven't got a pure mind that I may know in an instance what is right/wrong, I rely on kind devotees to advice me, His Divine Grace said everything is there in my books, which devotees seem to quote as some sort of, don't ask my questions right now, just read, knowing well Prabhupada established Iskcon so ppls could associate with devotees.

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The above quote by Srila Prabhupad does seem to get abused. In the previous post, if there are souls actually using this to deflect sincere questions, well, that belittles the importance of temples, and classes about books like Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.

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I hope you noticed the invisible smilie after the word "Renegade". I got to worrying about it this afternoon, afraid that perhaps you might take it seriously. It was humour. It is I who was so renegade that I was not worthy of meeting Srila Prabhupada, left looking the fool when he suddenly left. I am hoping I won't again look the fool by leaving this world myself before I make a mark.


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