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Pure Devotee: Past/Present/Future

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"Do pure devotees know past/present/futures just like Krsna?"

trough them krsna himself speaks... we call them "transparent mediums"


"If so it would be interesting, to refute ppls who might say Prabhupada purports were 'for not this time blah blah'"

this is not a decision to be taken by ourselves, everyone has to surrender to a pure vaishnava and this vaishnava will teach sometimes saying absolute, timeless, principles, sometimes instructing according time, place and circumstance and our present guna and karma.

Prabhupada is teaching to us eternally, like Bhaktisiddhanta, Bhaktivinoda, Six Goswamis and so on but sometimes He has given different answer to the same question in different times to different people.




1)the pure devotee make mistakes




2)one of the quality of the pure devotee is the perfect sense of opportunity also when giving instructions on the same subject


i choose number 2


in conclusion:

Bhakti and devotees comments on scriptures is an eternal flowing of nectar... there's not any possibility to find faults in Prabhupada purports on revealed scriptures

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In the Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna that although He does remember all his past lifetimes, Arjuna doesn't. So, there is a fundamental difference between what God knows and what others will know.


If pure devotees know EVERYTHING in the past, present and future then maybe I will go and talk to a pure devotee and ask him to tell me the names of the winning horses at the racetrack for the next five years, then I can go to the races (not gambling, since I am sure to win) and win lots of money and use this money to print millions of books about Krishna.

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a devotee knows that the money from his mission comes from krsna's mercy, not from gambling..


guru and gambling, or devotee and sin are words that do not go together, like dirty and clean, pure and contaminated, dark and light, wet and dry


so a guru who engage himself in gambling is not a guru, is not empowered by krishna, he does not know past, present and future, so he does not know the results of horseraces


(gambling is not only when we are not sure of the results, gambling is where the relation between work and earning is not proportional.. when there's a prize not a proportionate and right payment.. so horse races are gambling and sinful even if you know the winner before)



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Yudhisthira was a pure devotee. He gambled. So did Kalidas, according to Caitanya Caritamrta. Kalidas used to say "Hari Hari" while rolling his dice.

But anyway, I was only making a joke. Lighten up!

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Your statement comes in several expansions. You could say Yudhistira was gambling, Pandu was hunting, Pandu had 2 wives, some of the Pandavas had multiple wives, Draupadi had multiple husbands, Shiva, the greatest of the Vaisnavas, smoked ganja amd drank poison, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, a nitya siddha, ate meat. These are the pastimes. In several Vaishnava lilas you may find something to question or to say these actions are fine for everybody to practice. They are pastimes not meant for imitation.

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