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has god incarnated in another planet anytime?

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i just wanted to ask u all a question.


is it possible that god has incarnated in another planet (or planets) somewhere in this vast universe?


or is the theory of incarnation peculiar and unique only to the earth.


being an astronomer the very size and expanse of the universe fascinates me. in our own galaxy of the milky way there are more than a billion suns. if each had rudimentary solarsystems...then you are looking at planets 10 times that number....roughly. and there are nearly a billion such galaxies in the KNOWN universe. leaving out the unknown that we havent seen so far.billions of billions of planets.


it is quite possible then that somewhere...a planet or planets are harbouring life. and wonderfully....it is impossible for that planet to harbour intelligent beings resembling just like humans (congruent theory of physics). they may have intelligent creatures of another shape and body. unimaginable lifeforms which are intelligent maybe existing for aeons in various galaxies scattered around this universe.


in that case....is it possible that god did incarnate in their planet in a bodyshape resembling theirs to show them the path of the sanatana dharma? what type would His lila be of then? is it possible that somewhere He is actually being worshipped in a form we never could imagine....becoz we havent seen how the aliens in that planet look like.


we represent our Krishna , Shiva , Jesus , Kali in forms of human type. what would be the form of representation of these same principles in another lifeform's mind?


the meaning of posting this thread is to know whether u all believe in the absoluteness of the form u worship in a particular known space (earth) and the universe or the all pervading various shapes of the eternal principle transcending space.




for example : can u imagine the Power called Krishna in an alien form...with no flute...maybe becoz in that planet there is no such thing discovered as music...coz all aliens there are born deaf!




just a passing thought.


would love to know your thoughts.


O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all LIVING ENTITIES; but Me no one knows.

[Chapter: 07 - Shaloka 26 ]


by this what and which living entities did sri krishna mean?





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for example : can u imagine the Power called Krishna in an alien form...with no flute...maybe becoz in that planet there is no such thing discovered as music...coz all aliens there are born deaf!


You watch too much Star Trek and Star Wars. If you can base it on any sci fi, it's more like "Sliders" in the sense that there are unlimited "parallel" universes. In some universe, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is acting out his pastimes. In some universe, baby Krishna is in Vrindavan. There are just that many universes.


Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He plays the flute, Sanskrit is the mother tongue. He does not have to alter Himself for anyone. Only a Brahmavadi who doesn't believe in Sri Krsna's eternal form would make such a hypothesis based on science fiction. Don't become a GeorgeLucas-vadi!

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Your deep emotions seeing the sky with all stars, planets reflects your pure heart and consciousness in seeing things more wider than others.


The Vedic knowledge is unlimited and on all other planets in this material universe, the Vedic wisdom is more vaster than the knowledge we have from the Earthly Vedic literature, still limited in many aspects.


Krishna and Radharani are the most accessible living beings existing, not closing their doors to their pure eternal children, living on all planets, galaxies, lokas, dimensions in this unique existing material universe.


The Vedic knowledge from the Earthly Vedic literature is lacking a lot in providing real wisdom and clearness about topics like other incarnations of Krishna on other planets on this material universe.


In order to answer to questions not referenced in the Earthly Vedic literature, we most approach pure realzed sould that can perceive the reality in their heart constantly.


Realized souls are friends of everyone, not limited to particular schools or paths, than the one of loving all their brother and sisters with its consciousness always devoted to Radharani and Krishna.


Spirituality is dynamic perception and realization of the reality, only to be done with the heart.


The heart is the gate to the wisdom.


The slokas are gateways to our hearts and wait to be explored by each of us, than we will realize the truth by our own.


Vedic wisdom awaits that all living beings can directly perceive the reality themselves in our hearts.


Limiting ourselves by only understanding the Vedic wisdom in our mind, without letting ourselves experience it, it is not the meaning of Vedic realization.


Each of us has the ability NOW to explore the unlimited worlds of Krishna Consciousness, it only requires courage to overcome static non Vedic-based so-called spiritual static barriers, which only close our heart to the personal experience of Radharani and Krishna.


It is now time for everyone to give up their sophisticated studies on Vedic sastras, and focus on the diving into the slokas with our heart.


Each invidual has the ability to do this, without having to follow any specific principles or paths, than the one of loving everyone.


Thinking that spiritual life requires anything is non-conform to Vedic principle, but rather conform to static orthodox erroneous understanding of the message of the Vedas.


Liberation from static living behaviour and thinking is the ONLY purpose of Vedic wisdom, liberation means to dock-in with our heart to the eternal dynamic wisdom centered into the worship of Radharani and Krishna.


Inrigants want others to believe that Vedic wisdom requires anything from us, which is not representing what Radharani and Krishna wants from us.


Radharani and Krishna know everything from us, they understand eerything happening to us.


The ONLY ETERNAL WISH of Radharani and Krishna is that all of us can IMMEDIATELY sense their presence and love and experiencing the Vedic wisdom ourselves all the times.


This is the understanding of all speakers of Vedic wisdom in all dimensions in this universe.


A multitude of eternal existing aspects of Radharani and Krishna, not mentioned in the Earthly Vedic literature, exist who also appeared/appear on all stars, planets of this material universe.


The main reason why Radharani and Krishna appear on all stars of this universe is to be always physically together with all their wonderful children, to make them live in more happiness.


All licing beings, in any forms, animals, plants, stones, humanoid etc. on all stars, galaxies, lokas, dimensions of this material universe are fully aware of all spiritual and metaphysical basis existing, eternally fully aware and consciousnly docked-in with their hearts to the eternal Vedic wisdom, all consciously being able to always communicate and see with their eyes Radharani and Krishna.


The understanding provided on the Earthly Vedic literature about other living beings on other stars, lokas, is limited and often non-conform to the reality.


Every demigod, elb, dwarf, animal, plant, stone, upa deva, is a pure nitya siddha jiva, never fallen to this material universe due to their ignorance or other reasons.


The inhabitants of planet earth do not much differ from the others planets than that on our planet also the fallen angels from Vaikuntha resided, tarned in human form.


Fallen angels exist, they are known as asuras, and belong to one race only, a brown-bird-dragon-dino-looing svarup they have, all deliberated left Vaikuntha dham due to the sudden enviousness of the first fallen angel Maya jiva towards Lakhsmi-devi.


The reasons of all other living beings being in this material universe, independetnly of their residing planet goes back to the original fall of their rebell brothers and their wish to help them to return back, in their heart, to love.


I do not want to spend more on the topic of fallen angels, as I have enough written on this on the ..org forum.


Except the tarned asuras in human form on planet earth, all reamining humans are pure nitya siddha jivas, either still activated/realized or still non-activated/non-realized/suffering.


For the nitya siddha jivas on planet earth still not activated/realized/healed from their sufferings caused by the asuras, the upcoming years will transform their heart very fastly to their original consciousness state, being able to always experience the wisdom by their own.


A guru is a friend of everyone, acting as the most accessible, non-orthodox person, eager to see all of his pure nitya siddha jiva brother and sisters, as soon as possible healed from their sufferings and being able to experience themselves the truth.


A guru is not better than anyone else having bhakti in his heart.


In love to you,


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"A guru is not better than anyone else having bhakti in his heart."


because who has bhakti in his heart is a guru, there's no bhakti without the desire of giving it to other's

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The word guru means one who has fully activated his prema-bhakti in his consciousnss state, therefore able to experience the reality from the heart, able to see and perecieve the things as they really are, able to perceive and see Radharani and Krishna, able to communicate with anyone multi-dimensionally consciously in communication with all his/her brother and sisters.


Except the few fallen angels from Vaikuntha, all other jivas/living beings in any existing wonderful forms, has an eternal relationship with Radharani and Krishna or to any of the billions of respective God-Mother / God-Father aspects of Radharani / Krishna. This relation was already established and lived by all living beings existing, i.e. meaning that all know Radharani and Krishna in person as they all were in Vaikuntha or Goloka and lived in harmony there until the first fallen angels started to desire to quit Vaikuntha and than trillions of wonderful nitya siddha jivas decided to temporarily leave Vaikunhta dham and come to the unique existing material universe with the purpose to help the rebells to join back Vaikuntha.


Among the trillions of trillions of nitya siddha jivas in this material universe, again, except the fallen angels from Vaikuntha, all living beings/jivas are pure nitya siddha jivas, some are still suffering and although their heart is fully filled with prema-bhakti, can currently not consciously live that state and need some already activated/healed nitya siddha jiva brother and sisters, who are awaiting only to activate/heal them as soon as possible.


An activated nitya siddha jiva has only one desire. To activate his/her brother and sisters as soon as possible, so they can than personally experience Krishna Consciousness with their heart and not always to ask questions to a guru, because they can directly pose any questions to anyone they like, Vyasadeva, Brahma, Ganesh, Sukadeva, Srila Prabhupada, Krishna, RAdharani, guardian angel etc. as they can sense the wisdom themselves.


The non-activate nitya siddha jivas, who still suffer from the influence of the fallen angels from Vaikuntha/

asuras, do only need a friend that is capable to understand their real needs, capable to help them individually, acting like a friend.


This is the only understanding of a guru, a friend of everyone.


In love,


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"because they can directly pose any questions to anyone they like, Vyasadeva, Brahma, Ganesh, Sukadeva, Srila Prabhupada, Krishna, RAdharani, guardian angel etc. as they can sense the wisdom themselves."


no.. they cannot speak directly to these personalities, if we are not realized souls we do not understand if we are speaking with maya or with the paramatma and who is giving answers from our heart


so we need also to speak directly with the "activated"and "activating" spiritual master


communication is not at all easy also between us living in the same existence plane.. imagine with prabhupada, vyasa, brahma, ganesh etc.


sincerity and honesty are an absolute necessity


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I fully agree with you, dear soul!


Only when our heart is liberated from static energies as suffering, shocks, wounds etc. we are than able to discover all gifts our beautiful heart has and can than perceive our fully activated prema-bhakti love for Radharani and Krishna.


A realized soul, an activated nitya siddha jiva, differs from a still non-activated/still non-realized in the daily consciounss/still not totally healed from the wounds in their heart nitya siddha jiva, that he/she can clearly differentiate with his/her heart with whom he/she is communicating with, as the realized soul is fully capable to clearly sense the energy of each living being, independently whether physciall present or not.




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Lord Caitanya explains the Nitya Lila of Lord Krsna in CC Madhya 20:<blockquote>"Before His personal appearance, the Lord causes some of His devotees to appear as His mother, father and intimate associates. He then appears later as if He were taking birth and growing from a baby to a child and gradually into a youth.


"‘The Supreme Personality of Godhead is eternally enjoying Himself, and He is the shelter of all kinds of devotional service. Although His ages are various, His age known as kizora [pre-youth] is best of all.'


"When Lord KRSNa appears, from moment to moment He exhibits His different pastimes, beginning with the killing of PUtanA. All these pastimes are eternally being demonstrated one after another.


"The consecutive pastimes of KRSNa are being manifested in one of the innumerable universes moment after moment. There is no possibility of counting the universes, but in any case some pastime of the Lord is being manifested at every moment in one universe or another.


"Thus the Lord's pastimes are like the flowing Ganges water. In this way all the pastimes are manifested by the son of Nanda MahArAja.


"Lord KRSNa exhibits His pastimes of childhood, boyhood and pre-youth. When He reaches pre-youth, He continues to exist eternally to perform His rAsa dance and other pastimes.


"Descriptions of KRSNa's eternal pastimes are in all the revealed scriptures. But one cannot understand how they are continuing eternally.


"Let me give an example by which people may understand Lord KRSNa's eternal pastimes. An example can be found in the zodiac.


"The sun moves across the zodiac day and night and crosses the oceans between the seven islands one after the other.


"According to Vedic astronomical calculations, the rotation of the sun consists of sixty daNDas, and it is divided into thirty-six hundred palas.


"The sun rises in steps consisting of sixty palas. Sixty palas equal one daNDa, and eight daNDas comprise one prahara.


"The day and the night are divided into eight praharas--four belonging to the day and four belonging to the night. After eight praharas, the sun rises again.


"Just as there is an orbit of the sun, there is an orbit of KRSNa's pastimes, which are manifested one after the other. During the lifetime of fourteen Manus, this orbit expands through all the universes, and gradually it returns. Thus KRSNa moves with His pastimes through all the universes, one after another.


"KRSNa remains within a universe for 125 years, and He enjoys His pastimes both in VRndAvana and DvArakA.


"The cycle of His pastimes turns like a wheel of fire. Thus KRSNa exhibits His pastimes one after the other in every universe.


"KRSNa's pastimes--appearance, childhood, boyhood and youth--are all manifested, beginning with the killing of PUtanA and extending to the end of the mauSala-lIlA, the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty. All of these pastimes are rotating in every universe.


"Since all KRSNa's pastimes are taking place continuously, at every moment some pastime is existing in one universe or another. Consequently these pastimes are called eternal by the Vedas and PurANas.


"The spiritual abode known as Goloka, which is a pasturing land for surabhi cows, is as powerful and opulent as KRSNa. By the will of KRSNa, the original Goloka and Gokula dhAmas are manifested with Him in all the universes.


"The eternal pastimes of KRSNa are continuously taking place in the original Goloka VRndAvana planet. These same pastimes are gradually manifested within the material world, in each and every brahmANDa.


SrIla BhaktisiddhAnta SarasvatI ThAkura elucidates this complicated explanation of KRSNa's pastimes. KRSNa's pastimes are always present in the material world in one of the many universes. These pastimes appear in the universes one after the other, just as the sun moves across the sky and measures the time. KRSNa's appearance may be manifested in this universe at one moment, and immediately after His birth, this pastime is manifested in the next universe. After His killing of PUtanA is manifested in this universe, it is next manifested in another universe. Thus all the pastimes of KRSNa are eternally existing both in the original Goloka VRndAvana planet and in the material universes. The 125 years calculated in our solar system to be KRSNa's lifetime equal one moment for KRSNa. One moment these pastimes are manifested in one universe, and the next moment they are manifested in the next universe. There are unlimited universes, and KRSNa's pastimes are manifested one moment after the other in all of them. This rotation is explained through the example of the sun's moving across the sky. KRSNa appears and disappears in innumerable universes, just as the sun appears and disappears during the day. Although the sun appears to rise and set, it is continuously shining somewhere on the earth. Similarly, although KRSNa's pastimes seem to appear and disappear, they are continuously existing in one brahmANDa (universe) or another. Thus all of KRSNa's lIlAs are present simultaneously throughout the innumerable universes. By our limited senses we cannot appreciate this; therefore KRSNa's eternal pastimes are very difficult for us to understand. One should try to understand how they are taking place by understanding the analogy of the sun. Although the Lord is appearing constantly in the material universes, His pastimes are eternally present in the original Goloka VRndAvana. Therefore these pastimes are called nitya-lIlA (eternally present pastimes). Because we cannot see what is going on in other universes, it is a little difficult for us to understand how KRSNa is eternally manifesting His pastimes. There are fourteen Manus in one day of BrahmA, and this time calculation is also taking place in other universes. KRSNa's pastimes are manifested before fourteen Manus expire. Although it is a little difficult to understand the eternal pastimes of KRSNa in this way, we must accept the verdict of the Vedic literatures.


There are two types of devotees--the sAdhaka, who is preparing for perfection, and the siddha, who is already perfect. As far as those who are already perfect are concerned, Lord KRSNa says in the Bhagavad-gItA (4.9), tyaktvA dehaM punar janma naiti mAm eti so 'rjuna: "After giving up this material body, such a devotee comes to Me." After leaving the material body, the perfect devotee takes birth from the womb of a gopI on a planet where KRSNa's pastimes are going on. This may be in this universe or another universe. This statement is found in the Ujjvala-nIlamaNi, which is commented upon by VizvanAtha CakravartI ThAkura. When a devotee becomes perfect, he is transferred to the universe where KRSNa's pastimes are taking place. KRSNa's eternal associates go wherever KRSNa manifests His pastimes. As stated before, first the father and mother of KRSNa appear, then the other associates. Quitting his material body, the perfect devotee also goes to associate with KRSNa and His other associates.</blockquote>"KRSNa is complete in the spiritual sky [VaikuNTha], He is more complete in MathurA and DvArakA, and He is most complete in VRndAvana, Vraja, due to His manifesting all His opulences.


"‘This is stated in the dramatic literatures as "perfect,more perfect" and "most perfect." Thus Lord KRSNa manifests Himself in three ways--perfect, more perfect and most perfect.


"‘When the Supreme Personality of Godhead does not manifest all His transcendental qualities, He is called complete. When all the qualities are manifested, but not fully, He is called more complete. When He manifests all His qualities in fullness, He is called most complete. This is the version of all learned scholars in the devotional science.


"‘The most complete qualities of KRSNa are manifested within VRndAvana, and His complete and more complete qualities are manifested in DvArakA and MathurA.'


"Lord KRSNa is the most complete Supreme Personality of Godhead in VRndAvana. Elsewhere all His expansions are either complete or more complete</blockquote>

Here is some Vedic cosmology, from the Bhaktivedanta commentary on Bhagavad-gita:<blockquote>The duration of the material universe is limited. It is manifested in cycles of kalpas.


A kalpa is a day of BrahmA, and one day of BrahmA consists of a thousand cycles of four yugas, or ages: Satya, TretA, DvApara and Kali. The cycle of Satya is characterized by virtue, wisdom and religion, there being practically no ignorance and vice, and the yuga lasts 1,728,000 years. In the TretA-yuga vice is introduced, and this yuga lasts 1,296,000 years. In the DvApara-yuga there is an even greater decline in virtue and religion, vice increasing, and this yuga lasts 864,000 years. And finally in Kali-yuga (the yuga we have now been experiencing over the past 5,000 years) there is an abundance of strife, ignorance, irreligion and vice, true virtue being practically nonexistent, and this yuga lasts 432,000 years. In Kali-yuga vice increases to such a point that at the termination of the yuga the Supreme Lord Himself appears as the Kalki avatAra, vanquishes the demons, saves His devotees, and commences another Satya-yuga. Then the process is set rolling again.


These four yugas, rotating a thousand times, comprise one day of BrahmA, and the same number comprise one night. BrahmA lives one hundred of such "years" and then dies. These "hundred years" by earth calculations total to 311 trillion and 40 billion earth years. By these calculations the life of BrahmA seems fantastic and interminable, but from the viewpoint of eternity it is as brief as a lightning flash. In the Causal Ocean there are innumerable BrahmAs rising and disappearing like bubbles in the Atlantic. BrahmA and his creation are all part of the material universe, and therefore they are in constant flux.


In the material universe not even BrahmA is free from the process of birth, old age, disease and death. BrahmA, however, is directly engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord in the management of this universe--therefore he at once attains liberation. Elevated sannyAsIs are promoted to BrahmA's particular planet, Brahmaloka, which is the highest planet in the material universe and which survives all the heavenly planets in the upper strata of the planetary system, but in due course BrahmA and all the inhabitants of Brahmaloka are subject to death, according to the law of material nature.</blockquote>

We can see from the Nitya Lila that if Krsna spends 125 years in every universe performing His pastime, and that it takes 4.3 billion years for Him to complete His rounds in one daytime of Lord Brahma and get back here, then there are 4.3B/125 = 34 million universes (brahmanda). But then, who knows what tricks time will play in such a grand spectacle? Our stumbling onto the relativity phenomenon could well be only the tip of the iceberg of time's complexities.


From "Vedic Cosmography And Astronomy" by Dr. R.L. Thompson, available in most libraries:<blockquote>The Universal Globe and Beyond


According to the BhAgavatam, this universe consists of a spherical inner portion four billion miles in diameter, surrounded by a series of seven coverings. In this subsection we will describe the nature and dimensions of these coverings and compare this aspect of Vedic cosmology with the modern conception of the distant regions of the universe.


Modern Western cosmologists have generally regarded the universe as having the same basic nature in all locations. One uniform geometrical framework is used to describe all space. Matter is regarded as existing in space, and it is assumed that the physical laws of our earthly laboratory experience govern the interactions between material elements in all parts of the universe. Thus the different conditions prevailing in different locations are attributed solely to the different arrangements of matter temporarily existing at those locations.


Traditionally, the geometrical framework has been three-dimensional Euclidian geometry, and thus the universe has been assumed to extend uniformly to infinity in all directions. In recent years, however, Einstein introduced four-dimensional non-Euclidian geometries, in which space can curve back on itself in a manner analogous to the curved surface of a sphere. This allowed people to formulate models of the universe in which the total volume of space is finite but there are no boundaries, and in which conditions are still essentially the same everywhere.


In Vedic cosmology the material world is not assumed to be of the same nature in all places, and space is not postulated as an absolute background within which all phenomena take place. Rather, material space, or ether, is generated at a certain phase in the process of creation, and this takes place only in certain bounded domains, called brahmANDas. SrIla PrabhupAda has spoken of these domains as universes and thus given a new meaning to this English word.


As we have described in Chapter 2, the Vedic literature takes the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be the ultimate source of all manifestations, and it maintains that the universes are generated by the transformation of the Lord's external energy. In the process of creation, the material elements are generated in the following order: mahat-tattva, false ego, mind, intelligence, sound, ether, touch, air, form, fire, taste, water, odor, and earth (SB 3.26.23–44).


Here the term mahat-tattva refers to the manifest form of KRSNa's total material energy, which is produced from pradhAna, the unmanifest or undifferentiated form of that energy (SB 3.26.10 and 17–20). The mahat-tattva is the source of the false ego, a material energy that serves to cover the true self-awareness of the conditioned living beings. The false ego operates in three modes, called goodness, passion, and ignorance, and thereby generates mind, intelligence, and subtle sound. Here, sound (zabda-tanmAtra) refers not to a vibration within gross matter but to a subtle energy that generates the gross material elements and vibrates within the element of false ego in ignorance. Ether, the first element produced from this energy, is the source of the subsequent elements in our list.


When the Vedic ether is mentioned, the objection will often be raised that the idea of an ether was banished from physics by Einstein's theory of relativity. This objection refers to the classical "luminiferous ether," which was shown by the Michelson-Morley experiment to be stationary with respect to the earth (see Section 6.a). This conception of the ether was indeed rejected by Einstein, but he simply replaced it with another conception. In fact, Einstein said, "According to the general theory of relativity, space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there would not only be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time" (CH, pp. 53–54).


According to the Third Canto of SrImad-BhAgavatam, ether is the basic fabric of material space. Since air, fire, water, and earth are produced from ether, these gross material elements can be regarded as transformations of space. It is interesting to note that such ideas have been recently contemplated by modern physicists. For example, the theory of geometrodynamics created by the physicist John Wheeler is an attempt to define all matter in terms of perturbations in the fabric of space. Also, the scientists working on quantum mechanical versions of general relativity are all trying, in effect, to show how the fabric of space can be derived from some kind of wave motion (or quantum wave function). This can be compared with the Vedic idea that ether is generated from subtle sound.


It is also interesting to note that in the Vedic process of creation, the sequential unfolding of the elements from ether involves an alternation of gross material substances and modes of sense perception (tanmAtras). Thus, according to the Vedic conception, the properties of matter are intimately tied together with the processes of sense perception occurring in conscious living entities. This aspect of matter is completely disregarded in modern physics, although there is some recognition by quantum theorists such as Eugene Wigner that a complete theory of matter must take into account the existence of a conscious observer (WG).


Since our theme in this book is the structure of the universe, we will not discuss the process of creation of the elements in more detail. For us the key feature of this process is as follows: In the first step, "a part of the material nature, after being initiated by the Lord, is known as the mahat-tattva" (SB 2.2.28p). The generation of false ego occurs within a restricted part of the mahat-tattva. Within part of this region, subtle sound becomes manifest, and then ether becomes manifest within part of the region of subtle sound. In general, each successive element becomes manifest within a small portion of the region in which the preceding element is present. This is described by SrIla SrIdhara SvAmI, who is cited by SrIla PrabhupAda in this connection in SB 2.2.28p.


The result is that the material energy becomes filled with innumerable spherical regions of mahat-tattva and false ego. Each of these regions constitutes a particular universe, or brahmANDa, and contains concentric spherical regions in which the successive material elements are manifest. Within the center of each of these systems of concentric globes is a hollow region containing the inhabited planetary systems of that universe.


The part of the universe in which one element is manifest but the subsequent element is not is called the universal shell or covering corresponding to that element. Generally, it is said that the inner, hollow portion of the universe is covered by seven successive shells, each ten times as thick as the one within it (SB 3.11.41). In different parts of the BhAgavatam SrIla PrabhupAda gives a number of partial lists of these different coverings.</blockquote>

If anyone gets this far, I see here that the Bhagavatam suggests that the inner sphere of the brahmanda is four billion miles, and recently another planet has been discovered in our solar system at just that distance. Now I am adding solar systems to the possible phenomena that could be referenced in the Vedas as 'brahmanda'; perhaps each with fourteen planet worlds. It could make sense that they are either solar systems (indeed with one sun as is reported) or galaxies or the entire set of galaxies and solar systems. At this point I can see reasons to support each concept and reasons to reject each concept. Fortunately I am not too attached to knowing which is the truth. When I get a transcendental rocket ship like Narada Muni, then I'll have to figure it all out.



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