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Hypnotherapy and NLP Programming for Celibates

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if you have difficulty to control sex urge, if you think to have illicit sex you are actually breaking the principle, let us not be so materialist to believe that the bad thought has to be put in action to be a sin, or a breaking of a promise made to spiritual master


better to have sex than repress it with psychological treatments and cds... when the desire is there there's also the sperm discharge through urine and night pollution.. and this is a demonstration that the breaking is already there.


and this way of life is more sinful (not being a brahmachary, sannyasi, renounced and attempting to hide it), hypochrite, antivaishnava and full of future reaction than simply go with the wife, make sex with love, and get up the next morning with a quiet mind and chant hare krishna


we are paying huge sums in money and bad propaganda what we did repressing people in the seventies and eighties, if there was more happy couples and less repress monks now we surely'd have much more brahmacharys and sannyasis.. and much more people chanting hare krishna

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  • 2 years later...

The reason I have not replied for such a long time is that I was diagnosed with troat cancer early after my last post and had to undergo treatment and to be truthful I forgot all about it. I got the all clear and by Srila Prabhupadas and Krishnas mercy I live to chant another day. So this is my last reply to "guest" in the matter. Reply....Yeah it sounds quiet funny i have to say, the fact is still that sex desire is the all destroying sinful enemy of this world and anything that can help a person to overcome this, is a good thing.You need to understand that sense control is something important for the devotees commitment to His spiritual master and that "hypnotised does not mean zombie or mindless or any of these negative descriptions u r putting on it. You are comparing hypnotherapy with stage hypnosis, which is just to make fun of people and has no therapeutical benefit. This is not what hypnotherapy means at all.It is a known fact that people learn best when the body and mind is completely relaxed, old negative thought patterns which stand in the way of making genuine progress can be changed into their positive opposites. The effect is that new positive behaviours emerge replacing old and negative ones.It is a fact that we have learned to respond in certain ways to different situations for example, but it has been a learned response either thought to us by our parents, other people or learnt by our own life experiences.As such we are already dealing with artificially learned responses in many ways, which we now see as facts, even so many of them are just opinions and actions implanted to us by others. Many of these “implants” have a negative effect on people, You are forgetting that we are not this body and not the mind, if the mind gives us problems then there is nothing wrong with re educating it so that the problems go away. If those problems have been an obstacle for devotional service and are gone then the devotee can use his newfound energies on those things, which are really important.Previously that person hypnotised himself to think ...i cant do this i cant do that and this is called "self imposed limitations" now he is de-hypnotised and his mind is clear. All I do is de-hypnotise people from being stuck in self-destructing mindsets to help them move on.For example I get lots of clients with terrible childhood traumas who are already go round like zombies so to speak and I help them to free themselves from it and it works. Sometimes you see there are many blockages in a person’s mind, which are so deeply rooted that they need releasing before the person can move on.Before "speaking out" against something as beneficial as hypnotherapy, consider and research its benefits. Relaxation Hypnotherapy Meditation have amazing benefits to the nervous system and health in general. For example it can help a person who has irritable bowel syndromes, or help a mother to give birth without anestatics, it can take your toothache away or help cancer patients to tolerate their pain. It can help a devotee to be calm and collected for public speaking and improve ones memory and more.What it cant do is make anyone act in normal life like a mindless zombie, controlled by the voice of a hypnotist who has power over him, this does not exist, except when a person who is under the control of drugs gets hypnotised, but only when he is already predisposed to being stupid otherwise no one can be hypnotised to do something against his will.In a nutshell hypnotherapy and nlp is nothing else then reframing a persons negative and destructive mindset into a positive one that will help him to achieve his goals. The sense of self cannot be changed, a person who is undergoing therapy stays exactly the same as before, except he will experience less problems in those areas, which gave him difficulties in the past.As such it’s a very good idea, but for a devotee another devotee should carry it out, or a devotee could learn self-hypnosis instead.That’s my final word on the matter to "Guest " After all I did not come here to argue but to help and this is only one persons opinion and opinions aren’t facts.Devarsirat das ACBSP 1976

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When I see a woman I see broadloom, drapes, matching dishes, silverware, painting and repainting walls, wallpapering, reconfiguring the living room monthly; a list so long that any urges, that would once consume this rogue, now get lost in the never-ending necessary extensions of womanhood.


Actually I guess I don't do that anymore. The new conditioning must have replaced the old. Jai! Love 'em, but leave 'em - that's me.


Who am I kidding? My mechanical scheme wasn't the cause of liberation from babes; it was the higher taste. Yes, once again I can take no credit. This is my hypnotic subliminal message to the world: Seek ye first that higher taste.



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When I see a woman I see broadloom, drapes, matching dishes, silverware, painting and repainting walls, wallpapering, reconfiguring the living room monthly; a list so long that any urges, that would once consume this rogue, now get lost in the never-ending necessary extensions of womanhood.


Actually I guess I don't do that anymore. The new conditioning must have replaced the old. Jai! Love 'em, but leave 'em - that's me.


Who am I kidding? My mechanical scheme wasn't the cause of liberation from babes; it was the higher taste. Yes, once again I can take no credit. This is my hypnotic subliminal message to the world: Seek ye first that higher taste.




Pardon me but I seriously suspect your "higher" taste if that is how you view womanhood presently. Be careful you might end up matching a dish or two yourself. Again.

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Nervous humour, that misogynistic lingo and stuff, aimed at the rogues of today, nudge nudge wink wink. But matching dishes, not a chance. Only got one spoon!


A spoon but no puddin. What next?

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What was that story about the sadhu and the rat eatting his cloth? I'll try it.


Everyday when this sadhu would awaken to this external realm he would notice a rat had come and eatten a small bit of his cloth.


He thought, "What can I do? I can get a cat to keep the rat away." But then he saw he would need milk to feed the cat. So he would have to get a cow. The cow would need to be milked so now he thought of getting a wife to milk the cow. He realized the wife would require a home at which point the sadhu throw up his hands and proclaimed, "Better I go naked."


Keep the pudding. I'll eat dried fruit and seeds.

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What was that story about the sadhu and the rat eatting his cloth? I'll try it.


Everyday when this sadhu would awaken to this external realm he would notice a rat had come and eatten a small bit of his cloth.


He thought, "What can I do? I can get a cat to keep the rat away." But then he saw he would need milk to feed the cat. So he would have to get a cow. The cow would need to be milked so now he thought of getting a wife to milk the cow. He realized the wife would require a home at which point the sadhu throw up his hands and proclaimed, "Better I go naked."


Keep the pudding. I'll eat dried fruit and seeds.


No, no, the ending went, the wife then grants the sadhu's wish: "dried food and seeds, so be it, again become a mouse!"

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No, no, the ending went, the wife then grants the sadhu's wish: "dried food and seeds, so be it, again become a mouse!"


Wasn't it "rat"?

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No, no, the ending went, the wife then grants the sadhu's wish: "dried food and seeds, so be it, again become a mouse!"


You are mixing parables. The follow up to this story is that after the sadhu made the right choice, the rat found some maha-prasad outside the local Radha/Krsna temple, ate it and then when he was coming for some more sadhu cloth he died of natural causes. Due to eating the maha-prasad he also attained the Spiritual Planets and went there to live happily ever after.


The sadhu entered fully into samadhi during meditation. His body has not stirred even a breath for the last 5,000 years and it has not be moved due to no one knowing if the sadhu will return or not. It also shows no signs of decay and remains suspended in perfect equilibrium to this day. He is sitting in Shangra-la and anyone can go see him there.


True story.

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Please pardon me, Devarsirat Prabhu. Congratulations on your victory over the cancer. That is what is important. Your chanting will sound so nice now. It is the greatest pleasure.



Dear PrabhuThank you for note, my chanting sounds ok, one good change is that I chant now more carefully and pay more attention because this illness has really knocked me sideways and as you can imagine it has made me re evaluate especially my spiritual life. I feel very blessed to be able to chant and practice spiritual life once more, considering that so many of my godbrothers and sisters did not have this fortune and died from the disease. It makes me feel humble and eager to do more service reading and chanting.Sometimes we need to knocked arround a bit to be grounded again and appreciate Krishna Consciousness properly. So what looked very bad at the time turned out to be a blessing in disguise and I can see harmony in the chaos so to speak.Krishna is the chief of all chiefs and what He wants goes, of this there is no daubt, not a blade of grass moves without His permission and we have to be very careful about the things we say and do, not to attract bad reactions into our lifes.I am glad to be back yes, thank you, that was very kindAll glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga Radhe Radhe

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You are mixing parables. The follow up to this story is that after the sadhu made the right choice, the rat found some maha-prasad outside the local Radha/Krsna temple, ate it and then when he was coming for some more sadhu cloth he died of natural causes. Due to eating the maha-prasad he also attained the Spiritual Planets and went there to live happily ever after.


The sadhu entered fully into samadhi during meditation. His body has not stirred even a breath for the last 5,000 years and it has not be moved due to no one knowing if the sadhu will return or not. It also shows no signs of decay and remains suspended in perfect equilibrium to this day. He is sitting in Shangra-la and anyone can go see him there.


True story.


Perfect equilibrium and suspension of reason, and no one stirred not even the mouse?


What wonder this la-la-land indeed!

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