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q' about Guru Fall-down

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Haribol, friend, Ill give it a try.


#1 Your Guru falls-down


Not guru, in the sense you present, as one who acts as diksa guru is beyond such falldown. However, one must not jump to conclusions about such a falldown, because shastra states that even uncharacteristic abominable actions are overlooked in regard to a Pure unalloyed servant of the Supreme Lord. Also, the fall-down may not be what you are seeing at all, as perhaps we just see a reaction from the real falldown. Perhaps the falldown occurred when he took a disciple and committed to him, even though he himself had no commitment with His guru.


#2 Do you accept another Guru?


There is only one Guru, and we cannot accept or reject Him, the Lord in the Heart, Sri Sesa Balarama, Sri Nityananda Prabhu. As far as asking another person to reciprocaTE COmmitment that is required via the diksa ceremony, what can we do, be soo disturbed and shell-shocked that we are hard as nails and never have respect or love for anyone else ever again? No, we depend on Krsna to take care of these things, He will decidee.


#3 Your Guru's fall-down was Temp its said,

so the question arises was he ever bona-fide

in the first place?


A certain validity to that statement. He was bonafide when he was disciple, when he became master, he was not. Srila Prabhupada was different from the throngs of eccliastic gurus flooding the market these days in that he was always servant and he was even servant to his disciples.


We can go from bonafide to unbonafide and back agaqin, but I would not ask an equal to formally initiate me, because we already do that, go up, then down, then up, then down. How is a guru with the same problem gonna help.


My Main reason for answering this post is that to all who have been initiated into this movement by someone who has fallen down from the sadhana process, our reaction indicates whether we are devotees or not. If we are angry, and hate the person who caused this trouble, we miss the point. This person gave you krsna, and you owe your krsna consciousness to this person, regardless of where he or she may be now. We must re3ciprocate with all who gave with no desire of return. We pray to Krsna and the factual acaryas, begging them to remove the curse, the karmic reaction, the temporary dive, that made this person forget Krsna. Krsna is pleased if we have compassion for the plight of others, and if the guru becomes the disciple in the process, so be it, he could do worse.



haribol, ys, mahaksadasa



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#1 Your Guru falls-down

the biggest disgrace... as prabhu mahak says , the falldown was precedent, or better there's no real falldown because he was never a real guru, it is only a revelation of his true nature... actually an advancement, the end of an illusion for him and the followers


#2 Do you accept another Guru?

it is necessary because no guru (=no contact with a living representative of paramatma) = no godhead


If NOT then can your Diksa still be Active?

if the previous "guru" has revealed himself not a real one, how he has given diksha? how he connected the disciple to god if he did not know and see, live with god? and if he was like that it is not possible any falldown


#3 Your Guru's fall-down was Temp its said,

so the question arises was he ever bona-fide

in the first place?

we can thanks this devotee that, even if illusioned has given some useful advices, like a friend... we can even ask to him forgiveness because we have pushed his illusion acting as disciples... but bona fide guru means uttama adhikari, one doesn not falls from this platform, our service tho the "fallen" one was technically not in connection with sri krishna through parampara, maybe it was a preparation or a training for the real service to the real guru in this or next life







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no one should disrespected.. if not us who were not so sincere to let us krishna send a real vaishnava and not a common human

(ultimately krsna directly, or indirectly through maya, fulfills our desires)

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