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What is the price for Krishna Consciousness?

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One who is too much attached to material enjoyment and sense enjoyment cannot approach the Lord. He cannot understand what is real devotional service. One has to have great determination. What is the nature of that determination? That you are willing to pay any price for Krishna's mercy. There is nothing so dear to us that will come between us and the mercy of Krishna. When you have that determination, when you have that desire that is when the Lord makes all arrangements for liberation.


We are just struggling for existence. And yet we are so attached to this existence that for the sake of enjoying this, we don't have time for Krishna consciousness. Are you willing to live on the street as a beggar if that is what is required to get Krishna's mercy? If you are, I am not saying you have to do it but you should be willing to do it. That is the price. It is not cheap. It is not that you chant the mantra and you become pure. You have to understand what is the determination in which to chant the mantra.


H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj


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No offense but what is the purpose of the mantra if it is not to purify you? I thought that was the great mercy of Lord Caitanya is that he has made attaining the mercy of Krishna very easy in the Kali-yuga. One need only chant the holy names without offense.. Its very easy and very simple or at least that was my understanding, am I missing something?

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Once SwAmI PrabhupAd told his ziSyas:

"Tongue has 2 businesses: talking & tasting. So if u simply talk about kRSNa & taste kRSNa prasAd u will go Back Home, Back to Godhead."

Another time he firmly stated:

"When u r ready to give up eating & sleeping, then u can live with me in VRndAvan."

Which one is correct?

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"Because a bona fide spiritual master is a representative of Krsna, if he bestows any blessings upon his disciple, that will make the disciple immediately advanced without the disciple's following the regulated principles."


(B.G 13.8--12, purport)


Prabhupada can do anything he wants. He is beyond all the rules and regulations of the Vedas. So who can judge or make absolutes about who is (or is not) advanced in spiritual life except for the pure devotee?

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Prabhupada can do anything he wants. He is beyond all the rules and regulations of the Vedas.



And of course, those who follow him are also beyond all the rules and regulations of the Vedas....

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