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Kalki avatar

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Many people seem to think that Moahmmed was kalki avatar and they also give many 'proofs'. But maybe, Bush is the real kalki avatar, because as the scriotures say, he destroys evil and restores the good? this is what kalki is suppsed to do, right, so Bush fits the bill perfectly. What do KC devotees think? Do they worship Bush as an avatar?

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No one who is anyone thinks that either Mohammad or Bush is Kalki avatara. Muslims only use this nonsense to deride Hindus. Is that your purpose here?


The silly thing is that if Muslims really believe that Mohammad is Kalki then they admit that Krsna and Allah are one, and there is no longer a need to kill Hinduism. But they reveal themselves to be simply dull, two-faced, insincere, and unsophisticated. Such persons should stick to their simple religion and not try to understand esoteric topics, like the Vedas. If they seek an outlet for the anger arising from their frustrated passions they should try to destroy their own inner demons with the blazing sword of honesty. That will please Allah.

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I asked a simple question and I get thrashed for it! Ghari, I am not a Muslim, nor do I like them. I am a KC devotee myself, but I was wondering if you guys had an opinion on these matters. WHy would I deride my own faith? Facts are pretty compelling, especially in Bush's case where he has declared righteous battles to protect the innocent, just as Krishna advises arjuna in the BG.

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That first post was idiocy.


Or it belongs in the "Good Clean Jokes" forum.


If your question really is serious, then "NO!", Bush is not Krsna.


BTW, you "deride your own faith" by even asking if Bush is Krsna, an avatara; especially an avatara that the Vedas indicate will appear 427,000 odd years from now. It makes Krsna look cheap, and makes 'Hindus' look like idiots.


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SB Chapter 17 verse 1 purport:


"The principal sign of the age of Kali is that lower-caste südras, i.e., men without brahminical culture and spiritual initiation, will be dressed like administrators or kings, and the principal business of such non-ksatriya rulers will be to kill the innocent animals, especially the cows and the bulls, who shall be unprotected by their masters, the bona fide vaisyas, the mercantile community. In the Bhagavad-gitä (18.44), it is said that the vaisyas are meant to deal in agriculture, cow protection and trade. In the age of Kali, the degraded vaisyas, the mercantile men, are engaged in supplying cows to slaughterhouses. The ksatriyas are meant to protect the citizens of the state, whereas the vaisyas are meant to protect the cows and bulls and utilize them to produce grains and milk. The cow is meant to deliver milk, and the bull is meant to produce grains. But in the age of Kali, the südra class of men are in the posts of administrators, and the cows and bulls, or the mothers and the fathers, unprotected by the vaisyas, are subjected to the slaughterhouses organized by the südra administrators."


Prabhupada is always right on the mark....Doesn't President Bush have a working cattle ranch?


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As a Kalki Avatar 'Lord Krishna' will come on a white horse.

Great pralaya will come.


So stop comparing perons who are nothing to do with divineness with Lord Kalki (Krishna).


I think once Swami Prabhupada had told that Mohammed is a Sakteswar Avatar of vishnu. Just all. Nor Swami Prabhupada nor in any puranas tell that mohammed or bush is kalki.





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If there becomes enough Vaishnava's in this world, you do vote right?..we could elect a Vaishvava!


It would be like dwapara-yuga or something!


What did His Divine Grace say about this, Vaishnava's getting into politics to change things around?


Or at least getting the foot in the door, and trying to impliment little changes.


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{As a Kalki Avatar 'Lord Krishna' will come on a white horse.}


This is why I thought Bush might well be kalki. You see, Bush is from Texas and everyone knows it is famous for horses and Bush, being the cowboy that he is, rides many horses. Also many people believe that kalki would have the same cowboy attitude, like Bush. So you can put two adn two together and get Bush (kalki) on a white horse!

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All men are mortals- Premise/fact.

Bush is a 'MAN'- Premise/fact.

Bush is a Mortal- conclusion.


There is only one God and rest are mortals- Premise/fact.

Krishna is God- Premise/ fact.

Then the rest are mortals- Conclusion

Bush is a man, He is a mortal- conclusion. ]


When God comes, He reveals himself to the pure devotees as the Almighty. When Bush comes, He reveals himself to the both pure and unpure devotees as an idiot.



Note: Being "mortal" is pertaining to the body, not to the eternal soul.


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Our guest pretends to pursue 'KC', then adds two plus two plus 427,000 and gets four. I don't think he is taking us or Krsna very seriously. They are either a small child or just extremely offensive or dull or intoxicated.


You need to apologize for your offenses here, guest, if you really want to be a Krsna devotee.

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"You need to apologize for your offenses here, guest, if you really want to be a Krsna devotee. "


A vaishnava can tolerate anything said about them, when it comes to something that is offensive to krishna is offensive to the vaishnava. So, yea, you better apologize for the offense buddy.


Anyway, I myself apologize for the wierd posts that I put up here. /images/graemlins/smile.gif



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for any offenses I might've committed, but I only want to learn and not hurt anyone's feelings. Many people believe that Bush is similar to Kalki in that he is from texas and therefore has access to lots of horses. So kalki on the white horse might be Bush because he could also end up on the white horse. Maybe, this is what the puranas were referring to, when they said kalki will come on a horse. Also they say a peculiar smell comes along with kalki to destroy evil people. And that's what happend when Bush came to power, there was anthrx and sars etc. Also the puranas say kalki comes from North America, and US is in North America only.

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Did you read above that the Kalki avatara appears 427,000 years from now. Do you not see it is simply nonsense to keep on with the Bush thing in light of that Vedic fact?


And what about Roy Rogers who purified the hearts of all the kids with his eternal consort Dale Evans? Let's see just how ludicrous we can be here. Neo doesn't have a horse but he like totally blasts the agents of evil - like totally. But clearly the Lone Ranger on his white horse, Silver, who fights for truth and justice and the American way of life even more heroically than the Bush-babe (at least he fights as well as talks) is the real Kalki avatara. Of course he hides behind the mask, for he is a hidden (channah) incarnation, but his eternal Tonto Hanuman sidekick is revered by an entire generation as a great servant of the Lord.


Hell, even I may be Krsna. So watch it!




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first of all, Kalki is a yuga avatara; his appearance will be at the end of the Kali yuga. the kali yuga began 5000 years ago. it will last 432,000 years since it began--about 427,000 years from now. so, no, bush isn't Krishna. (neither gHari prabhu, or those that he mentioned--lol).


anyways, if you want more convincement: go to texas, or some other place with horses--more than likely you will find someone with a white horse. hopefully you won't start calling all of them Kalki.



Shrimad Bhagavatama(1.3.25)

Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Visnu Yasa. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.


what is Bush's father's name? it's bush, not Visnu Yasa.




Obeisances to Your form as the faultless Lord Buddha, who will bewilder the Daityas and Danavas, and to Lord Kalki, the annihilator of the meat-eaters posing as kings.


to inform you, bush went to the iraqis or somewhere around there to enjoy thanksgiving with the soldiers there. and guess what? they ate turkey there for thanksgiving. now imagine: Bush, the "annihilator of the meat eaters...".




23. When the Supreme Lord has appeared on earth as Kalki, the maintainer of religion, Satya-yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness.


sorry, but i believe gay's have gotten rights in U.S. recently.



please forgive me if i have made any offense, knowingly or unknowingly, as i am fallen.



Hare Krishna

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