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VedAnta-sUtra 1.4.1-28

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sAxAc cobhayAmnAnAt

directly; and, plus (inclusion force); ubhaya = both (material & operative cause); AmnAnAt = because of direct statement

133) Moreover, both r explicitly stated, ergo, Brahman is both material & operastive cause.

If we could c ViSNu or KRSNa behind everything, each situation both good & bad, whether gain or loss, healthy or ill

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Atma-kRteH pariNAmAt

from self-creation; owing to modification

Brahman is universe's operative as well as material cause, having made Himself so, and by modifying Himself into universe.

3 ViSNus - George's Pepper's song "Within U Without U" etc.

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yoniz ca hi gIyate







































yoniz ca hi gIyate

womb, source; and due to; is sung, called

135) Brahman is universe's both material & operative cause, for some texts so describe Him.










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etena sarve vyAkhyAtA vyAkhyAtAH ||1|4|28||

by, with this interpretive method indicated in above sUtras; all (Names like Hara, Rudra &c.); r explained; further elaboration

Remember, God - KRSNa likes it more when we name Him in connection to His pure devotees & Eternal Pastimes

Thus r explained all words.

nAmAni vizvAni na santi loke, yadA virAsIt puruSasya sarvam ||

All names existing among mankind have come from Him, the PuruSa, and so primarily apply to Him.

Not only all substances (solid, liquid, radiance...) but also all names for all forms they assume - all from Him.

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