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update for my fellow devotees

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Hare KRsna everyone. How is everyone doing? I havent been in touch lately and so much has taken over my day to day life so when I do drop by it is just for a small glimpse.


Did you all miss me?




I want to thank you all for all of your support. From Ghari, Pritha to everyone else that was there for me.


Well, things have definatly turned around a 160 degrees from what is used to be. Currently I am working for a telemarketing company, and now I just recently got a great new job doing Market Research. I start next week. I take surveys.


THe immigration situation has improved as I called immigration and figured out what i needed to get my wife over here. I have been busy working, school, filling out the immigration forms that I didnt get a chance to come here much, also there were some topics and people that bothered me.


ANyways, I start the process of bringing my wife to Canada next week. Yes, everything is packed and ready to go. Just some small tweeks and final adjustments.


Please pray for me as I am know because of your prayers I have made it this far. I have saved over $3000 dollars in my bank account and Guru Maharaj's mercy as well as the devotees care and support along with my wifes love and krsna's guidance I have achieved my goal.


You can do anything as long as krsna is in the centre.


I hope to hear from you all. Hare Krsna.


"Impossible is only a word in a cowards dictionary"



Hare Krsna



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The good news is incredible. You are incredible. She is a lucky lady to have married a real man. Even with Krsna's help, we can't discount the noble qualities you have exhibited over the past weeks. It is truly remarkable, and three grand in the bank! I would never have even dreamt it.


But Krsna and Caitanya's sankirtana has brought you through it. Nothing can defeat you now, Haridham. Your critics are left humbled in shame at your greatness. I too am humbled. No matter what your father says, he must be very proud of you, as we all are.


It reminds me of how Madhavendra Puri brought the sandalwood for Gopal. No doubt there is a nice cup of sweet rice for you in the near future.


Thank you for sharing this sweet pastime of how Hari and Haridham bring the young bride from Madagascar. It is most uplifting. Such a touching story is sure to make any young girl want to be an ISKCON devotee following in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gopal Krishna who serve the lotus feet of the most enchanting lovers of all time, Sri Sri Radha and Krsna.


All glories to Sri Krsna Sankirtana! All glories to Haridham Prabhu! And all blessings for his fortunate wife.



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Hare Krsna, Not only do I have one good job, but I have two great jobs. Wooo hoo. THis is all Krsna's mercy. NExt week i send the papers to Immigration and hopefully krsna willing my wife will be here soon.


I am glad you and the rest of the devotees have given me support. I really needed that and although I dont frequent this website a lot anymore I do thank you a lot.


Hare krsna



Hare Krsna

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Hare Krsna Prabhu. Please accept my humble obesensies.


I really wish to thank you for the help you gave me in looking for a job. I am glad I had a chance to associate with you.


Thank you very much for the encouragment. I didnt spend one penny these last few months. This discpline is truly Prabhupad and his movements mercy. I am only as good and noble as Krsna allows me and my wife trains me. hahahhahaha. Behind every good man is a greater woman righhht!!!!!


When you have KRsna you can do anything, I can attest to that for sure. Rakhe Krsna Mare Khe, Mare Krsna Rakhe khe. My critics dont know what I am doing, they will be taken care of later. My father doesnt even know. He thinks I am going to school and thats all he needs to know until my wife gets here.



yuuum, sweet rice...actually I dont like sweets very much but on this occasion why not right. hahahaha.


My wife is the reason I worked so hard. Everytime I felt like giving up I just looked at my wedding ring and said to my self "this is who I am working so hard for, dont stop now" All glories to my wife.


There is still a bit of a process happening but keep praying for me and keep chanting hare krsna and everything that will fall into place will fall into place.


Behind every good man, there is a greater woman.


Thank you.


Hare KRsna

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