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I am a very reserved person by nature, I know I cannot change my nature how much ever I try. Most of the people feel very uncomfortable, when I am around. Also I am a person of skeptic nature. I have read the Bhagavatgita, Srimad Bhagavatam and a bit of Upanishads. My goal in life is God, but therez lots of doubts arising in my mind regarding things and I am unable to follow many teachings because of these doubts and I very unhappy .As Lord Krishna says" Skeptic natured people who doubt will never be happy in this world or the other" and I think it's 100% true in my case as I'm very unhappy.

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What advice you want?


Relating to your statement: "Most of the people feel very uncomfortable, when I am around."


I'm just like you, but one thing is that people often project how they feel on others. Are you not the one who is uncomfortable when around others? I'm saying this because it is the case for me, I am uncomfortable and this feeling of paranoia gets others uncomfortable.


All my life I've been accusing others of rejecting me... when lately I realized I'm the one rejecting others.


Start trusting yourself then you'll be happy. You are skeptic about your own ability to trust. BTW if you think I'm just saying this without having experienced and gone through it... try me, you'll be surprised.

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"Skeptic natured people who doubt will never be happy in this world or the other" and I think it's 100% true in my case as I'm very unhappy. "

•••this is the world of ignorance, doubts will never abandone us.. so we are all very unhappy.

So having the same problems of all the humanity, please have faith in the devotee association.. let us speak together of krishna (in this forum for example) and chant the mahamantra more as you can.

These twon activities (chanting and association) will save me, you, us.. etc

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