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Getting Cursed!!!!

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Hare Krsna everyone.


I am curious about something. Can a devotee be cursed by anyone? I mean if someone out of lack of knowledge, or anger or miscomunication or hate or lack of respect or thinks themselves to be right even though they are wrong curse a devotee?


I think I might have been cursed today, should I worry?


I mean I do think that the holy name will protect you but I know I dont chant properly and such but do I seriously have anything to worry about?


Any curse experts out there?

Hare Krsna

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Nothing can penetrate the power of the Holy Name. However, you must be taking shelter of it 24/7 for a curse to have no effect for certain. Chant extra the next few days, read Gajendra Prayers and/or Narayana Kavaca, something like that. You need to do something along those lines.


Why do you think you were cursed? That is, over what?

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Thank you Pritha ji.


Ofcourse obviously I dont have the ability to chant 24/7 but I am dedicated to krsna and wish to not go anywhere else or anyone else for shelter. Reading Narayana Kavacha sounds like something I would do.


Two weeks ago a Prabhupad disciple said that he was going to give me the prayers to Lord Narshimadev(narshima kavacha I think)so I dont have any family obligations or soemthing.


I also sleep under the poster of Narshimadev.


The reason why I think I was cursed was my dad and mom wanted me to do soemthing for them and when I tried to tell my mom about how I feel betrayed and what I did for them she didnt take it to lightly. She got angry and was in complete denial. My father as well didnt care. They didnt want to hear what I had to say.


Its like I dont have any feelings. Man I am trying not to cry right now.


So I just said remember the time this was all about to start I said we would all suffer, well we are arent we and things are gonna get worse.


She just started yelling, it will get bad for you, you will fail at school, you wont succeed, you wont get anywhere, you wont find a job(ofcourse which is odd because I finally got a job today at telemarketing about an hour later lol) you wont be happy(ofcourse she is saying all this as she is sitting beside her alter and I thought to myself thats what karma kanda does to you, there is no bhakti so krsna doesnt allow you the intelligence to understand)


So I just said when we have krsna nothing can happen and she just said none of your japa counts or anything. Now I just said hey its krsna's mercy. Try to understand and ofcourse there was nothing but a yelling spree. So I just left for school and got my self a temperary job.



Its like I dont have any feelings. Man I am trying not to

cry right now.



I hope that made sense to you.

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I only have a few minutes.


It does not sound like you were cursed. These are only the concerns nearly every parent says when they are worried about their child. ha Not a curse, just a fear. And some of the not-so-nice things said, even in front of the altar, Krishna sees the whole picture, not merely the puzzle piece. Your japa has power, dont worry. And you see you were given a job right around that time. 'Maybe' Krishna new you would need proof so He arranged the opposite of a curse. I can't speculate, but its much harder for people to curse other pepople these days. At best, their so-called curse is weak and short lived, if any. In the past, they had to preform great austerities first and become great yogi or similar. Anyway, try to relax. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


As for Nrsimha Kavaca:



You now have them. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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Thank you very much priita ji.


But she basically just said "you will fail at all of this, you watch, as god(pointing at the alter which had multiple gods, so I am wondering which god is her witness but....) is my witness......


Well getting a job, even though telemarketing is sure a sign of things that are not going completly bad for me.


I dont think from the tone of her voice it sounded like she wanted the best for her child.


Some parents are crazy

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She's just 'trying.' That doesnt make it so. If you believe she cursed you, that belief is what will empower her, or you really curse yourself. ha Just chant and follow the long line of pure devotees, who will do only what is best for you. You might want to consider less phone calls/emails to India too. ha

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Don't leave the forums Haridham. It sounds like you are under extreme stress. Prabhupada never turned anyone away or told them to stop talking. Just try to do what you can to get you life under control and keep on chanting Hare Krishna, no matter what. The material world is suppose to suck. ha Otherwise we may not wnat to leave. So we must learn how to chant and serve Krishna 'no matter what,' and you will see, it will make you stronger and more dedicated, even more convinced.

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Pritta ji.


Yeah, I hope we are not figthing for krsna's attention though. krsna is obviously in the middle of this but I think he understands what needs to be done.


Yeah after I got the job right away like 5 minutes after I got there it raised my spirits.


Chanting the holy name is the best advice anyone can give anyone.


What did you mean you might want to consider less phone calls/emails to india too???????


I didnt understand that as my wife is in Madagascar but anyways please explain.


I hope you got my joke of multiple gods and such.

I am trying to keep a sense of humor through all of this.


Do you think I do have a funny sense of you humor especially since that christian stuff from the other thread.


Anyways I would love to hear from you.


Hare Krsna Mataji


Am I right in saying some parents are crazy? Are you a crazy parent too?


lol...i think that was worth a lol


Hare Krsna

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"Chanting the holy name is the best advice anyone can give anyone.


What did you mean you might want to consider less phone calls/emails to india too???????"




Not your wife, silly, your parents. I thought they lived in India.


Oh, multiple gods was a joke? I thought they really did have mulitple gods on their altar. But yes, it is good to keep a sense of humor.


Am I a crazy parent too? LOL In my opinion, no. My one kid will agree with me, the other may not. lol So, there ya go. And someday, you will get to be carzy parent too. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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I have to agree with the other 'guest' that you're focussing too much on material problems.


Whilst its not possible to completely ignore these problems, I think your focus should be more on Krsna and chanting.


All in my opinion, of course.


Hare Krsna!

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If you think that your parents are speaking a curse upon you, you should not send a curse back on the them, meaning unlikely words too. We are not to return curse for curse, but rather overcome curse with good words by chanting the Holy Name. Ask Sri Krishna to forgive them, because many times (based on your confessions here) they do not know what they are doing and talking. If you intercede for your parents, you are obeying the Lord, which allows the Paramatma to cancel the curse automatically if you are speaking good and praying for those who would seek to harm or discouraging you.


Jaya Yahshua, Jaya Krishna!



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<blockquote>"Is there anything I can do to stop the curse or rely on my guru maharajs's mercy and Krsna's holy name?"</blockquote>

Were you able to hear his bhajan in real audio here?


Congrats on new job. Make it a good reference for all future jobs. Get all cylinders pumping, and really apply all the talent Krsna has endowed you with. Then you will gain every day. Whether you realize it or not, this is a training course to be a salesman for God. So many skills will be polished for sankirtana. It is a good thing.

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No, my parents live here or why would I call them just to argue with them. That would mean I am quite an idiot.


I call my wife in Madagascar though from time to time but she wants me to save money and she will call me.


Oh the multiple god comment was real, the joke part was when i said wonder which of thse gods is the witness


I only hope I can be a good parent.


With a sense of humor

Hare Krsna

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I have to agree with the other 'guest' that you're focussing too much on material problems.


Whilst its not possible to completely ignore these problems, I think your focus should be more on Krsna and chanting.


All in my opinion, of course.


Hare Krsna!


Thank you very much for your opinion guest ji. It is very much appriciated.


You are right when you express the opinion that I am focusing so much on my material problems but the thing is that the reason I come to these forums is because the devotees here give me strength to overcome that.


It gets overwhelming when you are alone and cant associate with devotees physicaly so I talk to them here. When my parents dont listen to me where can I go right?


But I am overcoming things now, I hope to hear your thoughts again.


hare Krsna

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Thank you Myraji for the very nice letter.


You are right, but when I try to talk something always blows up as they blame me for nothing and are completley in denial. So I try to avoid talking.


I just have to remember krsna is the contoller and at the end whatever he has planned will happen.



I have realised many times especially lately that


"Man proposes, God disposes"

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unfortunatly my computer is not doing so well in that department. I will have to fix it. I will hear it though, not to worry. No more crazy chastisments please.



Thank you ghari prabhu. Things are falling into place. The jigsaw puzzle is taking shape. This is just a partime job to start things off. After a little while I will get a better job. I just have to remember to take things one step at a time. Distributing books and such is going to help me do this job.


Thank you for being there at every step.


hare Krsna

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Dear Haridham Prabhu,


Don't take it so hard, mothers always yell at there children.

I don't think she cursed you, sometimes when you are angry you say things, you don't mean. I am also mother, sometimes I also get angry at my sons. But I love them.

All mothers love their children, they are gift of Lord Sri


Come on sweet child of Lord Krsna, don't get disappointed please.

Your material problems will go away. Lord Krsna is so mercifull.You can talk with us, we are here to help you in anyway we can.


My dear child the vaisnavas are para-upkari, they will never turn you away.

They will bless you, I bless you dear son, that someday you will become a pure devotee of the Vaisnavas and Sweet Srimati Radhagopinatha.





All glories to the Vaisnavas

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