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Indian Cities

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Now I am curious about something, I have seen cities in India change names. Like Bombay to its original name now Mumbai, Calcutta to Kolkata now I ask this question next because my teacher asked me to find out. He was a asking what the city of Chenai was called before.


Just curious


Hare Krsna

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With the establishment of the East India Company (under the British rule) most of South India came under the British sway. After the Indian Independence (15th August 1947) the old capital Madras city was retained by the new Madras state. In 1969 the Madras State changed its name into Tamil Nadu. The capital city Madras was renamed as Chennai in 1996.


Hope this helps.



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No. The Original name was Madras. The origin of the city's name had never been conclusively established, but is probably linked to the names of asmall seventeenth century settlement, Madrasapatnam, and a weaver colony, Chennaipatnam which later merged into what was called Madras (in English) until its named changed to Chennai in 1996. I have no idea if the Indian Government will change Chennai to its original name which is Madras.

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Thank you myra ji for putting all of your effort in helping me. I do have a dilema though, my teacher wants references and such from like a website and such so could you tell me where I can find what I need to find. I am sorry for making your work hard.


Thank you very much.


Hare Krsna

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