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Tomorrow is Halloween

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Monsters, goblins, brides, princesses, and even Superman made an appearance.


It was so warm, like summer, I had Krishna-Prema das's Future Ragas rockin' at the max on the lawn, and we had our prasadam party in the open air with Christmas lights on the ground marking the path to gHari's cave in the jungle. I dressed as a hunchback goblin, but didn't wear the mask when really little kids came. I know all the kids around here since we're all sober celibates living in the same happy simple world. Give us a basketball and a net and we'll play for hours.


They must be breeding or something though because I ended up out of red licorice much too early, passing out bags of milk and jars of peanut butter to the last of my congregation. Oddly enough, they really loved the peanut butter. We had a big plate of white chocolate though that lasted all night, despite spooky gHari's munchies. Some kids came back later during the Prayers to Lord Nrsimhadeva out of costume just to talk about their summer and nibble on white chocolate and peanuts.


Two dozen sweet little jivas and likely their parents all munching on Krsna prasadam for the next few days. Rama Rama Hare Hare still so loud on the lawn after nine, and the neighbours don't complain a bit. Kind of gets you right here.


I love prasadam distribution day.



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