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another book distribution story

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This is quite an unusual story.


kinda scary as well. This story just shows how powerful narshimadev is.


Well, 1 year ago. Just before the book marathon, I went downtown to scout the area where I wanted to do books. I had my japa in my hand chanting away when I noticed this older indian lady with a stick. She seemed kinda disturbed and kinda confused about something. She glared at me upon seeing me which was kinda creepy.


I just smiled at her and kept going. She mummbled something and started following me. She was quite creepy and I was like this is nuts. So I kept walking but she followed me for about a block. I was kinda in anxiety so I stopped and leaned against a wall hoping she would just walk on by.



She saw me stop and walked faster towards me, stopped in front of me and said things which I coudnt understand. I was just like Hare Krsna which got her enraged or something and she started to wave her stick around me and saying "Kali, Kali" and some mantra or something. Then again "kali Kali" Then she said something to the sort of "ten thousand years"


This all had me creeped out and this was in broad day light where people walked by thinking we were both crazy or something.


So I was quite disturbed at this so all I said to her was "Jai Narshimadev! "Hare Krsna" and walked away.


I just started to walk away but i noticed she didnt follow me. She had just stood there then the next time I saw her she was sitting on the ground with people all gathered around her.


I have no idea what happend to that lady, nor do I wanna know. But i know that Krsna and Narshimadev was protecting me.


Hare Krsna

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Why don't you keep all your book distribution stories together in one thread, so they would be easier to read. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I like your stories very much. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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I have a story to share, tho it did not happen to me but a young devotee I am preaching too. And its rather funny too.


He was into Karate before becoming a devotee (and therefore still into it). His mother won an award as the first woman black belt in her country. So you know he's been raised to do this. And in time, he came to Krishna consciousness. A very nice guy really.


He told me a funny story about an experience he had out on HariNama. It was in America, as he visits here sometimes. Anyway, once he was out on HariNama. Now, he had his beads and beadbag on. A nondevotee decided they liked them, and I suppose thinking the deovtees won't stick up for themselves, decided to steal them from him. But this guy, being a black belt, well here are his own words (and he said I can share this story with anyone)....


"There was one moment when I was on a kirtan and someone tried to take my japa,. With my Karate skills, I trusted my foot into his stomach and he ended up leaving with my flip flop sandal. had to rush into the nearest footlocker to grab a pair to rejoin the kirtan"






Priitaa d.d.

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Well, as some are confused if I write another thread on the same topic(rightly so i guess) I will write another story on this same thread.



Well, as you all know book distribution can be quite an experiance and the people especially make it worthwhile. YOu never know who Krsna is going to send you.


This was a cold december day, it seems nothing seemed to stop these people to have a look at Prabhupads books. THinking that I am the controler I was getting frustrated so I just sat down and started to chant. I chanted for a half hour or so and saw this young man(18-20) just standing where I normaly stand and was looking at me from time to time.


After I finished my Japa, I just thought this boy would never take a book from me and just started to talk to others. For about 20 minutes I was being rejected. So the boy was still there curious at what I was doing came closer and i said what the heck why not right.



I asked if he liked to read? He said yes, what you got there?


I said its a book called the Bagavat Gita As It IS.


He just stared at me for a second or two and then took the book in his hand and his eyes just widened up.


He said very anxiously "How much?" I said whatever you like to give. He took out a 20 dollar bill and just gave it to me.


He said I have been looking for this book like forever. Its about Krsna and vrndavan and Arjuna right? I said Yes.


He said thank you. He said someone came into his dream and told him to find this book. We had a lenghty conversation and I found out that he lives in the states somewhere where the population is mostly christian and is traveling for about 5 months. He said I came at the right time.


I still remember that young man, that book most likely has some significant influence in his life.


Only krsna knows.


Hare Krsna

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It happened in Poland when it was still a communist country and we were preaching "underground". I just picked up a load of illegaly printed paperback books (Isopanishad and part of First Canto) and was on my way to the temple when a police officer stopped us for a minor traffic violation. There was another devotee in the van with me and he almost fainted, mumbling: "We are dead!". I put on my best poker face and talked to the officer, appologizing for my error (improper lane change). He noticed the books so I gave him one, explaining we were from the Polish-Indian Friendship Society (it was a legitimate organization which, of course, we had nothing to do with). He seemed to like the book so I told him to keep it. To our relief not only he did not arrest us but did not even give us a ticket! Talking about Yogamaya in action! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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That reminds me of a couple of instances as well.


We were on Padayatra in vancouver a few years ago. A devotee had parked his car where he shoudnt and went along with us. When we came back he had a ticket on his dashboard and he was quite in anxiety over it. So while we were standing there, the officer who gave the ticket showed up.


He was surprised to see us but he had heard about us a little bit and decided to talk with us. After a nice and friendly conversation he said ok dont worry about the ticket and he just tour it off.

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I was doing books this past summer(probably my last time doing books) in Nelson British Columbia. A very beautiful and friendly town.


This is a place where everyone loves the devotees and they all want books from you. When I did books in Vancouver if I were to try to stop a hundred people about ten or 15 would stop. In nelson everyone stopped and every other person took a book from me.


This story is nice because I was at the end of a street trying to distribute books when these two guys(western) saw me and said "what you got there"


I said "pull over and I will let you know"


they pulled over and I showed them the "Science of Self Realization and "Beyond Illusion and Doubt"


I spent an hour and a half talking to them and it was the sweetest thing.


They said they were troubled and if these books could help.


I told them this "my friends, the body is like a cage and soul within the body is like a bird in that cage. Everyone is to busy cleaning the cage, making the cage look nice but they are forgetting to feed the bird. These books help explain and guide you how to focus on your spiritual life while doing what you need to do. You dont need to stop going to work, or school, nor do you have to neglect your family duties. You can do all of that and focus on your spirtual lives.


I said "these books are not about a perticular religion, there is so much religion out there but lack of spirituality. God is limited to any religion. You just have to love god and one of the ways to do this is chanting the hare krsna mantra and these books will explain more"



We talked for a while and they asked me questions and from being very apprahensive to accepting they took the books and gave me a large some of donations.


Unfortunatly the best way to describe this story is to be there but some of you who do books know what I am talking about




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Hare Krsna,


This summer my mom went back to her home state of missiouri and while in the big city she was approached to buy a book and attend the sunday feast at Kansas city Iskcon. Which she did and then said that she was the mom of one of Bhaktivedanta's followers. And how in turn she had learned so much from the "swami"

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