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a book distirubution story

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Hare Krsna everyone.


I hope everyone is well. I felt like writing something but i didnt know what, so i figured i would write a story of an experiance of mine during books.


As last year was probably the last year i would do full time books, this story is one of my favorites as it brings a tear to my eye when realising i have other duties.


There is nothing like book distribution.


It was cold in December(like usual if you are in canada) and the books were going out good. After a solid three or four hours of being yelled at, cursed at and ignored this following story made the whole day worthwhile.


I saw this lady walk by, I said "excuse me miss" She said "no thanks" I said "I have something valueable for you" She didnt respond. I forgot about her and thought lets move on. After ten minutes I see her again "excuse me miss your back" She was like "sorry, gotta run"


I saw her for the third time, I was like "did you change your mind" She just chuckled a bit.


After a few of these she came once more and I said "hey you, this book is for you, thats why you keep coming back. You are meant to have this book, it will change your life"


To my surprise she stopped, we had a small discussion but she took the book. She gave me ten dollars for a "Higher Taste"


I didnt think much of that and the day ended. The next day I continued again doing books.


I met a goup of young kids after an hour or two who stopped for me. As I was talking to them, someone tapped me from behind and it was that lady.


SHe was like "you remember me?" I was like "kind of"


She said she was that lady that stoped for you after not stoping for so many times. I rememberd now.


She said the book I gave her was a great book. She said that she came from a town that was a little bit far only for christmas shopping but she glad she took the book.


She said she wasnt planning to come back but after reading the book she came back in hopes to see me again and get more books.


Then she addressed the group of young kids that were with me. She said you must get one of these books, they are great. She even said I will buy you guys any of these books. I am standing there thinking "only krsna could do this"


The lady said these books could change peoples lives. She took four more books for me and bought a book for one of the young kids. She gave me 30 dollars for the books she got and said that keep doing Krsna's work. We had a nice lenghty converstation and the smile on her face was all i needed to go on that day.


We have to keep endevouring for krsna. Krsna will bring those who need his books the most.


That was two years ago, I have never seen her since then but I hope the books she took from me will last her more then this lifetime. Only krsna knows. I dont think i will ever forget my stories from book distribution.


Thats the nector of book distribution. Nothing in the world like it.


Even in the tough times that i am facing now, I have some hope for me by remembering these stories.


Jai Prabhupad.


Hare Krsna

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