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I find it annoying

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Hey look at me I'm mopping the floor, I'm just a servant of a servant, but inside....thinking of how much respect they will get when other people see them mopping.


Maybe I'm over analyzing/critical/jealous....oh well....

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When people keep reminding people that they're their

"servant" and try to out humble each other. Doesn't this behavior just puff up their ego?



Are you speaking of signatures, or experiences? Because it is a commonly used devotee signature that is not meant in any arrogant way.
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It's just based on my personal observations. I understand that people use "-Your Servant" as sigs, that's fine... no different than using, "sincerely", or "yours truly"


Another thing is that since I'm naturally a shy person, never had many friends growing up, I tend go out of my way to please others. Maybe some of the senior devotees could sense this because they always tried to "engage me in service." At first it was fine, mopping, washing pans...but then I started to feel I was being taken advantage of. Is this normal?




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Well I think some devotees are genuine when they express this and its a reminder to other devotees who are not.


THey are reminding each other by posing it on themselves rather then saying "excuse me PRABHU! you need to be more humble, like me"


Now I dont find it annoying. I wish i could be humble. I never say it either.


But just focus on your own self rather then worrying what others are doing. If you feel someone is unqualified to do something then you become qualified and teach that person or do it yourself.


Hare KRsna



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I am in awe of your humility. If only I could ever hope for such humility, but I constantly pretend that I own my mind, my fingers, my mouth. I seem to feel I own all these things; puffing me up into some sort of glorious demigod beast.


How do you manage to stay in the truth and remain so humble? One as fallen as I could never hope for such humility. And you are even humble about your humility which rivals that of the worms in the stool? It is a wonder indeed.


My only saving grace is that I exist. Somehow I am part of Sri Krsna's reality. Wretch that I am. Were it not for that, I could just die of embarrassment for my shameless arrogrance.




Lowest servant to the servants of the microbes on the parasites on the worms in the stool, but never never lower than the most humble Haridham


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Haridham, that's good advice. Maybe my use of the word annoying was not correct. I've never vocally expressed this to other devotees, it's just something I keep in my mind. And for some reason I blurted it out here...sorry....


Right now...I'm just trying to work on relating to other people better (non-devotees and devotees)...

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Well thank you for considering what i said to be advice.


I just want to say that dont keep it inside you or it will burn you alive. If you have an issue with a devotee talk to him or her about it.


Just say that "what has been occuring is hard for me to focus on my spiritual life, i want to clear some things with you"


"I feel taken advantage by you and it affects me mentally and i dont feel like coming to the temple etc etc etc"


No need to run.

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I think if someone is taking "advantage" of you or "using" you then consider it krsna's mercy.


Whats wrong with getting "used" or taken "advantage" of by serving krsna.


If someone doesnt respect you for that then you move on or discuss the matter.


If they are disrespectul in their behaviour be even more humble because krsna is purifying you and by seeing your behavior this devotee or devotees either senior or not will say "hey I am senior to him but he is more humble then I am" It will improve his situation.


Hare Krsna


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These are all honours. It is hard to humble when you have been given such noble service by Sri Krsna.


On a farm in Mississippi a devotee taught me this by not letting me sweep the floor. I had to watch him do it.


I saw a guru in Toronto ISKCON temple doing some cleaning; he said he needed some purification.


It is directly serving Srila Prabhupada's continued worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. It is pure magic.

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I have to agree, service at the temple has a certain magic or i don't know what. It's to bad I can't apply any of that at home...dishes piled up, clothes on the floor, dirty bathroom, etc.

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there was a time when i didnt know how i could motivate myself to chant. I realised ultimatly that it was for my own benefit. So I just did it. YOu have to just do it.


wether its at home or temple, make your home a temple. Do it for krsna, make him the diety of your house.


Hare Krsna


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... but I thought you were challenging us to a battle of humility. I was trying my best to puff you up, while demonstrating my more fallen position.


I was winning until some guest, my own servant, offered a million obeisances at me smelly feet. Damn! How's a guy supposed to win the humility war against those kinds of unfair tactics?

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It's just based on my personal observations. I understand that people use "-Your Servant" as sigs, that's fine... no different than using, "sincerely", or "yours truly"


Another thing is that since I'm naturally a shy person, never had many friends growing up, I tend go out of my way to please others. Maybe some of the senior devotees could sense this because they always tried to "engage me in service." At first it was fine, mopping, washing pans...but then I started to feel I was being taken advantage of. Is this normal?



Well, I think everyone's experiene is individual, tho there is a certain degree of temple life that is repetitive and most everyone has had at least some experience of it. I am speaking here of what you are talking about, as I wish to clarify there are also good things to be had. I am glad I moved in the temple and got trained up. I am also glad I moved out. /images/graemlins/smile.gif With that said.....


You may have been taken advantage of, it happens. Especially if you are shy or don't speak up. Yet I see that as one of your life lessons - to learn how to become strong and speak up when need be. It may take time to develop that quality, but if this happens enough, you'll catch on, guaranteed! :-) However, at least it is in Krishna's service. Therefore if they had you doing this or that in the name of humility but really were control freaks, well, being a control freak all ready shows they have a problem. But aside from that, you were doing devotional service, so you win. Tho I can very much relate to how annoying false humility is, and how it has often been used to get a person to do something.

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I have to agree, service at the temple has a certain magic or i don't know what. It's to bad I can't apply any of that at home...dishes piled up, clothes on the floor, dirty bathroom, etc.



Dear prabhu, the reason why you don't clean up in 'your' home is because you've become familiar with it thinking it is yours. That is why Srila Prabhupada always encouraged his disciples to have Deities at home to make the home the residence of the Deities. (A temple, just like you do it a your local temple. Trust me it is the same for 'my' place)


'Familiarity breeds contempt' spoken by Narada Muni in the Bhagavatam. This is to be seen on many levels of consciousness.

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