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Do you love God? (Krsna)

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My wife sent me this. I am not sure where she got it.


As we are going through an a difficult time, I am glad she is thinking of krsna



One day, i woke up early in the morning to watch the sunrise

Ah the beaty of God s creation is beyond description .

As i watched , i praised God for his beautiful work

As i sat there , i felt the lord s presence whit me .


-He asked me :

do u love me ? "i answered ,of course ,God ! u r my Lord and Savior !"

Then he asked , "if u were physically handicapped , would u still love me ? "


I was perplexed . i looked down upon my arms , legs and the rest of my body and wondered how many things i wouldnt be able to do , the things that i took for granted . and i answered ,

"it would be tough Lord , but i would still love u "


then the Lord said ,

"if u were blind , would u stilll love my creation ?"


How could i love something whitout being able to see it ? then i thought of all the blind people in the world and how many of them still loved God and his creation .

so i answered ,"it s hard to think of it , but i would still love u ". then the Lord asked me ,


"if u were deaf , would u stilll listen to my words ? "


how could i listen to anything being deaf ? then i understand .

listening to God s words is not merely using our ears , but ur heart .

i answered ,"it would be tough ,but i would still listen to ur words . "


then the lord asked ,

"if u were mute , would u still praise my name ? "

how could i praise whit out voice ? then it occured to me :God wants us to sing from ur very heart and soul . it never matters what we sound like . and praising God is not always whit a song , but when we r persecuted , we give God praise whit ur words of thanks . so i answered ,


"though i could not physically sing , i would still praise ur name .

and the Lord asked ,


"do u really love me ? " whit courage and a strong conviction , i answered boldly ,

"yes Lord ! i love u because u r the one and true God "

i thought i had answered well , but ...

God asked ,


i answered " because im only human , im not perfect ."





no answer.only tears .

the Lord continued .

"why only sing at fellowship and retreats ?

why seek me only in times of worship ?

why ask things so selfishly ?

why ask things so unfaithfully ? "


the tears continued to roll down my cheeks .

"why r u ashamed of me ?

why r u not spreading the good news ?

why in times of persecution , u cry to others when offer mu shoulder to cry on ?

why make excuses when i give u opportunities to serve in my name ?"


i tied to answered , but there was no answer to give .

" u r blessed with life . i made u not to throw this gift away .

i have blessed u whit talents to serve me , but u continue to turn away .

i have revealed my word to u , but u do not gain in knowledge .

i have spoken to u but ur ears were closed .

i have shown my blessings to u but ur eyes were turned away

i have send u servants , but u sat idly by as they were purshed away

i have heard ur prayers and i have answered them all ."



i could not answer . how could i ? i was embarrassed beyond belief .

i had no excuse . what could i say to this ?

when my heart had cried out and the tears had flowed , i said ,

"please forgive me lord . im unworthy to be ur child "

the lord answered ," that is my GRACE , my child ."

i asked ,"then why do u love me so ?"


the lord answered ,

"because u r my creation . u r my child . i ll never abandon u .

when u cry , i ll have compassionand cry whit u .

when u shout whit joy , ill laugh whit u

when u r down , i ll encourage u .

when u falll , i lll raise u up

when u r tired , i ll carry u .

i ll be whit u till the end of days , and i ll love u forever ."


never had i cried so hard before . how could i have been so cold ?

how could i have hurt God a i had done ?


i bowed down at the feet of krsna , my savior . and for the first time , i truly prayed .


Lets always remember krsna and not just when we are suffering.


I hope all of you like this.

Now i was wondering since my wife is new to krsna consciousness what quotes and such can i give her. I dont know if i should send her something to heavy but please give your suggestions.

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That was heavy enough and could serve as an object of meditation for the rest of this birth.


If you want to send a quote back I would suggest something that confirms this mood. Don't challenge it or try to play one upsmanship over it, just send something that resonates with the truth of it.


Through contemplating such things together you will grow closer to God and each other at the same time. Which may be the real purpose of a marriage anyway.

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I didnt mean to say that I wanted to send her something that would defeat this. I actually liked this and i think its an opening to other discussions.


Like give quotes from the gita or something.


I wasnt going to do any upmanship.


Anyways let me know what you think.


Hare Krsna

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only great saints and devotees partecipate directly in krsna lilas... it is not so good to create stories when we speak with krishna .. prabhupada never did it (and he without doubts lived together with krsna) and bhaktivinoda takura depicted him as a great and dull sinner in saranagati poem..


as we have read in some messages from srila narayana maharaja some days ago, if one has a little glimpse of the presence of krsna, his phisical body is too weak to remain in life, he has no more attachments with this world etc.

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>>The truth is that we truly don't love krishna, but we don't admit it. <<


How can we develop the desire to reach the desired state if we think we are already there?


Haridham I didn't think you were looking for a competetive qoute to send back to her. I was mostly thinking of a habit I have had for years and am trying to get rid of.


Hare Krsna

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