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mixed mariages

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Hi.I m a hindu gal, in love wif a muslim guy. we have known each other since we were young. we have been in this relationship for 2 yrs. We are serious about each other and we both are not going to convert. we realise that it will be very unfair to the other party. We have come upon this decision. We will marry under civil law. i will remain a hindu he as a muslim. he does his prayers and i will do mine. the child shall take his name.

Either, the first one shall be a muslim. the second one will be a hindu.

Or we shall raise the child in both religion.teach him both sides. our kids will learn better ethical conduct from both parents and learn to be more considerate and patient with others than regular kids.

Comments on this please.

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This topic is quite sensative for a lot of people, when i first read that i cringed but then i was like, you two are grown adults, you love each other and best of all you are not these bodies.


Neither of you are hindu or muslim.


Whatever you call god, be it krsna or allah


As long as you have your heads together then thats what matters.


The only thing I look for is similar lifestyles. You can believe in any god or religion you want but if your lifestyle isnt the same there might be issues.


Good luck.


hare krsna


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yes, thanks alot. we know that we will definelty face alot of problems, but we confidence in ourselves that we can pull thru. We feel that by converting, we are just cheating ourselves and doing ourselves no good. and we have come to a decision that in any case we shall not aslk each other to convert.


just think ppl, if a gal who has been wif her religion for 22 years can leave her god for a guy whom she knows for 4 years, what makes it so possible that she won leave the same guy for someone else? of someone can leave her religion, he or she is not to be trusted at all!


we are just wondering why cant society accept these kind of marriages.


what are some of the problems we will face wen we get married?


Do you think it is advisable to be in this relationship?


Thanks for yr comments again.

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Hare Krishna! In my opinion, I would not have high expectations of each other. In that way, you won't be dissapointed when the other person lets you done. Don't expect the other person to convert to the other religion- that would be a problem. The most important thing, is love. Love of God should be at the center of your marriage, and then it will be natural to love each other. It seems like you are both religious people, but don't let the customs of each religion keep you apart. Instead, draw on the similarity of the essence of each religion- love of God. That will allow each of you to develop spiritually, together.

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Well, just always remember that there is always going to be people who wont understand you. Thats natural. Thats human nature. DOnt let others sway the choice you make.


Poeple are going to remain the way they are until they realise they are no these bodies.


God has many names, Allah, Jehova, krsna, rama but ultimatly there is only one god just many different names for him according the relationship you have with him.


Yes Keep God in the centre of your marriage.


If Krsna(god) brought you it, he will bring you through it.


You must remember one thing:


Marriage is about accepting and not expecting.




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