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Tulsi in winter

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I very enthusiastically planted some Tulsi seeds this summer, within a few weeks I had maybe around 25 Tulsi plants. Now its almost fall and its getting pretty cold – I am feeling bad at having to let the Tulsi go through the harsh winter. It was I who planted her in this region (non-tropical) - I feel at fault for having planted the seeds – even though I knew I would not be able to give her proper care in the winter. Do any of the members here any suggestions ?


On one hand we are supposed to have Tulsi plant in our homes but on the other what is the point if it cannot survive the winter. Is it not wrong to plant Tulsi in regions where there is severe winter ? Does Tulsi survive winter in regions of India where it gets severely cold ?


I have my Tulsi plant in large containers and pots – I am afraid to bring my Tulsi indoors because there might be insects in the pots and because I have a small kid who might pluck the leaves or play/eat the soil.


Any suggestions or advise would be highly appreciated.


Hare Krsna

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Hare Krsna,


Now that you have planted Tulsi (a great devotee) you must care for her. Bring her inside, she can not stand the cold. We used to have her in a heated room all to Herself and protected from kids. Maybe you could put her up high, so your little one(s) will not hurt Her.


Offer Her puja and circumbamulate Her for wiping away sins.


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If you can afford a small glass case that can hold these plants inside that would be ideal for them to survive since glass would allow sunlight to fall and also protect heat inside. But at nights you have to still bring them inside home during acute winter.

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