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***Srila Prabhupada Is an Eternal Associate of Lord Caitanya




***His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977) is a nitya-siddha Vaisnava (eternally liberated devotee of Krishna) sent by Lord Caitanya and Krishna to revive the mission of nama-sankirtana and save the world from the dangerous atheistic doctrines of impersonalism (nirvisesa) and voidism (sunyavada). All his activities are eternal and purely transcendental.


Yes, pure devotee felt extasy for activities SP. His books it is the solid sugar syrup love Godhead. Krisna is Supreme sourse this pure love for God. SP preach pure madhurya-vipralamha and eternal stay Himself in this emotion. It madhurya-vipralambha is essence mood Lord Caitanya and supreme goal all devotion! This teachings Lord Caitanya for all people kali yuga, and commentary SP give all spiritual life.


True spiritual life like poison in begining. True spiritual emotion - prema too like poison, it is poison mix with nectar. It emotion is top spiritual life. Boundless emption, maha bhava - not have obstacles. Lord Caitanay not consider offences. All exit in this emotion - spiritual body, not one spiritual body many spiritual moods. SP so great, He may give for yours thousand spiritual moods if youre be serve, thousnds. This fools babaji, they do not know nothing about spiritual life.


***In fact, the Vedic literature, Lord Caitanya, and predecessor acaryas have predicted this great personality, Srila Prabhupada, who preaches Krishna consciousness all over the world.


It fact.


***Having fulfilled these predictions by founding the global Krishna conscious-ness movement and Hare Krishna Society single-handedly, he is worshiped by all bona fide Gaudiya Vaisnavas with the name "Srila Prabhupada" (the master at whose feet all others bow). Srila Prabhupada's form (vapu) and instructions (vani) offer the full mercy of Lord


wery nice glorifications. But need take diksa guru. Now not problem in ISKCON has steady diksa guru. Many diksa guru ISKCON work in level svarupa siddhi, it is no doubt.


If some stay in GM, read books SP and follow for Him. If you wonts fly in hight speed in spiritual life read ONLY books SP, it is hight speed lift. Lift in of leading to the apex in all.

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***Srila Prabhupada desired to work conjointly, at the beginning of his mission as well as during his final manifest days. This was his desire, and he stated so quite clearly.


Yes in supervision GBC. All humble devotee go for GBC, do dandavat, and work in GBC ISKCON if they do not wont dissapear live in aparadha-imaginations-some unripe dhyana life. This kali so strong.


***Those who consider themselves followers of Srila Prabhupada should respect his desires.


Yes Prabhu, wery well. SP speak - "I am reform all GM".


***" In keeping with the spirit of the previous acarya's vision of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya, to cement relations with all the sister temples of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya under one banner, to solidify preaching the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as desired by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda and all the previous acaryas in this line ." (Room Conversation, Vrindaban, October 29, 1977, 771029RC.VRN)


Yes in OUR line. No problem GM has nice things too. So many nice things. But they will STOP aparadha. It is presaching for fools - "ISKCON kanistha - I am uttama". They not have material reason. Go work, no need walk around ISKCON. They walk around ISKCON and speak - "this bad, no peace, no collaboration." All collaboration it is YOUR honest preaching. Do GBC GM. DO GBC GM, do need create sects, it is sects now. Do GBC GM or go GBC ISKCON. No problen GBC ISKCON it will think above the new laws, what that problems can be will be then solved there. To stop its insulting mood, they are considerably higher than you. Then you will to collaborate. Now this is simple pride.


***Shortly before his Disappearance he said:

" Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) said that we should preach in Europe, America. That was his desire, and his other desire was that we all work together jointly to preach". "Yes, that is right" said Narayana Maharaja. "I didn't waste a single moment" said Srila Prabhupada "I tried my best, and it has been successful to some extent". Srila Prabhupada's voice was choked with emotion. "If we work conjointly" he continued, "then as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said prthivite...sankirtana has great possibilities. My life is coming to an end. It is my desire that you all forgive me for my mistakes... (Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta, Vol 6, p.399-401)


I am not understand. SP write in 7? - "Narayana Swami wont to subordinate to itself ISKCON, be careful." It is fact.


***" So far as I am concerned, I am always for co-operation. If we can co-operate, we can do tremendous service for Lord Caitanya in the matter of propagating the mission of Lord Caitanya very nicely. I am prepared to co-operate with the Gaudiya mission wholeheartedly. Soon you can negotiate about our amalgamation on a co-operatively basis, it will be great service to Srila Prabhupada ." Letter to Dr Syamasundardas Brahmacari, 5-9-69


They steal disciple ISKCON, they do ofences SP, ofence guru ISKCON now it is some band ... This rascals print some politiks in his site. WHo is they? - It is rascals. Print for mataji Urmila. Who is this VNN? let they better about the the steal student care. They should write anything similar. This is not their matter. Do need politics for vaisnava communiti. this is simple pilferers and Idlers. Let they repeat 64, or let they discuss without leaving from its slop-container.


***It is best that we try to understand any differences he had with his Godbrothers with a cool head. In several places he referred to these differences as simply " differences of opinion ." For instance:

" So far as your question about controversy amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, that is a fact. But this controversy is not material. Just like in a national program, different political parties are sometimes in conflict and make propaganda against each other, but their central point is always service to the country. Similarly, amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His Divine Grace. If the central point is fixed up then there is no harm in such controversy. Every individual being must have his opinion; that is the significance of individuality, but all such differences of opinions must coincide in Krishna. Letter to: Mandali Bhadra : 69-07-28 Los Angeles


We not impersonalists. Then need some forum GM, need GBC Gm.


"Those, whose judgement is made of mundane stuff ,

being unable to enter into

the spirit of the all-loving controversies


VNN love own slop-container.


***among pure devotees ,


Now from us this not pure devotees. They only unripe dhyana. They not stage strong sadhana. It is dhyana for housewives.


***due to their own want of unalloyed devotion,


Then read books SP.


are apt to

impute to the devotees

their own defects of partisanship

and opposing views."

Sri Brahma samhita p.72


They not devotees, they only TRY be devotees. It is not for us. /images/graemlins/smile.gif:) This is kalicelas, only speak and his heart live - envy, material greed, lust, then they not preach, do aparadha. And speak - ISKCON kalicelas /images/graemlins/smile.gif:) YOU kalicelas. ISKCON work, ISKCON humble, ISKCON hard work for SP. ISKCON hard work like Gosvamis establised Radha-kunda. SP write Gosvamis hard work for establised Radha-kunda.

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I am not understand you write for me? In all cases it is nice cow. /images/graemlins/smile.gif In GM wery many nice things, I am have many friends in GM. In Narayana Svami GM one sanyasi me friendly, but...aparadha, they will stop aparadha.


Books GM nice for begining. It is no so bad books. GM will be do spiritual progress and for some time they be preach more. Needs sankhya and preach greatnes God, no need preach high rasas for world wide karmis. Needs sankhya and sadhana. Gopis think - "Queens Dvaraka marry in Krisna. But I can be never more than it I will see" /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif They cry! precisely such girls it loves Krisna. I has big artikles about gopis, may late i am write.


SP teach true gopi bhava. It is practical teachihgs gopi bhava and goswamis. /images/graemlins/smile.gif It is not gyana. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Putana see like Laksmi, but her brests is poisoned. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Has big demon Trinavarta, and big devotee Hanuman. Hanuman like storm, soo strong!!


Hanuman it is expansion brahman, and in Prabhupada army many devotee like Hanuman and Hanuman Himself in army SP. Garuda and Hanuman ehpansion brahman. Lord Brahma, Siva and Lord Mahavisnu help this movement SP. I am give me humble obeicanses Lord Hanuman, Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Supreme Lord.


Last your article about Radha be not so bad. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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haribol prabhu... please do not speak directly to me, in my opinion you are offending a lot of vaishnavas.. the demonstration is that you are not attempting to make even a little discrimination (essential for a madyam adhikari) thinking that gaudya math (iskcon included) is one or two fighting monolyths, and that inside the camps, all followers are pure or not pure, demons or saints, false or true, bogus or authentic.


a vasihnava judges, preach, chastizes etc. on personal basis


i am sorry, but on one side your theories, on another the words od jagad guru srila prabhupada .... i know what to choose



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In Krishna Samhita is described this devastating anartha:

The whirlwind of false argumentation, one should not be let caught in (by the followers of Trinavarta).


Your commentary:

haribol prabhu... please do not speak directly to me, in my opinion you are offending a lot of vaishnavas.. the demonstration is that you are not attempting to make even a little discrimination (essential for a madyam adhikari) thinking that gaudya math (iskcon included) is one or two fighting monolyths, and that inside the camps, all followers are pure or not pure, demons or saints, false or true, bogus or authentic.


a vasihnava judges, preach, chastizes etc. on personal basis


i am sorry, but on one side your theories, on another the words od jagad guru srila prabhupada .... i know what to choose


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Hare Krsna Prabhus,


As the subject line says gaudiya matha and Iskcon of Post Samadhi Era (no physical founder/acarya) are very similar in history. After the Maha Bhagavata Nitya Siddha Sampradaya Acarya left in the case of Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati and in the case of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami. Their movements (same) wanted some continuation of Acaryas. Neither could see anyone qualified and we can speculate that they wanted the devotees to be patient and wait for the next Shaktivesa Acarya, but that did not happen did it?


However Srila Prabhupada A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami did show he was on the Paramahamsa platform and accepted the name Prabhupada (at whose feet all Prabhus sit) just as His master did. He is our most recent Sampradaya Acarya and if the various Gurus around the world accepted that then all of the Iskcons and Mathas would be the "House where the whole world could live"


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"Neither could see anyone qualified and we can speculate that they wanted the devotees to be patient and wait for the next Shaktivesa Acarya, but that did not happen did it?"


Of course it happened.

It happens all the time.


The only problem is that not all have eyes to see it.

This is not my opinion, the Sastra says that the pure devotees, whatever designation you want to use for them, are always on the face of the earth.



Many devotees came to Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja after the departure of Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja, but following VaiSnava etiquette, he sent them to the senior vaiSnava Srila Bhaki RakSaka Sridhara Maharaja.


After the departure of Srila Sridhara Maharaja, another acarya in the person of Srila Goura Govinda Maharaja manifested, preaching boldly sambhanda jnana, which put him in an open conflict with the government of...

Srila Narayana Maharaja sent the devotees that came to him, to Srila Goura Govinda Maharaja.


Only in 1996 after Srila Goura Govinda Maharaja departed, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja started to accept to give shelter to devotees coming from iskcon.

VaiSnava etikette is to send your disciples to hear from the seniour devotees (seniour in all respects).



Try to read carefully and unprejudiced,

and than you can judge.



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Hare Krsna Prabhus,


In reply..... the Shaktivesa Avataras (specifically empowered by Krsna to fulfill His work) Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta and Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta were the last in a line of Sampradaya Acaryas (those qualified to "adjust"not change Krsna's instructions according to time and place) Could not see anyone qualified to become successor Acaryas. Ofcourse there is always pure devotees and Gurus to take initiation from in Sampradayas. So we take shelter of the great devotees present at the time. But follow the Great Acaryas of the past to follow the proper sadhana "mood" and instructions put down by Them. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

web site for info on Sampradaya Acaryas click here!


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Was that Lokanath dasa Gosvami was not an acarya, even if he didn't let his name even mentioned in Caitanya CaritamRta?


One who sees a differece between a pure devotee and acarya is a materialist.

This is my opinion.

In the line of Rupa Gosvami all pure devotees are empowered to preach according time and circumstances. That's also why they keep comming.


Nothing against any person! only the principle should be understood!


I'm immensly pleased that there are persons so elevated that they can praise the Lord of our hearts braja Krishna


Sri Radhe Sri Radhe Sri Radhe




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"But follow the Great Acaryas of the past to follow the proper sadhana "mood" and instructions put down by Them"


what is a proper sadhana mood? sadhana is only "proper", if it is not proper or we are not sincere, we do not go back to godhead


an "improper" sadhana, or an "improper" guru, do not exist.


And the other prabhu is right, acharya means : "who teach the behaviour, or one who teach with the personal example"

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As the subject dear Prabhus,


The type of Acarya i was talking about is the Nitya Siddha Shaktivesa Avatara Sampradaya Acarya. Even of this type there are many, but if we understand this particular type and look for the most recent one with all those qualities we find A.C.BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI.


If all the splinter groups in this world came to the same conclusion of this fact then we could all unite. But since this is the age of quarrel. Then we cannot agree that Srila Prabhupada was the last great Nitya Siddha Shaktivesa Avatara Sampraday Acarya /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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Hare Krsna Prabhus,


As i understand it,there is simultaneous one and difference between the Atma and the Paramatma. To think of these things and understanding them according to the Previous "Great" Acaryas is not material thinking.


Also to think of the simultaneous difference between the Nitya Siddha Shaktivesa Avatara Sampradaya Acarya and the great Acaryas is thinking of Spiritual things. This type of thinking will bring unity to our forces and will certainly conquer over Maya


I am only a lowly cowherd w/little knowledge of Vedanta, what is tattva vicara, rasa vicara, laksana? /images/graemlins/confused.gif


But with Srila Prabhupada A.C.B.S. as my known Sampradaya Acarya i have no fear of twisters, just as He did not.

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" Then we cannot agree that Srila Prabhupada was the last great Nitya Siddha Shaktivesa Avatara Sampraday Acarya "


-everyone agrees, no problem, but being too much insistent on this topic risks to create quarrels and bring kali yuga inside devotees


the imperative is to associate and have the shelter (VANI & VAPU) of pure vaishnavas.. the top ten of the gurus, or my guru is better that yours, or my one is avatara yours not, is a big weapon in the hand of maya


and, prabhupada is no more in our world, it is not possible to make direct answers and to have shelter for initiation.. so we, followin his instructions, we have to find other pure devotees as our spiritual master


this is the meaning of following prabhupada, not having him as a totem or as a gun against others

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Every pure devotee is the greatest (acc.tattva vicara)

But the greatest of all is the servant of Sri Yugala! (acc. rasa vicara)


tattva vicara - philosophycal point of consideration

rasa vicara - rasa point of consideration




When krsna-rati, or in other words, the sthAyibhAva

(the permanent emotion of the heart in one of the five primary relationships of SAnta, dAsya, sakhya, and so on)

becomes exceedingly tasty for the devotee

by virtue of the elements known as

vibhAva, anubhAva, sAttvika-bhAva and vyabhicAri-bhAva,

induced through the medium of sravana, kirtana, and so on,

it is called bhakti-rasa .


In other words, when the sthAyibhAva or krsna-rati

mixes with vibhAva, anubhAva, sAttvika-bhAva and vyabhicArî-bhAva

and becomes fit to be tasted in the heart of the devotee,

it is called bhakti-rasa.


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A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami of course IS still in this world as our Sampradaya Acarya in His books, lectures, songs, conversations and letters etc.etc. And Himself would correct devotees who said He would not be present in the future. He always showed Himself to be a Nitya Siddha Shaktivesa Avatara Sampradaya Acarya as He was.


I am not saying that He is the only way to Krsna or that we can take initiation from Him or should even try, its impossible. I am saying He should be accepted by all Vaisnavas as this full title expresses NITYA SIDDHA SHAKTIVESA AVATARA SAMPRADAYA ACARYA He Himself had trouble keeping Himself in that Unique catagory, from His disciples and His Godbrothers. I can understand how this realization can help the body of Vaisnavas for i have heard from senior Grand Godbrothers. They are not from the ritvik camp or the diksa camp, they simply try to give Srila Prabhupada A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami the respect He deserves. The thing that does tick me off into the twister is that very few Leaders of Vaisnavas are willing still to teach this. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

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i do not understan what is to be done in your opinion, a vaishnava is not envious, if a pure person see what prabhupada has done it is surely appreciative without the need to proclamate it officially.

Every vaishnava understands easily and naturally the true position of prabhupada... if he do not understand he's not a vaishnava....very simple


(in my personal experience i do not know any known and important devotee minimizing srila prabhupada, and, we say that prabhupada is a shaktiavesha avatar because srila sridara maharaja have said it.. not iskcon)


if you want some signatures in a document, please send it to me, i will return it to you with some hundreds from two or three maths... iskcon included

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***Srila Prabhupada Lives Eternally as the Spiritual Master of the Universe/


Yes He is Bhagavan preaching. Lord Caitanya rasa Bhagavan, and Srila Prabhupada general rasa Lord Caitanya.


Srivasa Thakur live near Kalcutta felt double separation - from Radha-Krisna and separation from Lord Caitanya.


***To obtain the full blessings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all previous acaryas, we must accept Srila Prabhupada as acarya-vigraha or sad-guru, the eternal spiritual master, and follow his instructions.


Yes we accept SP as sad-guru, and founder-acarya parampara and then try follow His instructions.


***Srila Prabhupada is the current, living link of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya.


Yes, ISKCON is living link of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya. It is living preacing, it is living spiritual mood.




Reporter: “What will happen to the movement in the United States when you die?”


Yes. SP kick this rascals. If they do not stop his aparadha, I am do not know anger SP noy has limit. Some rascals try be abowe SP. "SP - die, i am SP".


***Guest: "Are you planning to choose a successor?"

Srila Prabhupada: "It is already successful. A genuine thing is always a success."

Disciple: "One thing he's saying, this gentleman--and I would like to know: Is your successor named?"

Srila Prabhupada: "My success is always there. Yes. Just like the sun is there always. It may come before your vision or not--the sun is there. But if you are fortunate, you come before the sun. Otherwise, you remain in darkness. The sun is open to everyone. Our Krishna consciousness movement--Krishna is open to everyone. But if you are fortunate, you come to the light. If you are unfortunate, you do not. That is your choice."

(Conversation, February 12, 1975, Mexico City)


Nice. "But if you are fortunate, you come before the sun. Otherwise, you remain in darkness. "


***Srila Prabhupada: "Only Lord Caitanya can take my place.


SP so great. This materialists "correct" SP. Farmers.


***Disciple: "You are the real acarya for this age, Srila Prabhupada." (October 3, 1977, Vrndavana) Please Note: Srila Prabhupada's response to this comment is silence.


Yes, SP - "all speak about me as avatara Lord Caitanya." I am have this citation SP.


SP avatara Lord Caitanya, He is represent Lord Nitayananda and Advaita Acarya, but He is avatara Lord Caitanya with mission Lord Caitanya in mood Lord Caitanya.

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