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Srila Prabhupada desired to work conjointly, at the beginning of his mission as well as during his final manifest days. This was his desire, and he stated so quite clearly. Those who consider themselves followers of Srila Prabhupada should respect his desires. The purpose of his founding the Bhaktivedanta Charity Trust is described in his own words:


" In keeping with the spirit of the previous acarya's vision of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya, to cement relations with all the sister temples of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya under one banner, to solidify preaching the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as desired by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda and all the previous acaryas in this line ." (Room Conversation, Vrindaban, October 29, 1977, 771029RC.VRN)


About a week later, still discussing the Bhaktivedanta Charity Trust, he said: We want co-operation." (Room conversation, Vrndavana, 6 November 1977)


Shortly before his Disappearance he said:

" Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) said that we should preach in Europe, America. That was his desire, and his other desire was that we all work together jointly to preach". "Yes, that is right" said Narayana Maharaja. "I didn't waste a single moment" said Srila Prabhupada "I tried my best, and it has been successful to some extent". Srila Prabhupada's voice was choked with emotion. "If we work conjointly" he continued, "then as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said prthivite...sankirtana has great possibilities. <font color="red"> My life is coming to an end. It is my desire that you all forgive me for my mistakes... </font color> (Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta, Vol 6, p.399-401)


During the earlier years of his worldwide Movement, this same desire was expressed:


" So far as I am concerned, I am always for co-operation. If we can co-operate, we can do tremendous service for Lord Caitanya in the matter of propagating the mission of Lord Caitanya very nicely. I am prepared to co-operate with the Gaudiya mission wholeheartedly. Soon you can negotiate about our amalgamation on a co-operatively basis, it will be great service to Srila Prabhupada ." Letter to Dr Syamasundardas Brahmacari, 5-9-69


It is best that we try to understand any differences he had with his Godbrothers with a cool head. In several places he referred to these differences as simply " <font color="red"> differences of opinion </font color> ." For instance:


" So far as your question about controversy amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, that is a fact. But this controversy is not material. Just like in a national program, different political parties are sometimes in conflict and make propaganda against each other, but their central point is always service to the country. Similarly, amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His Divine Grace. If the central point is fixed up then there is no harm in such controversy. Every individual being must have his opinion; that is the significance of individuality, but all such differences of opinions must coincide in Krishna. Letter to: Mandali Bhadra : 69-07-28 Los Angeles



"Those, whose judgement is made of mundane stuff ,

being unable to enter into

the spirit of the all-loving controversies

<font color="red">among pure devotees </font color> ,

due to <font color="blue"> their own want of unalloyed devotion, </font color>

are apt to

impute to the devotees

<font color="red"> their own defects of partisanship </font color>

and opposing views."

Sri Brahma samhita p.72

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***ISKCON has no GM products.


ISKON it is true GM. Now "GM" it is not GM. SP do GM anew. "GM" do aparadha SBST, then they finis. Then SP do GM anew.


***100 % GM free !!!


They folllow envy only. It is no true GM 100%, you right.

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...to see all missions cooperate nicely in the effort of spreading Krishna Consciousness all over the world. Not united under one flag (that will never happen), but cooperating without backstabbing and mudslinging, standing shoulder to shoulder like the great and diverse Pandava army at Kurukshetra... I hope I live to see that day! :-)

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***message from anadi there's prabhupada's advices and instructions...



One side citations.


I am may take another citations. If GM be search rubbish it is spiritual? They not preach in material world, they ran everywhere in the searches for defecations - "where the defecation, where the defecation in ISKCON."A on the leisure they then write that the "radha", this better not to read.



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***...to see all missions cooperate nicely in the effort of spreading Krishna Consciousness all over the world. Not united under one flag (that will never happen), but cooperating without backstabbing and mudslinging, standing shoulder to shoulder like the great and diverse Pandava army at Kurukshetra... I hope I live to see that day! :-)



cooperating in GBC, all another it is no have power. First they needs understand vaisnava pfilosopi - then cooperate. In GBC go all religion in own time.


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first of all IskCon is GaudyaMath (i do not think that Iskcon is out of the path of Sri Chaitanya Mahprabhu)




.....seeing the citations given by anadi, (from IskCon books), it is clear that "do not associate(at all)" is an instruction given in a particular period for specific purpose.. these words are pronounced by our prabhupada not by others


my advice...:


consider all the instructions of the spiritual master, not only the one you like.... be careful with the criticizing of vaishnavas.... do not act as a kanista making gross distictions (iskcon good, gaudya math bad)


if you have to criticize... make it on personal basis, if you say "all the italians are rascals".. you take the karma also if you are right for 50 millions people and wrong for only one


as a vaishnava.. stay more as possible on the "appreciative" mood

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***first of all IskCon is GaudyaMath (i do not think that Iskcon is out of the path of Sri Chaitanya Mahprabhu)




GM do not understand teachings Lord Caitanya. Gm now it is like "hristanity".


***.....seeing the citations given by anadi, (from IskCon books), it is clear that "do not associate(at all)" is an instruction given in a particular period for specific purpose..


May some peoples go in GM. Some GM it is tama guna, some rajas. ISKCON try serve, GM - not. They simply they parasitize on ISKCON. ( ***then...)


***consider all the instructions of the spiritual master, not only the one you like....


Dear friend, follow instruktions GM, and not do attempt teach ISCKON. It is for You advice, it is for VNN, Narayana Svami, and others. You not follow Prabhupada.


Yes Prabhupada uttama He is see good cualities everywhere - in GM, in Ramesvara and another.


***be careful with the criticizing of vaishnavas....


Yes. Speak this VNN, Narayana Svami and his disciples.


***do not act as a kanista making gross distictions (iskcon good, gaudya math bad)


It is words Prabhupada. GM - sasara. They is asara it is fact.


***if you have to criticize... make it on personal basis, if you say "all the italians are rascals".. you take the karma also if you are right for 50 millions people and wrong for only one


All GM do not work toghether. It is some sects glorifing himselfs. This glorifing is asara. One kanistha glory anothre kanistha. This materialists has spiritual life in level material sraddha, but for himself they - "prema". If they sooo humble, go in GBC, it is desire SBST, it is desire SP.

It is no humble has litle sect full mistakes and aparadha.


VNN has impudence to interfere in the life of other organizations and other people. They generally act as envious materialists.


***as a vaishnava.. stay more as possible on the "appreciative" mood


It is only words. "prema" bla bla bla, "bhava" bls bla, "love", "humble". "humble" - stop kill all cows it is humble. Do not print on VNN life of other organizations and other people it is humble.


Stop killing. You sooo love Krisna, Krisna love cows. I am sooo big love Krisna. /images/graemlins/smile.gif:):)


I am love himself - mayavada.

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**"Yes Prabhupada uttama He is see good cualities everywhere"


-jaya prabhupada


And do not mix with GM. jaya Prabhupada and foolow for pure devotee. No one side, two side.

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***In keeping with the spirit of the previous acarya's vision of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya


Yes like SBST, Narottama dasa thakur. Some guru GM take himself title "acarya". SP write - nobody me brothers not acarya.

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***" Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) said that we should preach in Europe, America. That was his desire, and his other desire was that we all work together jointly to preach


SBST speak - "work in supervision GBC.If I am may sell temples GM I am print books."


GM need go for supervision GBC. GBC mention in sastra like manager sovet for kali yuga. SBST establish GBC ISKCON it is true position.


GM follow concepton babaji. "Soul not fall" it is babaji.


Yes for babaji GBC ...they not like this, it is deth for his apa siddhanta. GBC due course time union all religion, this is big organ establism SBST and Srila Prabhupada.

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For example Madhvacarya is founder-acarya, Gosvamis is founder-acaryas, SBT founder-acarya this big siksa-diksa-parampara SBST and Srila Prabhupada founder-acarya all Gaudiya sampradaya for kali yuga.


Another "founder-acaryas" small temples, "founder-acarya" mix brosures, "founder-acaryaown" GM! It is ofences SBST and SP.

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Srila Prabhupada desired to work conjointly, at the beginning of his mission as well as during his final manifest days. This was his desire, and he stated so quite clearly. Those who consider themselves followers of Srila Prabhupada should respect his desires. The purpose of his founding the Bhaktivedanta Charity Trust is described in his own words:

" In keeping with the spirit of the previous acarya's vision of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya, to cement relations with all the sister temples of Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya under one banner, to solidify preaching the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as desired by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda and all the previous acaryas in this line ." (Room Conversation, Vrindaban, October 29, 1977, 771029RC.VRN)

About a week later, still discussing the Bhaktivedanta Charity Trust, he said: We want co-operation." (Room conversation, Vrndavana, 6 November 1977)

Shortly before his Disappearance he said:

" Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) said that we should preach in Europe, America. That was his desire, and his other desire was that we all work together jointly to preach". "Yes, that is right" said Narayana Maharaja. "I didn't waste a single moment" said Srila Prabhupada "I tried my best, and it has been successful to some extent". Srila Prabhupada's voice was choked with emotion. "If we work conjointly" he continued, "then as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said prthivite...sankirtana has great possibilities. My life is coming to an end. It is my desire that you all forgive me for my mistakes... (Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta, Vol 6, p.399-401)

During the earlier years of his worldwide Movement, this same desire was expressed:

" So far as I am concerned, I am always for co-operation. If we can co-operate, we can do tremendous service for Lord Caitanya in the matter of propagating the mission of Lord Caitanya very nicely. I am prepared to co-operate with the Gaudiya mission wholeheartedly. Soon you can negotiate about our amalgamation on a co-operatively basis, it will be great service to Srila Prabhupada ." Letter to Dr Syamasundardas Brahmacari, 5-9-69

It is best that we try to understand any differences he had with his Godbrothers with a cool head. In several places he referred to these differences as simply " differences of opinion ." For instance:

" So far as your question about controversy amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, that is a fact. But this controversy is not material. Just like in a national program, different political parties are sometimes in conflict and make propaganda against each other, but their central point is always service to the country. Similarly, amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His Divine Grace. If the central point is fixed up then there is no harm in such controversy. Every individual being must have his opinion; that is the significance of individuality, but all such differences of opinions must coincide in Krishna. Letter to: Mandali Bhadra : 69-07-28 Los Angeles

"Those, whose judgement is made of mundane stuff ,

being unable to enter into

the spirit of the all-loving controversies

among pure devotees ,

due to their own want of unalloyed devotion,

are apt to

impute to the devotees

their own defects of partisanship

and opposing views."

Sri Brahma samhita p.72



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Hare Krsna Prabhu,


I am interested when there is talk of putting our forces together(all bhaktas) to help the world.


However for me to go to someone other than Krsna's most recent Avatara, A.C.BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI would mean that i have already assimilated and digested all of His teachings and was ready to move on.


So although my Best friend since childhood is part of Guadiya Math and gives me books from their Maharaj's, i have to always tell him that i will read it.I will read those books and associate intimately when i have fully realized our Sampradaya Acarya Shaktivesa Avatara Nitya Siddha A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami .Thankyou very much! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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