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Shiva and Krsna

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Yes. But the Vedas is not all about Bhagwatam.


Anyone who properly hears and chants Shiv Geeta with devotion, becomes completely liberated too. Would you disagree??


It's all a matter of personal sadhna level, devotion and grace from SadGuru and the Lord.


You talked a lot about Vedas, but you didn't quote from a single Veda!!!


Yoga trains the faculties of the mind and body and detaches the senses from mundane activities to the next level of Dhyan leading to Dharana and even Samadhi!!


Shiva is the greatest Vaishnava and Krishna is the greatest Shaiva! :) This needs to be understood.


Namah Shivaya!!

Don't you think Prabhu ji that Srimad Bhagwatam is the nectar of of the Vedas, puranas and Upnishadas. So why to read veda's seperately and get your self confused better read the nectar of all these and enjoy the life by chanting the name of Hari.

Srimad Bhagwatam is meant for kali yug so read what is meant for perticular time and age. We get confused and become frustated because we read the wrong scriptiures at wrong time.

It is very good that you worship a great Vaishnva. There is nothing wrong in that. But to advance our selves in spiritual life we should aspire for the ultimate goal to go back to Vaikunth Lok and never come back in this sansar again. But going to shivlok we have to come back. To relieve from the bondage of birth and Death we should aspire to chant the name of Hari and go back to Golok Dham of Sri Hari.

Prabhu ji I am not against your faith and worshiping Shiv Mahadev. I am only trying is that we should progress further in spiritual life and enjoy the nectar of devotion.

Pls forgive me of any offence.

Hari Bol!

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I fully agree with you,

Any one who want to know who is Krishna and Shiv Mahdev.

Please follow the verdict of Supereme Court in India the case between Shiva Devotees and Ramanand sagar's Ramayan. When Ramayan was released Mahadev Shiv ji was shown as praying to Ram. Shiv Bhakta's felt offended and took the issue to court and Supereme Court appointed saintly learned scholars and studied the scriptures them selves and concluded that it is not only correct but fitting as per scriptiures.

To be Frank I see Mahadev's temple, I make sure I should go and bow down at his feets and take his blessings because he is Mahadev but my pujnia is Krishna and Ram.

Vyasdev ji wrote all veda's and Purana's. But in the last when he was not satisfied he was directed by Narada Muni to write nectar of all vedas and Purans which is Srimad Bhagwatam. So latest version of all puran's and veda's is Srimad Bhagwatam. So we should follow Srimad Bhagwatam. Because when ever you find a product in the market with instructions you follow the instructions but when that product is modifed and new instructions released you would not like to follow the old instructions because it will not work.

Please I am not trying to offend any Shiv Bhakta's but trying to prove don't waste time in arguing too much but be humble and accept what is right and wrong.

few comments:

Lord Ram broke the Bow of Mahadev to get married with Sita mata. If, Mahadev is supreme Lord Ram could never Brake the bow.

We should understand very clearly that there is no body above or equal to GOD! If, we undersatnd this all our confusions will go away.

Lord Brahma said in Braham Samihta that

Ishvera perma Krsna

sat chit anand vigrah

Anadir adi Gobinda

Serv karan karnam

He is the cause of all causes and cause of him self. We should conside Lord Brahma as an authority.

There are lot of other facts which we should read and understand with devotion and we will know who is Supreme. Not with arrogance and anger. Mahadev Shiv and Krishna! will reamin mystery for one who try to read Srimad Bhagwatm with arrogance.


People think that when Lord Ram was praying to Mahadev at Rameshwaram means Mahadev is supreme. But if, Mahadev is Supreme how com Ram killed Ravana. Who was blessed by Mahadev. Dongre ji Maharaj wrote in Srimad Bhgwatam that Mahadev even gave his consort Parvati to Ravana because Ravana asked for it but it was Lord Vishnu who brought back Uma devi to Mahadev.

Lord was praying to Mahadev because Lord Ram is Mahadev's east dev. So Lord Ram has to inform Mahadev that now time has come that I have to kill your devotee because he is following irreligion. But we think that Lord Ram is praying to Mahadev but in fact as a respect to his devotee Lord Ram has to follow vedic principles.

Mahadev gave boon to Bhasmasur and Bhasmasur first wanted to kill Mahadev only and no body could save Mahadev but Lord Vishnu.

So Please if, some one wants to Pray Lord Shiva let him and want to follow Shiv Puran does not mean the truth will change. It will never change.






very well put fwd.

if nothing else then few people can surely learn how to pen down their thoughts with no arrogance or almost abusive tone


hari bol

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Yes. And the reason is that this is a "pro-Iskcon" forum run by them. :D

Hence the philosophy propounded here is of Iskcon and other philosophies are set aside or tried hard to defeat! Simple.



And on every forum i see ISCKON people ,is there any special reason for it.



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How much do u understand Bhagwatam itself??? This is the question. Or Bhagwat Gita itself?


The commentaries vary from the original text. They are in line witht eh gaudiya school of thought exclusively.


Also Bhagwatam alone is not the essence of all Vedic scriptures as repeatedly impounded by teh Gaudiyas.



Don't you think Prabhu ji that Srimad Bhagwatam is the nectar of of the Vedas, puranas and Upnishadas. So why to read veda's seperately and get your self confused better read the nectar of all these and enjoy the life by chanting the name of Hari.

Srimad Bhagwatam is meant for kali yug so read what is meant for perticular time and age. We get confused and become frustated because we read the wrong scriptiures at wrong time.

It is very good that you worship a great Vaishnva. There is nothing wrong in that. But to advance our selves in spiritual life we should aspire for the ultimate goal to go back to Vaikunth Lok and never come back in this sansar again. But going to shivlok we have to come back. To relieve from the bondage of birth and Death we should aspire to chant the name of Hari and go back to Golok Dham of Sri Hari.

Prabhu ji I am not against your faith and worshiping Shiv Mahadev. I am only trying is that we should progress further in spiritual life and enjoy the nectar of devotion.

Pls forgive me of any offence.

Hari Bol!

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Dear guest,

Please accept my obeisance. Thanks for your humbleness.

But who told you that one has to come back from Shivaloka?

This is a wrong information preached by some Vaishnava sects.

There is no truth in it.

Shiva himself says that one who attains me and my abode gets freed from the cycle of birth and death and never comes back to it again. Shiva is the liberater.

Kindly read the story of Markandey rishi. He was granted liberation by Shiva himself.

Again, Shiva is the granter of all five kinds of liberation. What else needs to be said?



Hara bol!



But going to shivlok we have to come back. To relieve from the bondage of birth and Death we should aspire to chant the name of Hari and go back to Golok Dham of Sri Hari.

Prabhu ji I am not against your faith and worshiping Shiv Mahadev. I am only trying is that we should progress further in spiritual life and enjoy the nectar of devotion.

Pls forgive me of any offence.

Hari Bol!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Please read Nectar of Devotion for Hare Krsna's devotees. It clearly says that we should pray to Lord Ganesha first before any other prayers which Hare Krsna devotees trying their best to hide. Second secret - Every Hare Krsna devotees follows and should follow Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, but before that everyone should find out who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Guru is! Is he Krsna devotee or devotee of Advaita? This is the second secret Hare Krsna Devotees trying their best to hide. Same as our fellow Christian Brothers.


Anyway Let's say Krsna is the Supreme, have you seen Him? No. If Shiva is Supreme, Have you seen Him? Definetly NO! Then why people such as Haridham and Sumedh are saying Krsna is the Supreme. First get your Sadhana right and then get your devotion to your God in a First class state. If your Sadhana and devotion is great then you will see the real supreme God. Anyway up there God don't fight with each other. They don't critize DemiGod. Please read Swami Yogananda and Sivananada's Book to really follow spiritual path.


God is Almighty!

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I bow down at the feet of all who aspire to worship God with sincerity. I must be chaste to my Guru and His teachings, but I know that depending on each soul's necessity the Divine Grace and Mercy is there.


ye yathā māḿ prapadyante

tāḿs tathaiva bhajāmy aham

mama vartmānuvartante

manuṣyāḥ pārtha sarvaśaḥ


If you think Krsna's name is Siva so what? I am not qualified to argue the point and wouldn't expect anyone to be won over even if I were ;)


My understanding is also that Lord Siva is Krsna's devotee, but in aspiring to be a Gaudiya Vaisnava, I strive to serve the Lord's devotees, not the Lord directly. So I bow down to Lord Shiva to please give me His mercy and forgive my offenses if I don't approach Him in the correct way.

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Scriptures are the word of God, without scriptures, we wouldnt even know about Lord Siva or Lord Krishna. Scriptures are the only guide we can have because it comes from the perfect source. We should actually care on how we accumulate knowledge and not base our speculation on hearsay.


There is a fine line between following and not following the proper sanathan dharma, note I didnt use the word "Hindu" as it was given to us by the muslims, this word doesnt exist in our scriptures.

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Mr. brajeshwara das seems you even read Nector of Devotion, but talking as if you were the writer of Vedas when mentioning that Lord Siva is Krsna"s devotee. Ha ! Ha!

Siva is Krsna Devotee as same as Krsna is Siva's Devotee. Try to learn the Sudarshana Chakra's puruana and you will know the truth of Siva nad Krsna. Stop talking like an Hare Krsna devotee.

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Well put, we actually have Lord Ganesha in most of our ISKCON temples, we are not hiding him, nor are we hiding him when we conduct weddings in our temples, we always worship him to bless us by removing obstacles in the path of bhakti. He is worshiped in relation to Krsna and not as a Demigod for material gain. If we master how to worship these devas properly, these devas are pleased and give you blessings that we may advance in spiritual life.


Lord Krishna also had a Guru, so did Lord Rama, it doesnt matter, the Lord shows that by accepting a Guru that belongs in a Sampradaya is commendable. So indeed Lord Chaitanya also has a Guru from a disciplic succession.


We dont say Krishna is supreme and Shiva is a devotee, we dont say it because we are honest enough to acknowledge that we are imperfect and have the tendency to speculate, no we dont say krishna is supreme, the scriptures say Krishna is Supreme.


And your argument about criticising demigods, no we dont criticise anyone, Lord Siva is dear to us, as he is the foremost of Lord Krishna's devotees.

If you are trying to say that by calling Lord Shiva a demigod we are criticising him, then you must agree that if I call a nurse a doctor, then the doctor will get offended, but if we call a doctor a doctor then he is communicating, similar those who really are criticizing Lord Siva are the ones that are calling him God, can you imagine how embarassed he would be? And point number 2, we dont say he is a deva (demigod) the scriptures say he is demigod).


In all arguments one must quote scripture or atleast a book to back up his arguments otherwise its just speculation based on our imperfect selves. This is the reason we should repeat what the supreme authority says (Srila Vyas dev), otherwise all arguments is open to fallacy, I hope you agree on this point.


The scriptures such as the Brahma Samhita states that Lord Krsna transforms himself to Shambu in order to carry on a material administrational function called destruction of the material universe, this is his specific function, but the difference between Lord Vishnu/Krsna and Lord Shambu is that of Milk and yoghurt, milk can transform to anything but Yoghurt cannot be transformed back to milk, similar Lord Vishnu is likened to milk and Lord Shambhu likened to yoghurt.


Lord Saada Siva (the eternal form of Siva) actually resides in Maheshdham on the other side of the border (known as Viraj River) between material and spiritual worlds, He is actually an expansion of Lord Sankarshana (indirect expansion of Krishna), one can worship Him, but generally we dont worship Lord Shambu because in the material universe he can only give material benidictions, he cannot award liberation, only Lord Mukunda (Krishna) can. And we have the tendency to enjoy this material world so our devotion to the demigods come at a price and that is conditional devotion.


Generally we say God is almighty but we dont understand what God is and what his qualities are, everyone has some speculation about Him, so again it is encouraged to abandon instituations that come about from someone's speculation and follow an institution that teaches the vedic scriptures at it is based on a bona fide sampradaya.





Please read Nectar of Devotion for Hare Krsna's devotees. It clearly says that we should pray to Lord Ganesha first before any other prayers which Hare Krsna devotees trying their best to hide. Second secret - Every Hare Krsna devotees follows and should follow Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, but before that everyone should find out who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Guru is! Is he Krsna devotee or devotee of Advaita? This is the second secret Hare Krsna Devotees trying their best to hide. Same as our fellow Christian Brothers.


Anyway Let's say Krsna is the Supreme, have you seen Him? No. If Shiva is Supreme, Have you seen Him? Definetly NO! Then why people such as Haridham and Sumedh are saying Krsna is the Supreme. First get your Sadhana right and then get your devotion to your God in a First class state. If your Sadhana and devotion is great then you will see the real supreme God. Anyway up there God don't fight with each other. They don't critize DemiGod. Please read Swami Yogananda and Sivananada's Book to really follow spiritual path.


God is Almighty!

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Mr. brajeshwara das seems you even read Nector of Devotion, but talking as if you were the writer of Vedas when mentioning that Lord Siva is Krsna"s devotee. Ha ! Ha!

Siva is Krsna Devotee as same as Krsna is Siva's Devotee. Try to learn the Sudarshana Chakra's puruana and you will know the truth of Siva nad Krsna. Stop talking like an Hare Krsna devotee.


I think JHCal's post says what needs to be said. He's totally right that we should back up what we say with higher authority. Of course I am low and unqualified, but I am only repeating what I have heard from the Acharyas:




A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: Lord Siva is a demigod, but he is higher than all other demigods. He's higher than Lord Brahma also. But he's not the Supreme Lord. Just like there are different gradations. That is not difficult to understand. In society also, there are different gradations. Similarly, the living entities, there are different gradations. So all the living entities, they are, some of them are situated in higher planets, some of them are situated in lower planets, some of them are situated in high-grade life, in low-grade life. So the demigods are also, they are living entities, but they are enjoying better standard of life due to their acts of piety. But Lord Siva is not amongst the living entities. He's above the living entities but he is counted as one of the demigods. But his position is better than Lord Brahma even. Brahma is to be the highest living entity within the universe, and Lord Siva's position is higher than Lord Brahma.

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Scriptures are the only guide we can have because it comes from the perfect source.


Guru is the key:


Svetasvatara Upanisad (6.23):

yasya deve para bhaktir

yatha deve tatha gurau

tasyaite kathita hy arthao

prakaiante mahatmanao


“The key to success in spiritual life is unflinching devotion to both the spiritual master and Krishna. To those great souls who have full faith in both Krishna and the spiritual master, the inner meaning of the scriptures is fully revealed.”

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Hare Krsna to all the great Souls!


If you go to Church the father will give speech about what others should listen he will hide the rest of the scriptures. Furthermore you can't ask certain Questions. Then they will say you are Satan's Child but they will never answer the Questions.


Our friend JHCL have done the similar thing too. He have spoken about the Guru of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but never mention who he is and what sampadraya he is from, whether krsna is supreme and Shiva is devotee. Same as the church he is hiding and not telling people like brajeshwara das. If you follow Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then follow whatever his guru done. Why are the Hare Krsna temple not following what Nectar of Devotion says- Do Ganesha Puja first before Krsna Puja. Ypu did agree it was written in Nectar of Devotion, why because it was not written by Srila Prabhupad. Give 2 - 3 years the new edition of Nectar of Devotion will delete that Paragraph about Ganesha.


Come on scriptures says Krsna is Supreme. That is totally true. But scriptures says Shiva is Supreme. Gotcha! So all depend on what,whose, etc scriptures.

my dear friend Krsna is supreme to me and well as Shiva because I believe in both the scriptures. Jchl must be a great soul of out time cause He have seen Krsna and Krsna should have told him that Hey! look here! Shiva is my devotee and you should pray to him as a Mahadeva and don't believe any other scripture.

When JCHL says scriptures that means the all Vedas,Puranas and Ithikasams?

I don't think so. If the Scriptures mentioned by Srila Prabhupad then he is Horse wearing blinkers.

But I appreciate JCHL's bakti. Love the God you have chosen as Supreme and don't call others as my God's Devotee. Cos Krsna himself be sad. If what you say is true, then ALL THE GURU form south to North are wrong except Prabhupad. Is taht what are you saying, my soul Friend.


Anyone out there, think for yourself. There is lot true fact which people like JCHL are hiding from you. Read all the puranas and books (even Gita) wriiten by PROPER GURUS (Swami Yogananda , Sivananda, Ammachi). Then come to conclusion for yourself. Not only 4 or 5 books which Hare Krsna recommends.


And for me Krsna is Supreme, but I realized that Siva is also Supreme. So does Ganesha and Muruga. If I have offended anyone I am sorry. Remember this: In the Scripture Krsna says "you only can come to me if there is no attachment." that is also no attachment to your caste, group(Saivite, Vaisanva, etc), cult, language, land and nation. Love your God for the matter Krsna and see him in everything and everyone and always make your mind go around him. That is what gonna help you when you are in the death bed.


Hare Krsna! Krsna Arpanamasthu!

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JHCL must be a Church Father. He never answer the doubt but as same as a Church Father - he never answer. One more question for him to ponder on and to call me a Satan' child!


Why did Arjuna born again after he gone with his brothers? What was he and who was his Guru? You can't get the answer if you gonna stick to Your so called Scriptures. Take out your Blinkers out and read more real scriptures which don't claim "AS IT IS".

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The Lord isn't bound by our laws, and moves in His own way. From Srila Swami Maharaj Prabhupada's Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta purport to Ādi 3.34:


During the time of Lord Caitanya, the influence of Śańkarācārya in society was very strong. People thought that one could accept sannyāsa only in the disciplic succession of Śańkarācārya. Lord Caitanya could have performed His missionary activities as a householder, but He found householder life an obstruction to His mission. Therefore He decided to accept the renounced order, sannyāsa. Since His acceptance of sannyāsa was also designed to attract public attention, Lord Caitanya, not wishing to disturb the social convention, took the renounced order of life from a sannyāsī in the disciplic succession of Śańkarācārya, although sannyāsa was also sanctioned in the Vaiṣṇava sampradāya.




To say that because He took sannyāsa from a Mayavadi is to ignore His teachiings. We (including Mayavadi sannyasis!) are here for His service, He isn't here for ours. So he picked up and used a hammer when he wanted it. He is the Lord after all.


Now Guest1, you can bad-mouth Gaudya Vaisnavas all you want, you are entitled to your opinion, but I feel you should be careful what you say, it may come back to haunt you. I am being chaste to my Gurudeva and not engaging in mental speculation. You say 'think for yourself' to interpret scripture but the scripture itself says to hear from Guru. I will not offend the gurus you mention above but please understand they are not my Guru and not in my line, and as you see my parampara as invalid so may I see yours as well. Please stop causing offense through slander since you surely put your own fortune at risk.

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Dear Mr brajeshwara das, I understand your faint excuses. I'm not here to say whose Guru is right or wrong! Who am I, for matter of fact who are we. Inthe first place please read Nectar of Devotion. Because it came from Vaisanava Sampradaya.


Sorry, it seems I have been talking to people who have read 5 or 6 books and calling them Scriptures. I'm totally sorry. Till now you have never cleared any of my Question. The mayavadi theory is only from your small sector of the whole India. And the excuse of can't get a Guru is really astonishing, cause we are talking about Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu not one of us. If Lord can't get a proper Guru then what is going to happen to us? When you are a kid you get lesson from a Kindergaten Teacher. But when you are in the UNI, you get professor to teach you. Same as these Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is a Lord so he got someone who knew the truth to be his Guru. Stop giving excuses and tell why and where Arjuna need to be born again?


If you are talking about Guru, then listen to this:


Guru Brahma

Guru Vishnu

Guru Deyvomah


they are from scriptures. But why then you don't say them in Hare Krsna temples? Oh sorry you are not going to answer this too!

I'm sorry again.


God is Almighty and my Prayers to all Guru from South to North.

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I just told you Never Never have attachment of any sort cause Krsna wants Adam before he ate the apple. So please follow your Guru but don't say I.m belong to this line, you belong to that line. Everybody belong to one line that is longing for Krsna's love line. So let's everybody sing his Glories and forget about the words Demigod and Mayavadi.

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For His lila Krishna may do something seemingly mundane to a mundane person. You think Krishna needed a Guru for His instruction, whether as Rama, Krishna, or Mahaprabhu? I'll definitely read Nectar of Devotion because I lave learned to take good advice no matter the source, but honestly any credibility you may have had to be taken seriously dissolved when you started to be offensive. I wish you well, but please consider how you present your case.


As for myself, I would never claim to be qualified to argue Shastra but again only shared what I heard from Guru. If in any way I have caused offense to anyone here I deeply regret it and seek your forgiveness.

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Dear my friend at least now you admit that getting a advaita Guru is not wrong as you have admitted that even Krsna(Mahaprabhu) have taken his initiation (the most important second initiation) from one. Tell this to your readers this. Because to reach God (Krsna) you don't have to be in sect or line. All your need is Bhakti, a strong bhakti which your mind always think about him even when you eat(every spoon), read, watching movies,etc.


I can see some anger in your replies that might - because you can't answer my question directly, but appreciate your Bhakti.


Even though you can't answer any of my question, I need to admit one thing. You have a nice blog.


So next time don't say that Siva is Krsna's devotee or mention demigod. Do you something if you interpret Gita's Sanskrit word to word there is no a word called DEMIGOD. And nowhere in the shastra it says Ganesha, Muruga, Shiva , Devi is Demigod.


Thousand Apologies if I have offended you. keep up your weblog and Devotion to Krsna because he is the saviour.

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Thanks for your kind words but regarding what I may say, if my Guru says Siva is a demigod, then that is what I accept. Because you don't accept the authority of Guru I believe you have a fatal misunderstanding. I never said you need to be in a certain sect or line, I said you have to be chaste to your Guru because he is your guide. If you are in a Math class do you seek independent confirmation for every lesson the professor is teaching or do you have faith that you have selected the correct school? What kind of success will you have if you don't trust in him? Anyone in school knows that there are other schools and classes available but they chose thier current school because they found it most qualified or suited to thier needs. A cheater may have chosen his school because they will give him a Master's degree in only six weeks, but it would be obvious to all the value of that education.


Srila Sridhar Maharaj:


Anyone can say, “I am guru, he is not guru.” Imitation is always possible, but the scriptures give the criterion for the selection of a real guru, and the real guru will extract the meaning of the scripture. Guru and sastra are interdependent. One will help another for our edification. The scriptures say we must read the scripture under the guidance of a proper professor, a Vaisnava guru (acaryavan puruso veda). So, the scripture is dependent on the spiritual master. And who is a spiritual master? The scriptures will explain. So they are interdependent: sadhu and sastra are both necessary. They are the active and the passive agents.


I'm in no way angry with you, why should I be? Krishna is for Himself and by Himself, and no amount of arguing will change that. The truth is beyond me and I have no illusion that I possess it. That you see anger where it isn't should tell you something as well.


That Mahaprabhu chose a mayavadi guru for His own purposes in no way means someone wishing to engage in devotional service should seek initiation from a Mayavadi. Because Lord Siva drank an ocean of poison doesn't mean that you can! Because Krsna dances with the Gopis doesn't mean we should attempt to enter in that pastime. That would be offensive to even consider. What my Guru has said resonates in my heart, what you have said shown a lack of manners. No offense intended, but I think I'll stick with my line, even if you don't approve.


I'm not offended by you personally, I know in you're own way you mean well, but you have written offensively which is unfortunate for you. These forums should at the very least be a place where ideas can be discussed with civility. You should appologize to the disciples of Srila Swami Maharaj Prabhupada and seek the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu. As for appreciating my bhakti, that is impossible because that is something I don't possess. With the mercy of the vaisnavas may that one day be true.

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Guest1 reading your last replies maybe I was too harsh, I may sound more serious than I intend and I know reading words on a page isn't the same as having a face to face discussion. Maybe face to face we would be smiling. Part of what you are saying not to have a party spirit and I definitely feel the same way, and if you believe in the Personality of Godhead then I think we essentially agree and it may be more a matter of using different words to describe the same thing. Different perspectives or realizations on the same truth. But to be clear Mayavadis are in denial of the Lord's form and seek to lead the jivas into an extinction of thier individual personality through merging into 'one'. Wanting to be God themselves. To my internal feeling and the teaching of my Gurus this is a bogus goal and and therefore I can't ignore the distinction.

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Thank You for your reply, But till now you never answered any of my question. Maybe you can,t find the answer in your scriptures. Again take out your blinkers and read Scriptures and Puranas. Don't stick with your 4 or 5 books. You can tell all kinds of theory about Mayavadi. But there is no such word as Mayavadi in Sanskrit - in any of the scriptures. So the bogus will be bogus in your mind because that's all you know.

All the proper Gurus from South to North ( that includes Srila Prabhupad and Swami Yogananda, SWami Sivananda, Ammachi)are not bogus. Some teaches about merging so you call them bogus. It's a pity that you a small understanding of scriptures. Can't blame you. That's all you knew. Aren't you the one who was asking which chapter in NECTAR of Devotion that Ganesha was mentioned. aren't you the one who said you have read nectar of Devotion. May be yours might be the edited edition.


Please, Please, Please, Please answer my Question instead telling other Gurus teaching are bogus. ANSWER FIRST.

May Krsna's force be with you.

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