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Guardian Angels

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Paramatma is the inner voice of God to the jivatma or the individual self, Paratma is God's spirit that tells us to do right and avoid wrong doings. It is pureness in us, the part of God which is from God.


Angels are the warriors of God/disciples to remind us to do good and shield us from the karma and others and lead us towards light/God.

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if you examinate the christian theory of guardian angel


an entity who is ever at your side even if you do not see him

an entity who is the witness of your acts

an entity that is possible to reconnect with and listen to if we made spiritual advancement

it is very similar


they say that he's a gandharva, we say that he's god... here's the difference ... in bible and gospel there's many characters and functions of different nature called angels .... it is said that jahveh comes riding a cherubine, an angel... we call him garuda


also naradamuni , acting very often as a messenger can be called angel (=in ancient greek.. messenger)

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In christian tradition there are several types of angels. Guardian angel may refer to Paramatma. Other types may be Gandharvas. The Torah and Talmud references of Jahweh descending on a winged cherubim may also refer to Lord Brahma riding his Swan carrier. Many vedic scholars identify the supreme deity of the judaic tradition to be Lord Brahma, and some go as far as proclaiming Jesus of Nazareth to be an incarnation of Lord Brahma

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