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Govinda, gohita, gopati, gopta and Cow Slaughter

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I hope everyone is aware of the argument to allow or ban cow slaughter in India. It is really a shame to have such an argument at least inside India where cows are worshipped. In harsh words, cow slaughter means killing the cow for it meat. Another method of slaughter is 'Halal', where the throat of the cow is partially slit open. Blood seeps out slowly, and the Cow dies a very slow and extremely painful death. Even as you are reading this, many cows are dying a horrible death as mentioned above.


This makes me wonder who is the root cause for the above distress to the Cows ? Is it our Govinda the cause of all causes ? I have heard statements like


"Not even a blade of grass moves without his divine will"


Bhagavad-Gita Chapter Eighteen Text 61 : The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.


Srimadbhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 17 Text 19 In this material world, neither the living entity himself nor others the doer [friends and enemies] are the cause of material happiness and distress. But because of gross ignorance, the living entity thinks that he and others are the cause.


VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM has the following :

govinda - The word Go in Sanskrit has four meanings: 'Earth', 'Cows', 'Speech' and 'Vedas'. He, who is the Protector of the Cow's and gives pleasure to the cows,

gohita - He is the well- wisher and benefactor of the cows;

gopati - He is the master and controller of the cows;

gopta - He is the protector of the cows


At the present time, none of the above four are in a good shape.


When the above thought brings tears to our eyes, how can Govinda who is famous as Protector of the Cow's tolerate such an action. If he is not a cause for the above distress for cows, then it is his duty to give them his infinite protection. Since the protection of cows on this planet has now become out of our scope, we can only cry and call him to appear and protect them.


But one of the surprising factor is, not calling upon Govinda to appear when the situation is beyond our control. Throughout Srimadbhagavatam we can see that whenever there was distress, he was sincerely called and he never failed to appear just like mother giving milk to a crying baby. But now we have mentally decided that the Supreme Personality of Godhead will not appear with he full power in the fourth Yuga (Vishnu, only seen as a covered 'channa' - avatar in the last, fourth yuga) or he will only appear during the end of the Kali Yuga, till then we have to wait without any hope. But the maker of rules never has such rules. Never was such an pre-calculated assumption made in history.


His promise was (Bhagavad-Gita Chapter Four Text 7 - 8)

yada yada hi dharmasya

glanir bhavati bharata

abhyutthanam adharmasya

tadatmanam srjamy aham

paritranaya sadhunam

vinasaya ca duskrtam


sambhavami yuge yuge


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion-at that time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium


In the above promise of Sri Krsna, importance should be given for the words "sambhavämi yuge yuge" which clearly means anytime during any Yuga.


He never promised "sambhavämi tri-yugo" to indicate he will appear only during the first three Yugas, nor did he promise "sambhavämi yugante" to indicate he will appear only during the transition of Yuga.


So my humble request to all the Sri Vaishnavas devotees, it is high time we start crying for his protection as things are completely out of our control and he is the only refuge now. If he really wants to retain his titles as "Govinda, gohita, gopati, gopta", he has to come now to protect his cows on this Planet and reestablish the principles of religion.


govindam adi-purusam tam aham avahayami

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along with practical work for cow protection. There is still hope for India to take the lead and push all cow slaughter at least beyond her borders.


We can pray as we protest.


One thing is to see it as a vicious cycle. Who is being incarnated into the body of a cow that is being slaughtered? Perhaps the very meat eaters of yesterday. Who will be there to be slaughtered tommorrow? The flesh eaters of today. A perpetual cycle of suffering.


We as aspiring servants of Govinda should also pray for His shakti to be manifest within us giving us the power to fight these animal slaughtering demons. Govinda is the general, we are the footsoldiers of His will.


How to fight? By education, by political action and by any means necesary.

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But what a small child understands clearly, is not understood by an educated individual. If a small child and an educated individual is explained the ill effects of meat eating, I am sure that the child understands it more clearly. Instead the educated Individual will give his own logic to prove the benefits of meat eating.


Any other suggestions to fight these animal slaughtering demons are very much welcome.


govindam adi-purusam tam aham avahayami

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Sri Vakrathunda mahaakaaya kotisuryasamaprabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subhakaryeshu sarvadaa


Bhaktivedanta Manor has embarked on a noble cause to save the cows in UK.

It only takes a spark to ignite a forest fire

I feel India should take a leading role in protecting the cows, unfortunately it requires with every thing else Money. And there are those who will argue that money could be best spent in feeding its hungry population.

I believe it is Hindu tradition that money collected in Arti goes towards Go-Seva,lots of people give money towards cow protection also. A well-coordinated program would yield a better result.

First and foremost India should ban cow slaughter


Jai Govind Jai Gopal


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India is is a country that could still make a great statement to the rest of the world on this is issue.


Cow protection is there in everyone even present day meat eaters. I have seen this. One day in late 70's I was standing in front of McDonald's in Hawaii's Waikiki beach handing out some homemade flyers protesting animal slaughter.


I had include many of Prabhupada's quotes on cow protection along with that famous picture of Gopala with His arm around a calve.


An Indian family, woman in sari etc, came walking past on their way into McDemons to buy some "food". They took a flyer from me and the man was reading it as they stood in line to make an order. A couple minutes later they got out of line and came back out and all had their heads down in shame as they past.


The fact that they felt embarassed was due to the fact that they were still human. Just barely under the surface they loved Krsna and His cows. It just needed to be brought to the surface.


Check this site out. PETA India http://www.petaindia.com/


India please! just kick McDonalds and KFC out of your country, by any means necesary. They are a scourge on Mother Bhumi. A disease that is intent on spreading to every corner of the world.

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Yes, I agree completely and take back my words. When we, the servents are here, there is no need for him to take the trouble of coming to this temporary miserable world. He is our "Govinda, gohita, gopati, gopta". Let he give us strength to fight these animal slaughtering demons. All victory to the Beautiful Blue Boy of Vrndavana.



govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


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jeevatma. I hope I didn't give the impression that I thought longing for the Lord's appearance was somehow wrong.


Advaita Acarya petitioned for appearance of Lord Caitanya.


The concept of Krsna empowering us in whatever measure we can handle and also sending an avatar of Himself are not mutually exclusive. But if an avatar does come best He find us busy already working for His cause.


Did you check out petaindia? I live in the USA so hopefully you will keep us posted on news from India on this front.


I love your spirit in wanting to fight for Gopala's cows.


Hare Krsna

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