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Qualifications for 'adhikari' and 'his divine grace'

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i am interested to know

what qualification one must have

to be called an 'adhikari' or a 'his divine grace'.


adhikari means one with rights.

a dasa cannot have false ego or adhikar (right), ideally.

most vaishnavas say they are dasas.


so 'das adhikari' is an oximoron.


who gives these tiltes to devotees?


are these titles self-assumed?


I would apprecaite help in this matter.



jai sri krishna!


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i am surprised no one asnwered yet

"what qualification one must have

to be called an 'adhikari' or a 'his divine grace'."


please ask this to your gurus and goswamis

and share the asnwere here.


jai sri krishna! - madhav




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we have 3 sources of spiritual culture: the master, the scriptures and the tradition


if our master says that this devotee is a "divine grace"


if we recognise that this devotee falls in the "divine" cathegory of the 16th chapter of bhagavad gita


if many other recognized masters in gaudiya sampradaya say that this devotee is a pure bhakta


we call this devotee adhikari or divine grace




many times the guru has to say to the disciples that he is the guru, that he is pure, that they have to obey etc.


we have to understand, seeing the behaviour, if one says "i am the guru" for sense gratification or if he's saying it to teach and serve the disciples

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sure moorthi ji,


but one just does not use "His Divind Grace" in front one's name when ever one writes or speaks his name.


how would you feel if many suddenly start addressing you as his divine grace moorthi ji?


it is a custom to use such title for a well nown sadhu or aacharya. same for titles like maha mandaleshwar, etc.


i think that prabhupada himself never wrote 'his divine grace' in front of his name when ever he wrote it. his disciples would write it to show respect for him.


humbles do not do self praise (aatma shlaaghaa).


jai sri krishna! -madhav





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Dear Guest,


you are right..! Noone would call oneself 'his divine

grace' ..!


I was talking about the good providence that helps one out

of difficulties..


Look at the stories of Gajendra (formerly King Indradyumna),

Prahlada, Dhruva in the Bhagavatha....Draupadi in Bharatha..


When they have given up all hope, Krishna came and rescued them from danger!


To merit that divine grace, the divine providence...Gita and Bhagavatha says..one needs to purify one's mind through sad chinta, sat sangha.


Sad chinta can be attained simply by chanting the Hare Rama Hare Krishna maha mantra..as per the Kali santharanopanishath..


I hope I have made my point clear..

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<< you are right..! Noone would call oneself 'his divine

grace' ..! >>


a disciple of Hridayananda Goswami (HDG), i heard,

calls/advertises himself as 'His Divind Grace ... Adhikari.'


I do not know how many disciples he has,

and how many really are qualified for these two titles.

Any one know his disciples?


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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do we have any one here whom many respectfully call

His Divine Grace... Adhikari?


just curious to know who if any.

I do not want to miss giving respect to him/her.


jai sri krishna! - madhav


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