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Abdullah: scientists proved that the world will come to an end, so what will happen to reincarnation?


Easy one. When the universe (even better--the entire cosmos) comes to an end, all conditioned souls reside in a sort of suspended animation within the body of Mahavishnu. The catch is, dea Abdullah, that this is a cyclical business. After some time, innumerable universes once again come from the body of Mahavishnu and are immediately filled with the conditioned souls lef over, so to speak, from the previous cycle.


This is a factual answer, according to vedic understanding. So, is that good enough for you, or will you only honor your promise if we give an answer you like? I don't ask this to be mean or spiteful; I'm just curious to see how serious you were in the previous post. The fact is, no one here feels threatened or intimidated by your presence. We just prefer to actually have conversations (shhh!) rather than JUST SHOUT AT EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!

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I feel bad for you.


So, I will answer this one question which I did earlier...


You say , " what happens when the world ends"


I say : Which world? what world and in what universe?


In other words, what I am trying to tell you is, there is not just this solar system , but many in this universe and there are many universes in the creation of Krishna (you may call him Allah) .


In these universes there are multiple life forms in which living entites can get into.


So, if one universe disollutes... another still stays.


You will not understand this truth so easily but I will explain to you with an open mind.


You see, in your true nature, you are not the body but a living entity.


A living entity is invulnerable and a part of allah.


The point is you are this living entity.. you cannot get hurt.


You as a living entity have defied allah and came to this earth to please yourself.


You thought "Why should I serve allah I will serve myself" and basically have abandoned allah.


but after coming here, we have pain, suffering and our existence in this world is hard.


We cannot enjoy what we wish to enjoy and we cannot leave pain because this world gives us great pain. So, we go back to allah and say we are sorry.


Thats the point of Hare krishna consciousness. The point is to revive your true love for God and go back to him.. then he will take care of you and you will serve him and be happy. /images/graemlins/grin.gif all over again.


To understand this philosophy better, think of yourself wearing a black veil in the daylight.


You were wearing the black veil so long that you forget that there was ever day light and struggle to live in darkness as if you are blind .


But once you know that there is daylight, you will destroy the veil that stops you from seeing it and live your life happily there after.


The point of the vedic philosophy is to remove the black veil of ignorance that does not let you see the daylight which is God.


So, when we understand the vedas and follow the path of bhakthi, we see the light which is the light of krishna or Allah.


Our whole point is to LOVE ALLAH. It is not to enjoy this world but to say " Hey Allah, I hate trying to do something which I am unable to do, so I come to you and I serve you and you make me happy"


Love krishna and be happy.


But how do you love krishna? - Do everything for him, think about him and remember him. THen, in your conscience you will remember him! because you were with him in your past history.


The best way to tell krishna that you want him and his happiness alone is to chant the maha mantra "Hare krishna Hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare , Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama , Hare Hare."


Krishna himself is the embodiment of pleasure and happiness.


So, open your mind and your heart, then you will see him laughing at you.


People try to enjoy this world but fail miserably, they work hard for minimum enjoyment.


You pray allah because you want a car or a bike...something else.. but those are just material needs... the point is your desires for materials never end and Allah will give them to you if you want him to give them to you, but they won't satisfy you completely.


Why? - because you are actually trying to find him. You desire a car- you are not desiring a car but allah... you desire wealth- comfort , you are desiring allah...


Allah is everything my friend, he is not some phantom who created this universe and gave you a book to read about it.


if he did that , that would be just so sad.

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Abdullah says: "ok, scientists proved that the world will come to an end, so what will happen to reincarnation?"


Is this according to the outdated Big Bang theory? You should really stop reading primer textbooks and third-rate Saudi funded websites. If you didn't know, the Big Bang Theory is absolutely full of holes - it is just a theory, like the theory of evolution which muslims don't accept. A new theory has been proposed by physicists at Cambridge and Harvard Universities, which proposes that the universe is an endless cycle of creation and destruction. This development was reported by the BBC - look for it, type in Neil Turok, he was one of scientists working on new theory.


If I am not mistaken, muslims claim that islam represents the true teachings of God, as Christianity has lost much of its original teachings? Am I not right? Well, the early Christian church right from its very start to 553 AD believed in reincarnation as a central doctrine. Type that also into any search. If Islam represents the original teachings of christianity, then you people should also believe in reincarnation?


Abdullah says: "I promise, in Islam i am not allowed to lie". Now I realise that you are either a typical deceiving muslim, or you have not read your own scriptures. In Islam, lies and deceit ARE sanctioned, as long as the ultimate purpose is beneficial to Islam. Essentially, you muslims can lie if you are trying to convert. Bottom line is: never trust a muslim. That is a lesson that history has taught the world.



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ok if u think the Big Bang Theory is False, then tell me how did the world become?? i want to hear that from u, and 2nd its proven that the whole Universe will collaspse and also proven that the universe is EXPANDING, so tell me who the world came to be? so lets say i believed in Reincarnation, will if i die, i can become another being on another planet? and i will i remember this life?

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Brother Abd Allah , the conversation you are going with them will not end! Unless and until you both of 'em come up with the base for conversation, The base for you is Quran and Hadeeth and for them is What they think which one is Authentic.


I see many hindus dont belive in Gita, upanishads, puranas and vedas, you know why? because it goes against their practises! They will live like this! they will die like this ! unless and until they try to ponder things with logic and with wisdom!


for them logic means It is something which goeslike this 1+1+1..... = 1


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so lets say i believed in Reincarnation, will if i die, i can become another being on another planet? and i will i remember this life?



no friend, normally you don't remember your previous life incidents. Of course, there are people who remember their previous lives. There are many news articles about people remembering their previous lives and rejoining their previous family members. If you are really inquisitive to know your previous life, you can do so by obtaining siddhi's. This requires you to become a sadhaka by practicing rigorous meditation like scores of sadhus in himalayas. are you really inquisitive and need more info?

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  • 3 years later...


ok, scientists proved that the world will come to an end, so what will happen to reincarnation?


And read the article "Read Please" its very interesting and doesnt talk about Hindu, I promise, in Islam i am not allowed to lie,

science had only proved that human life in earth will come to an end but the universe will still exist. Universe is full of energy Einstien states that energy could not be created or not to be destroyed. Aatman and Paramatman are energy. Bhagavad geetha says nothing can destroy aatman. aatman and energy both are invisible to the science. how could they say about life untill science gives life to anything artficial.

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i want to hear that from u, and 2nd its proven that the whole Universe will collaspse and also proven that the universe is EXPANDING, so tell me who the world came to be?


The idea of the Big Bang has a counterpart called the Big Crunch, in which the amount of matter/energy (Vedic scriptures say both are the same) from which the original "matter ball" (the infitessimally small point of energy) was made of, is exhausted and then buckles in upon itself. An implosion of sorts, or an explosion.


Ultimately, whatever matter was used to create the Universes will continue to exist even after an implosion or explosion, so whatever comes to exist afterwards will use that same matter/energy to begin to expand.


So, to this end, Vedic scripture supports modern science.

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Unwanted Guest, What nonesense are you talking about???

Are you here teaching wisdom to hindus? Who are you with your 1+1+1=1 LOGIC??? What do you mean Hindus will live like this and die like this?

You don't see what is to be seen. Gita, Upanishads and all other vedic knowledge has been around because of the Hindus.



Brother Abd Allah , the conversation you are going with them will not end! Unless and until you both of 'em come up with the base for conversation, The base for you is Quran and Hadeeth and for them is What they think which one is Authentic.


I see many hindus dont belive in Gita, upanishads, puranas and vedas, you know why? because it goes against their practises! They will live like this! they will die like this ! unless and until they try to ponder things with logic and with wisdom!


for them logic means It is something which goeslike this 1+1+1..... = 1

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This forum is not for small minded people you. Vedas can be understood only by devout and intelligent Hindus. Sadly, you dont fit the bill. Go read your Koran and be happy



the last time Abdullah posted on this topic was on August 10th, so you guys might be barking at the Moon here.


By the way, Allah was also the name of the pagan Moon god in Arabia before Muhammad.


Abdullah was the name of Muhammad's father.

It means "slave of Allah"

That proves that Allah was worshipped in Arabia as the Moon god before Muhammad turned him into the creator of the universe.

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Abdullah and his guest,


Just to let you in on a secret.


Not everyone has the opportunity to worship and understand GOD and sing His glories. You have to have done so many good deeds in the previous lives to have the opportunity to sing the praises of GOD. Similarly, not everyone can understand the true divinity of the Vedas, Gita, Purans etc. unless you have done many good deeds in the previous lives. So, I'm sure you realise that those who are not singing the glories of Narayan and His incarnations have yet to prove themeselves as only those who have GOD's grace have this divine opportunity. Even after having this opportunity, if one fails to realise its true value, then there is no bigger fool.


So Abdullah and His guest, you have been given a opportunity, what are you going to do? Do you want the feeling of remorse when you are an inch from your call of death that there was a time when i went on to a sanatan dharma site and had the opportunity to learn about and sing the praises of Purushottam Narayan, but due to by veil of pride and ignorance i failed to realise its true value. I'm sure you are a smart guy, ponder over it over a nice cup of decaffinated coffee.



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I think we have seen in the news from Turkey and practically everywhere else on the globe that there is little intelligence or honesty to be engaged in that school. One might be best to just avoid such barking. Or face being bitten.


Yet perhaps letting them drown in their lies and stupidity may be a sin. Maybe we should simply help them generate some sincerity, without discussing esoteric topics of religion. Fear and intimidation were the sales tools used to conquer their hearts; let us avoid generating more fear in the hearts of those susceptible to such lower emotions.

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