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Tooth Ache

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Radhe Radhe is there anything worse? /images/graemlins/frown.gif


Notice this is in Health section and Not Spiritual Discussions/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>





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Govindarama, I saw on another forum that you tried the cloves. The best resluts will come just using the oil. Using a cotton swab apply the oil to the area that is causing the pain. Do this repeattedly as the pain starts to reappear. Packing the affected area with powdered clove is also helpful but may be more difficult.


Remember pain is a signal that something else needs to be attended to.

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Guest guest

tooth ache comes from infection of gums,ususally,

if you eat a bunch of raw garlic,uncooked, 4 large cloves

a day, the infection will start to disappear within 12 hours, and be completly gone in a day or two.



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Hare Krishna


I took some cloves and chewed them for a while, took some aspirin tablets, temporary relief was felt, then I rubbed some Vicco Vajradanti powder as suggested by Livingentiy, left for 5 mins, and my teeth feel great, but still hurt, I'll do anything to get out of going to the Dentist. All they seem to give me is 'fillings' which then fall out, the rascals /images/graemlins/mad.gif



<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>



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it might take a day or so of using it twice a day. I have cured two teeth that the dentist wanted to do some very expensive work on by using and continuing to use the vicco powder everyday. The dentist can not believe that the teeth are healed and one is broken!! He said the infections are gone and everything! The vicco powder keeps the gums healthy which keeps the teeth healthy also.


However, if the teeth are open to the nerve nothing but fillings or extraction will work on the pain.

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Guest guest

trust me, I know of what i speak,










Natural Rescue Remedies for Anthrax




According to the Garlic Information Center (UK), anthrax is most susceptible to garlic.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic that stimulates the immune system and increases the effectiveness of white blood cells and T cells. It blocks toxin production by germs.(1) It also possesses broad-spectrum bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal properties. In other words, it either stops the growth of or kills bacteria. Remarkably, garlic also exerts similar activity against viruses, fungi, and parasites. Garlic, undoubtedly, is a key to achieving optimal immunity and protecting against infections.


More than 1,800 scientific studies detail garlic's chemical complexity and multifaceted roles in preventing or treating disease. At least two hundred compounds have been identified in garlic cloves, including more than seventy sulfur compounds; vitamins A, B1, and C; the minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc; vitamin-like flavonoids; and the eight essential amino acids and nine nonessential ones. Many of these micronutrients contribute to immunity, although the amounts in a single garlic clove would be minute.


Before vaccines were developed against polio, garlic was used successfully as a prophylactic.


Garlic has remarkable antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, and numerous scientific studies have shown it to have a broader range of bactericidal powers than penicillin. One milligram of its major active compound, allicin, has the equivalent antibacterial power of 15 standard units of penicillin. (2) It is also effective against many fungal infections, including Candida, which is responsible for most cases of vaginitis.


Garlic was found to be a more potent antibiotic than penicillin, ampicillin, doxycycline, streptomycin and cephalexin, some of the antibiotic drugs used in the treatment of anthrax.


In 1941, researchers reported that very dilute allicin solutions (one part in 125,000) inhibited the growth of fourteen of fifteen species of bacteria, including strains of staph, strep, and Shigella, as well as Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera. A slightly stronger allicin concentration was effective against all fifteen species. (3)


Researchers at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, related that garlic completely cured rabbits of Shigella infections (which cause severe diarrhea) in three days, compared with untreated rabbits that died in two days. Garlic was found to demonstrate antibacterial activity against other Shigella species and against a toxin-producing strain of E. coli. (4)


Drs. Farbman and Barnett of the Boston University School of Medicine, prepared liquid extracts of fresh garlic and incubated it with fourteen strains of bacteria, including E. coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus Group A, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The "garlic juice" was found to inhibit the growth of all fourteen strains. The garlic juice even worked against antibiotic-resistant S. aureus, currently the most dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacterium in hospitals. (5)


In 1946, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science reported that a garlic extract prevented the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (6) This was reconfirmed 47 years later. In 1993, doctors at the Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, described an experiment in which an extract of fresh garlic inhibited the growth of twenty strains of Mycobacterium avium, a closely related microorganism and a common cause of lung disease in AIDS patients. (7)


Unlike conventional antibiotics, garlic can kill some viruses. Researchers have determined that several active constituents of garlic are capable of killing the herpes simplex, parainfluenza, and rhinovirus (8)


Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of microbiology of Loma Linda School of Medicine and one of the leading garlic researchers in the world, conducted experiments to test the activity of several new antibiotics on bacteria and fungi. He prepared a diluted garlic extract, introduced a small quantity into several cultures and let them incubate overnight. The next day he was astounded to find that the diluted garlic extract did indeed stop the growth of those cultures-more effectively, in fact, than some of the potent antibiotics his team was testing at that time. (11)


Garlic for treatment of Infectious Diseases


Garlic has a long documented proven history of effectiveness against infectious diseases. The clinical literature shows that garlic is suited for even the very worst types of infections.


During World War I British medics wrapped gangrenous wounds in garlic- soaked bandages and saved many an infected limb from amputation.


Leprosy, or Hansen's disease, is very difficult to treat. It is induced by an organism very similar to the one that causes tuberculosis. Clinical reports from India described how garlic was successfully used to combat it when all other forms of conventional therapy had failed. (9)


Virologists working out of the University of Michigan reported that a fluid extract combination of elephant garlic and St. Johnswort reduced the incidence of poliomyelitis in mice to under 64 percent. (10)


There are several reported cases of successful treatment of tuberculosis with garlic. Edward Delaha and Vincent F. Garagusi of Georgetown University Hospital added a European manufactured garlic extract to 30 strains of mycobacteria growing in test tubes. A month later, the garlic had done critical damage to all 30 strains. Garagusi said that they were both astounded at what happened. (11)


A traditional Chinese cure for tuberculosis involves placing a thick compress of chopped raw garlic on the patient's back, covering it with a clean damp cloth, then using a laundry iron to heat the compress and force the garlic fumes through the skin into the chest cavity, where they kill the bacteria responsible for the ailment.


Albert Schweitzer used garlic to treat cases of typhus and cholera.


Garlic poultice applied on the soles of the feet is effective in treating whooping cough. (12)


Garlic and Cancer


Garlic is a potent antibiotic and inhibitor of many germs. It also has powerful anticancer properties.


In 1957, researchers at Western Reserve University had used raw garlic enzyme (alliinase) to prevent the growth of sarcoma in Swiss mice by inactivating certain chemical components of these tumor cells called sulfhydryl compounds. (13)


A remarkable study on garlic in China involved eleven patients suffering from cryptococcal meningitis, which is usually fatal. All eleven patients were successfully treated and recovered after several weeks of garlic therapy. (14) Doctors concluded that garlic is the best therapy for reduction of the transient chills, low-grade fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and pain accompanying this disease. (15)


Recent independent studies in Japan and Romania have also shown garlic to be effective in protecting living organisms from the influenza virus. (14)


Benjamin Lau, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of microbiology of Loma Linda School of Medicine, found that Japanese aged garlic extract significantly enhanced the fighting ability of a macrophage cell line. Macrophages are an important part of the body's immune defenses.(16).


Other research by scientists from around the world shows that garlic is one of the best weapons in the arsenal of natural drugs against cancer. Japanese researchers from Kyoto reported that Japanese Aged Garlic Extract suppressed the first stage of tumor promotion in a two-stage mouse skin cancer. (17) Scientists from the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society published a review of garlic's wonderful anti-cancer properties (18)


Other research has shown that garlic is effective in the prevention and treatment of cancers of the breast, stomach, colon, bladder, and skin.


How To Take:


You can use freshly cut cloves of garlic or garlic powder. If you prefer garlic capsules buy products that has standardized allicin content that provide 5-10 milligrams of allicin. (equivalent to 75-150 units of penicillin.) for anthrax management.




Excessive use of garlic is said to be harmful to the eyes, cause dizziness, and scatter energy. In Traditional , garlic is said to cause ascending fire energy.




















The following reprinted by permission from Bill Faloon of The Life Extension Foundation


by Carmia Borek, Ph.D.

Can a clove of garlic a day keep the doctor away? Can an odor-free supplement be as good or even better? Garlic has been an important part of life for centuries, across cultures and millennia. In fact, no other single food has had as many applications as this pungent plant. Garlic has been used to spice food, protect against vampires and witches, prepare soldiers for war, cure colds, heal infections, and treat ailments ranging from heart disease to cancer and even the plague.


Today, after close to 6000 years of folklore, scientific research shows that garlic is an amazing resource of phytochemicals (botanicals) whose wide range of actions can benefit health. Studies show that garlic protects against infection and inflammation, lowers the risk of heart disease, and has anticancer and antiaging effects. Scientific studies also show that garlic does not have to be eaten raw or fresh to be effective. The potent odor of garlic may not be necessary for its health benefits. Research shows that aged, deodorized garlic extract sometimes works even better than fresh garlic without causing digestive disorders and "garlic breath" that may haunt the fresh garlic eater.


A history of garlic

Long before humans began keeping written records, garlic, found in the wild, was cultivated for human use. Though the exact geographic origin of garlic is not known, modern botanists think it came from Central Asia, some say Siberia. The plant, with its pungent flavored bulb, was transported West and East by migrating tribes, becoming native to Mediterranean regions of Europe, Asia and Africa as well as China and other countries in the Far East.


Garlic - allium sativum - is a hardy perennial plant that belongs to the lily family, as do onions, leeks, shallots and chives. However, garlic contains a number of organo-sulfur substances with medicinal properties that are unique to garlic. The history of garlic stretches far back, to a time when people who foraged in the fields for food and healing herbs came across garlic and cultivated it for their use. Remnants of garlic have been found in cave dwellings that are over 10,000 years old. Egyptian tombs, dating back to close to 5700 years ago, were found to contain sketches of garlic and clay sculptures of the bulb. The ancient Egyptian text Codex Ebers details formulas with garlic as remedies for heart problems, headaches, tumors and other ailments.


Chinese writings dating from 2700 B.C. describe garlic for treating many ailments and for enhancing vigor. In India, Ayurvedic medicine recommends garlic to boost energy and treat colds and fatigue.


In modern times garlic has become popular as a healing herb in some Asian and European countries. In certain parts of China people eat about 20 grams of garlic a day, approximately 8 medium size cloves. In Germany, most adults take a daily garlic supplement to promote health. In the United States the use of garlic preparations as supplements has been rapidly escalating in recent years.


The chemistry of garlic is complex, with over 100 different compounds that contribute to its effects. The most important and unique feature is its high content of organo-sulfur substances. Garlic contains at least four times more sulfur than other high sulfur vegetables -- onion, broccoli and cauliflower.


Water soluble sulfur compounds

From a medicinal point of view, the most important organo-sulfur substances are water soluble S-allyl compounds, including S-allyl cysteine and other sulfur amino acids that are increased by aging garlic extract. Stable, odorless and safe, with high antioxidant activity, S-allyl cysteine easily gets into the circulatory system from the gut (highly bioavailable), with an absorption of close to 90%. S-allyl cysteine has been shown to slightly reduce blood cholesterol levels, protect cells from toxic chemicals, prevent cancer in laboratory animals and stop the growth of prostate cancer cells and breast cancer cells, in culture. Its high antioxidant activity provides it with the potential to fight oxidant-related damage that leads to heart disease, cancer and aging.


Oil-soluble sulfur compounds

Whole garlic cloves contain very small amount of oil-soluble sulfur compounds. However, once the cloves are cut or macerated, oil-soluble sulfur compounds are produced through enzymatic reactions. Upon crushing or chopping garlic, alliin-a sulfur containing compound that is found in the whole clove-is converted by the enzyme alliinase to a volatile compound called allicin, the substance that gives garlic its pungent odor and flavor. Allicin is highly unstable and decomposes into oil-soluble substances that include diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide and other volatile sulfur compounds.


Non-sulfur compounds

Non-sulfur compounds in garlic and in the aged extract include proteins, carbohydrates (sugars, fructans, pectins), and saponins. Saponins have been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal actions. Garlic contains low amounts of vitamins and minerals including selenium. The organo-sulfur compounds are mostly responsible for garlic's medicinal qualities, but their cooperative action with other components enhances its health benefits.


Modern medicine

Over the last two decades, the growing use of botanicals in complementary and alternative medicine has resulted in a burst in garlic research. Modern scientific methods are being used to investigate the actions of garlic and its components in protecting against aging and disease. At a recent scientific conference, scientists confirmed what traditional healers found through trial and error: Garlic can help prevent modern ailments and disorders.


The two and a half day international conference took place in November, 1998, in Newport Beach California and focused on "Recent Advances on the Nutritional Benefits Accompanying the Use of Garlic as a Supplement." Organized by the National Cancer Institute and Pennsylvania State University, the conference gathered close to 200 researches and health professionals from 12 countries. Scientists presented work on the health benefits of garlic and garlic supplements and it became clear from studies reported at the conference that deodorized aged garlic extract was more effective than fresh garlic in large part because of the unique water soluble organo-sulfur compounds that have a wide scope of action and are highly bioavailable.


Antioxidant effects

Just as oxidized iron in a car turns to rust, so do free radicals oxidize and damage DNA, lipids and proteins in the body, triggering disease and accelerating aging. Free radicals are made in cells in normal metabolism and during infection and inflammation. They increase in the body by exposure to sunlight, X-rays, smoking, smog and other pollutants. Cells fight oxidants by antioxidant enzymes and small molecules, which are produced internally and by antioxidant vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are obtained from food.


Garlic is rich in antioxidants phytochemicals that include organo-sulfur compounds and flavonoids, capable of scavenging free radicals. Garlic also contains selenium, which is required by the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Though we do not know the mechanisms of all the garlic components, many of its disease preventive, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects are due to the antioxidant actions of garlic and garlic preparations that contain stable organo-sulfur compounds.


Research shows that among garlic preparations, aged garlic extract has the highest antioxidant potential, compared to fresh garlic and some commercial preparations. Aged garlic extract and in other experiments some forms of garlic powder have been shown to boost cell glutathione, which scavenges free radicals and helps maintain a healthy immune system and enzymes that convert free radicals to water and destroy toxic peroxides.


Reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke

In the past 15 years, garlic supplementation studies have concentrated on the bulb's effects in reducing blood cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fats). All studies did not agree. The differences in the kind of garlic preparation, quality of standardization, doses, and periods of treatment contributes the the conflict. But most findings show that garlic slightly lowered blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides with a consistent lowering of blood lipids seen in studies that used aged garlic extract as the supplement. For example, a University of Oxford study showed that garlic powder (given to patients at 900 mg a day for six months) had no protective effects and did not lower cholesterol levels. A study at East Carolina University found that aged garlic extract (given at 2.4-4.8 gm a day for six months) lowered cholesterol by 5-7% and reduced LDL, triglycerides and blood pressure in men with high cholesterol.


Preventing lipid oxidation, protecting blood vessels, anti-platelet action

Oxidation of LDL cholesterol by free radicals accelerates atherosclerosis. The oxidized LDL injures cells that line the blood vessels increasing the chance of plaque forming cholesterol deposits in the vessel wall. Aged garlic extract and its components S-allyl cysteine and the flavonoid allixin have been shown to protect LDL from oxidation and prevent cell injury in the blood vessels. Oil soluble organo-sulfur components of garlic also show an ability to protect LDL from oxidation.


Garlic has anti-clotting effects that reduce plaque formation in blood vessels and clots that cause heart disease and stroke. Garlic prevents clumping of blood platelets to each other (aggregation) and their sticking to blood vessels (adhesion). When patients were given 2.4-4.8 grams of aged garlic extract daily for six months, the aged extract that contains stable organo-sulfur compounds prevented clotting and adhesion of blood platelets and reduced blood pressure.


Protection against brain injury by ischemia

If blood circulation to the brain is decreased, the brain is deprived of oxygen (ischemic hypoxia). When the brain is enriched again with oxygen (reperfusion), free radicals are produced causing brain injury that accelerates aging and diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Antioxidants protect against such damage and garlic preparations rich in water soluble antioxidants show a protective effect. Experiments in rats show that aged garlic extract and water soluble S-allyl cysteine prevented brain injury by ischemia and reperfusion. In contrast, oil soluble garlic compounds allyl sulfide and allyl disulfide, tested in the same way, did not protect the brain.


Our unique Aged Garlic Extract is made from only garlic bulbs which are organically grown in accordance with the California Organic Foods Act of 1990. These garlic bulbs are then aged for up to 20 months to initiate a cascade of chemical reactions which improve the quality of the raw garlic. During aging, some key compounds in raw garlic increase significantly while harsh, odorous and irritating compounds change into much milder, gentler and non-odorous compounds. The odor and irritating side effects of raw garlic are eliminated, various beneficial properties of the raw garlic are enhanced, and a physically acceptable and sociably preferable form of garlic results.












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Hare Krishna


I don't eat Garlic cause I gave up onions and garlic, along with meat, fish, eggs because thats what Vaisnavas are doing, plus there more ways as mentioned to stop tooth aches, thanks for the suggestion though but no thanks /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Might work for Vampires though /images/graemlins/mad.gif



<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>




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Guest guest

you are not correct, garlic is recommended in ayur veda,

it is not to be eaten as a food ,only as medicine,it is

restricted because it causes bad odor,

no other reason, if you think that it

is evil or whatever, good luck with your pain.

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Hare Krishna


I have this Ayur veda book at home by Dr T L Devaraj, which recommends eating meat and booze (alcohol!), I think I read it once and was horrified, it tells you to do all these things like drink alcohol(wine) after having meal or something, I should have thrown it in the bin, but still have it, in case I need for fire wood.

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so ?


the point is made, you can accept or reject,

why do you think that the only vegetables

that are restricted are garlic,onions,

and mushrooms ?


garlic and onions cause strong unpleasent body odor,

many mushrooms are poison,only an expert can distinguish.


that is the reason for the restrictions, no other,

Krishna has created these vegetables,they have a purpose,medicine.

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Hare Krishna


Quote from Shiva:

Krishna has created these vegetables,they have a purpose,medicine.


I have changed my mind, I accept everything you have said /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Just Kidding no I do, really /images/graemlins/grin.gif


I do. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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there are also restrictions on eating sap from trees

in the Bhagavatam, although we eat hing, which is sap,

myrhh which is also sap.


the same principle applies, most trees have sap that is poisonous, therefore in vedic times these restrictions were made because there were no food and drug administrations

to disallow things that were sold in the market,

people in general were not expert on what tree had

sap that was edible or what mushroom , so

for safety they were restricted .


now we have a society where these things are known,

we know that maple syrup is fine, palm syrup is fine,

and that certain mushrooms are fine.


although garlic and onions were restricted due to

odor, still in ayurveda they are both recommended

as medicine.

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