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Demi gods

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The word demigod is now wide used in English because of Isckon for Hindu gods like Shiva, Laxmi, Durga, Ganesha, Kali, Surya, Kaartikeya, Saraswati etc.


Don't use it anymore. They are not demigods. First give me a sanskrit word from Vedas/Puranas/Smritis for "demigod" used for all these Gods and never used for Vishnu in the scriptures.

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Hare Krishna


Shiva, Laxmi, Durga, Ganesha, Kali, Surya, Kaartikeya, Saraswati etc.


<font color="red"> I have been thinking lately and I think demi-gods are only </font color> <font color="red"> demi-gods, if you ask them for material benediction, </font color> <font color="red"> otherwise they are devotees of Krishna/Vishnu.

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I say because the Gopis prayed to mother Katayani for Krishna.


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Ghandarva, Ghandarva by itself means "Celestial". Clearly Gods such as Shiva , Laxmi and Saraswati are not Ghandharvas or celestials... they are more than celestials they are devas.


Deva itself is God.


But God in English would mean "THE GOD". I think thats why it is not used in english /images/graemlins/smirk.gif.


The word Demigod is more appropriate... well thats the way I look at it /images/graemlins/crazy.gif.


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i have written the definition of god not that ganesha is not spiritual (=brahman)


if you think that ganesh, shiva, brahma are the same as krsna.. please read bhagavad gita

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Brahman is everything yet different from everything.


The analogy fits perfectly to the ocean and a droplet.


Brahman is the ocean, the droplet exists in the ocean but the ocean does not exist in the droplet with all its magnamious nature.


Ocean does exist in the droplet for some extent, but not completely.


You say Hare krishna, why don't you say, Hare yourself?


Because, Krishna is the ocean, you are the droplet.


If we perceive this same instance in another perspective then krishna is more than the ocean in reality, because it is by very law of nature that brahman is everything yet it is different from everything.


but you see, we worship krishna as a manifest entity, even though he is both manifest and unmanifest.


It is said in bhagavath gita that to realize the unmanifest nature of brahman is very hard and the realization would be like realizing that sun exists or his rays exist everywhere.


To realize the manifest nature of brahman is very easy and it could be done by bhakthi. You cannot know krishna with a human brain, it is not possible.


but through bhakthi, we can love krishna and he will himself show himself to you... as both , manifest and unmanifest entity.




I was in the same delusion, but I read bhagavath Gita, I realized how little we can realize through the brahman realization, it is better to love that cowherd boy than empty space.




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You can call upon the droplets, but with the cloud's mercy alone will they fall.


In other words, you can worship Ganesh, but the true giver would be Vishnu.


Because, Vishnu's name by itself means - the all prevading reality-- as said by Adi Shankara Charya, on the commentary of Vishnu Sahasranama.


Sigh, I am spending too much time here,


later !

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No we wouldn't mind.But then after leaving body one would go to live with Ganesha deva and still undergo cycles of creation and destruction , birth & death.Only unconditional love towards God and all souls is our ultimate goal.We could love Ganesha or Mother Earth equally then.Living entities have been placed as powerful demigods.





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Hare Krishna


That you should pray to these five dieties in order to reach Krishna..


Ganesh...removes obstacles

Surya...bestows confidence

Shiva...bestows devotion

Vishnu...bestows devotion

Durga...bestows stenght


There are other benedictions as well, but I forget for now.



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ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa vadanti

Their is one reality, the learned give many names to it.



As said in Veda -knowledge Anta-end... or the Ultimate knowledge, you are right.


Just like it said in the vedas, we are seeking the ultimate reality, which is no other than krishna.


Prahlad once said that death and birth are him (well, this is from a movie I saw).


Anyway, everything is him and he is Narayana.


You worship Narayana, you go to the abode of the supreme, you wish to worship a demigod, narayana himself comes as him and takes you with him.


This is like a scenario where you are entertaining a baby with a puppet. The baby thinks the puppet is real and thus talks to it, but in reality the true entity is the controller of the puppet,


In the same way, the true controller of all manifestations in this universe and beyond is krishna, who is no other than the supreme personality of the Godhead.

/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif


The true giver is always Krishna.

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Hare Krishna


Krishna resides within the heart of empowered servants of Krishna called demi-gods, the benedictions are offered by the supersoul(Krishna) alone, so why do we ask demi-gods for benedictions like Ganesha to remove obstacles why not just ask Krishna, because THEY are devotees and they understand our need for Krishna therefore they have power to Bless us. Hey demi-gods are devotees as well!

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you wrote:



I just offered the dictionary definition. Play word games as you wish but how will you calculate the fact that Krsna is ever expanding?



That's why you can't call Gods demigods. Till now nobody challenged me .


My request was :

<font color="red"> First give me a sanskrit word from Vedas/Puranas/Smritis for "demigod" used for all these Gods and never used for Vishnu in the scriptures.

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The truth is that there is no such thing as demigod in Hinduism.


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