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Preachers by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura

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Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

1. Who is more beneficial to the world,

those who perform bhajana in a

solitary place or those who

preach the holy name of Hari?

A preacher of the holy name,

following the example of

saintly persons, is more

beneficial to the world than

devotees who neglect the

preaching work by becoming absorbed in the

bliss of their own bhajana according to their

inclination. (Sajjana-toaī 4/2)

2. Who is qualified to preach?

Only devotees who possess full knowledge

of pure devotional service and who relish the

mellows of offenseless chanting of the Lord’s

holy names are qualified to preach. (Sajjana-

toaī 10/11)

3. Can anyone become a preacher if he is

an expert speaker?

The responsibility of preaching is better

entrusted to those who are engaged in

performing bhajana. Simply being an expert

speaker does not qualify one to preach the

teachings of Gauranga. (Sajjana-toaī 10/11)

4. Is it necessary for a preacher to know

the science of offenses against the chanting

of the holy name?

The preacher should certainly know the

offenses against the chanting of the Lord’s

holy name. If they know this, they will

become qualified preachers of the holy

name. In the course of preaching the holy

names they should instruct everyone to

always remain careful to avoid committing

offenses against the chanting of the holy

name. Otherwise, the preachers will

themselves become offenders to the holy

name. (Sajjana-toaī 10/11)

5. What is required for pure preaching work?

For pure preaching there are three

requirements. First, the chanting of the

Lord’s holy name should be pure; second,

the preacher should be pure; and third,

those who hear the preaching should be

pure. The chanting of the Lord’s holy name

being pure means that the holy name

described by the preacher should be

indicative of the Lord’s pastimes and be

completely free from any hint of fruitive

activities and mental speculation.

(Viupriyā Pallī Magazine Vol. 1)

6. Why does a preacher need to be exemplary?

When saintly persons follow religious

principles, this is called ācāra, proper code

of conduct. To preach those religious

principles to other living entities in the world

is called pracāra, preaching. If one wants to

engage in the activities of ācāra or pracāra,{ to be continued}

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one should first learn the saintly persons’

code of conduct. Some people, after learning,

begin to preach even before they themselves

follow. Hence, they yield insufficient results.

If one does not personally follow the

religious principles but preaches to others,

he creates a great deal of disturbance in the

world. (Sajjana-toaī 4/2)

7. Can the smārtas become preachers of

devotional service?

Some people do not practice pure

devotional service themselves; rather they

follow the doctrine of the smārtas, which is

based on karma-kā a. The science of

devotional service that they instruct is totally

opposed to all the scriptures. To preach, first

one should follow. (Sajjana-toaī 4/2)

8. Why is it necessary for a preacher to

become pure?

For preachers to become pure is absolutely

necessary. Singing the holy names is found

everywhere, but when we go to hear them

we feel extremely sorry to see the impurity of

the singers. Either they are chanting the holy

names to stop the spread of disease in the

village or they are chanting the holy names

out of fear of Yamaraja. Such chanting, which

comes from a heart that is polluted by thirst

for liberation and material enjoyment, is the

perverted reflection of the holy names. To

achieve eternal auspiciousness by such

chanting is impossible. If the shopkeepers and

vendors of the marketplace of the holy name

give up such desires they can preach the pure

holy names. If, however, they chant the holy

names with a desire to either accumulate

money or name and fame, the very purpose

of opening the marketplace for distributing

the Lord’s holy names will not be fulfilled.

(Viupriyā Pallī Magazine Vol. 2)

— Śrī Bhaktivinoda Vāī Vaibhava chapter 30. Compiled by and with questions

from Sri Sundarananda Vidyavinode. Translated by Sri Bhumipati Das,

Published by Sri Iswara Das and Touchstone Media. Vrindavan. 2002.

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So, you are preaching in this forum in your own way.

Do you meet all the high qualifications given by Bhaktivinode? Who in this forum does meet these standards? If we apply strictly these standards then this forum should be silent and nobody should be saying anything - only asking and enquiring about spiritual matters from those who are qualified?

What is good for one is good for all. If you do not meet the standards described by Bhaktivinode Thakur then how can you come forward to do your preaching?


None of us meet these standards perfectly. Considering this maybe this forum should change it's format to only accepting questions to be answered by a perfectly qualified Vaishnava?

Maybe all opinions and personal propaganda should be banned and only questions and answers between the qualified and unqualified should be allowed?

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Dear Prabhu, PAMHO><AGTSP><I simply pray that i become a real devotee someday or some future lifetime. I post these preachings for my own purification.If you feel that I have offended you in some way then plese forgive me for my impudence,lack of vaisnava ettiquette and total disreguard for the feelings of others. yours in the service of Sri Guru and Gouranga

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Dear Prabhu, PAMHO.AGTSP.I simply pray that i become a real devotee someday or some future lifetime. I post these preachings for my own purification.If you feel that I have offended you in some way then plese forgive me for my impudence,lack of vaisnava ettiquette and total disreguard for the feelings of others. yours in the service of Sri Guru and Gouranga

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BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASWATI THAKUR PRABHUPADA This wicked mind, which is never to be trusted, should be broom-sticked every morning with such warning as, “Be not anxious to find fault with others, or to proclaim thyself as a true, sincere, bonafide bhakta, which certainly thou art not.” In this connection, the advice of a vaisava mahajana [srila Narottam Das Thakur] is: -Do not be attached to karmis, jñanis, and bhaktas false.

But pure, unalloyed bhajana you should always endorse.

Follow principles, which Vraja folk adopt,These being valued truths to be kept aloft. — Prema-bhakti-candrika 6.18 The mind is always working erroneously inlooking upon this thing or that, either as good or bad. The Caritamrita sings:dvaite bhadra;bhadra jñana, saba —— ‘manodharma’‘ei bhala, ei manda’, —— ei saba ‘bhrama’— Cc.antya 4.176 People are usually too busy with mental specu-lations. They should relieve themselves of this and try to find out the real good of their own selves or souls. There is an adage to the effect that para-carca;kara; gati na;hi kona kale — “One who is habituated to criticize others’ conduct will never prosper.” Let others do whatever they like, I have no concern with them. I should rather find fault with my own damned mind,and think like the vaiava mahajana [srilaThakur Bhaktivinode] who sings:"Ever engaged in vicious activity,And without the slightest trace of virtue in me,A liar as I am, always sorry at others’ pleasures And merry at others’ sorrows, troubles and cares. — Saranagati 1.4

We should always remember this song and engage our mind ceaselessly in hari-bhajana.We should not run about attacking others with dissuading policy; such conduct behooves only deceitful persons and not preachers. — From the anthology of Srila Prabhupada’s Discourses, quoted in Gaudiya Vaisnava Biographies, Nectar Books, Union City GA, USA..

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