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Amazing - Water Therapy


Drink six [6] glasses of water (1.5 litre) everyday and avoid medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor fees etc. You can never believe before practicing. Here is the list of diseases that can be cured by this water therapy:


1. Head Ache

2. Blood Pressure / Hypertension

3. Anemia ( Blood shortage)

4. Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles)

5. General Paralysis

6. Obesity

7. Arthritis

8. Sinusitis

9. Tachycardia


11 Cough



14.Pulmonary Tuberculosis


16.Kidney stones

17.Urogenital diseases

18.Hyper acidity

19.Gastro - entitis


21.Rectal Piodapse




25.Eye diseases

26.Ophthalmic Hemorrhage& Opthalmia(Reddisheye)

27.Irregular Menstruation


29.Uterus Cancer

30.Breast cancer





1. Early morning, after you get up from bed, ( without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.50 litters of water i.e. 5 to 6 glasses.

Let us all know that ancient Indians termed this therapy as " USHA PAANA CHIKITSA ". You may wash your face thereafter.


2. Here it is very essential to note that nothing else, neither drinks nor solid food of any sort should be taken within 1 hr. before and after drinking these 1.5 litters of water.


3. It is also to be strictly observed that no alcoholic drinks shall be taken the previous night.


4. If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this purpose. Is it possible to drink 1.50 litters of water at one time ?

This is a BIG QUESTION ? To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.50

litters of water at one time, but one will get used to it gradually.

Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses first and then the balance two glasses after a gap of 2 minutes. Initially you may find the necessity to urinate 2 - 3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after quite some time.


By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with ihis therapy within the indicated days as below:


Constipation -- 1 day

Acidity -- 2 days.

Diabetes -- 7 days.

Cancer -- 4 weeks

Pulmonary TB -- 3 months

BP & Hypertension -- 4 weeks



It is advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should practice this therapy thrice a day i.e. morning, mid

day and night , 1 hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week and twice a day subsequently until the disease disappears.




Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies human body. It renders the colonmore effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as Haematopaises. That the mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by the mucousal fold. If the colon is cleansed then the nutrients of the food

taken several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucousal folds they are turned in to fresh blood. The blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health and for this water

should be consumed in a regular pattern.


We make an earnest request that the above method should be read and practiced carefully. Please spread this message to your friends,

relatives and neighbours.

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Very timely. Only yesterday I became aware that I have been chronically dehyrated. I read that one gradually loses the sensation of natural thirst in this condition. I then flooded my body with water and my thinking became much clearer after a short time. It takes 2 or 3 days to rehydrate the body, which means it must be properly taken in to the cells and that doesn't happen at one time.


I think I slipped into this condition by using tea and occasional coffee drinks. Caffeine causes water to be drained from the body.

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Thank you for posting this info. I am going to print it out and post in my kitchen.


I know that water is extremely beneficial and necessary for the body to function properly.


But even knowing this I have to literally force myself to drink it! Why do I have this problem? It is like I have no taste for water. I live in a very dry climate and really need to get a handle on this problem.


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LE, I have the same problem in the morning. I find if its a little warm it goes down OK. Also some kind of flavored herb tea kept in the frig. is nice. Whatever you like. Red Zinger or I like peppermint. Something like that.

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for the suggestions. I especially have trouble with water in the morning. It will actually make me sick to my stomach even in small amounts. I like ginger tea however and it is easy on the tummy! So perhaps if I add some ginger to water and keep it in the fridge that would be an incentive to drink more water.

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Is there a website or a link somewhere where we can study this water therapy further? I believe I read where one poster (Krsnanatha?) said his Dad has cancer. My Mom has terminal cancer as well. Most people will not undergo such drastic measures unless they acquire some faith in them through reading about them, either in a book or a website. VsdPrasad prabhu, do you have a link that you can share with us so that we can study this further? It would help to answer some of our questions, as well as provide more in-depth information for those who wish to practice this seriously. I don't think my Mom would put much stock in this if I told her that I don't have any reading material to offer, only that I saw the idea mentioned on an internet bulletin board.


Thanks for any further info or links you can provide. It does sound intriguing, to say the least. I would agree with the others that we are probably so dehydrated we don't even know it.


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Here's a link to the site where this information comes from. There's not much there that isn't in the opening post of this thread:



There are other sites as well. Try doing a Google search using "water therapy" or "pani prayog" as your search terms.


I've been doing this for the past week. I haven't had a migraine in this time (but I don't usually have more than 2 or 3 a month, so that may not be so telling), and, besides annoying disruptions in my morning puja and some increased mental clarity, I haven't yet noticed any great effects. Nevertheless, I know this is good for me. I keep well hydrated anyway, but now I get much more water, and I know this morning flush will have beneficial long-term effects.

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A quick search for "USHA PAANA CHIKITSA" produced several links which provided basically the same info on water therapy.


Here's one: http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Lwatertherapy.htm


And another: http://www.karinya.com/waterhealing.htm


I didn't see any answers regarding why one should drink before brushing teeth. I would also be curious to know if drinking lemon water would have the same effect, or if it must be pure water only.

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Thanks for the links, Rocky prabhu. I guess I was doing a web-search at the same time you were. It was interesting to see how many sites out there that have basically the same information.


I can attest that water works with heartburn, although fresh ginger root seems to work quicker. I will send these links to my Mom and see what she thinks. I tried drinking a large amount of water this morning and I did feel an increased sense of well-being. I might try it out for myself.


Thanks again.



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Mahalo for the other links, Mixy. My sense is that the purer the water, the better the results. Since we live on catchment water, we have a distiller (which is more expensive to run than I was thinking) so we have nice water for the Deities, and I also use that water in the morning.


I feel somewhat better since beginning this, but there's nothing specific I can show yet (except for clearer shee-shee).

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I will be interested to see if the water therapy frees you from the 3 or 4 migraines you get per month. But I guess we won't know for sure until another 3 weeks, provided you decide to stay on the program for that length of time. (No pressure, by the way.)


I know what you mean about the shee-shee. I can see how it might be a major hindrance for someone doing strict bhajan in the mornings.


You're right about the quality of water, that is very important as well. One of the links mentioned that most of the bottled water we get is basically just tap water which has been filtered somewhat. And of course, most tap water is recycled sewage water, straight from the sewage plant.


I've been buying distilled water in gallon plastic jugs for years. I hope it's okay for the program, but I guess you never know anymore.



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Sorry for the delay. I grievously apologise for this oversight. Actually I recd this info about water therapy from my friend. I asked him about the source and the reason why it can also be done without brushing the teeth. He says he doesn't know the reason for this. Now that you've found some links on the web, let me tell you what I think is the reason for babhruji's question.

May be this article assumes that people brush their teeth twice a day, i.e in the morning and before going to bed. Hence there'd be no food particles left inside the mouth.

From this page http://www.animated-teeth.com/bad_breath/t2_causes_of_bad_breath.htm#dry.mouth , I conclude that the saliva thats produced by the body helps us swallow the bacteria and cleanse it and kill the oral bacteria. So same thing would occur by drinking water in the morning. I guess the dead bacteria won't have any harmful effect inside the stomach.

So, I conclude that if you have brushed your teeth thoroughly before going to bed, you can follow this therapy before brushing your teeth in the morning.

It is similar to this: when you fast for many hours, you normally have water or something without brushing your teeth. The condition of the mouth in this case is similar to the condition of the mouth in the morning wherein the person brushes his teeth thoroughly (and also cleans his tongue) before going to bed.

I hope this reasoning helps.



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>One of the links mentioned that most of the bottled water >we get is basically just tap water which has been filtered >somewhat. And of course, most tap water is recycled sewage >water, straight from the sewage plant.


Where are you getting your information from? Most tap water in Western countries is NOT recycled sewage water. (I'm not sure about the non-Western countries.) Unless you are counting those water systems that use river water and there are wastewater plants upstream, but even then they are usually only allowed to discharge a small percentage of the river flow. Where I live it's 1%.


Some bottled water is only tap water treated using reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, etc. But there are also some companies that bottle pristine springs or other pristine sources. You would have to contact the bottled water company to find out.



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  • 1 month later...

It took me a while but I started the water program this week. I can now drink the water in the morning as prescribed without getting sick to my stomach - some progress!!


I have rheumotiod arthritis that was in remission for over a year and has now hit me very hard again and this is my main reason for embarking on this program.


I will let you know what happens.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, did anyone here have any success with the water therapy? Stonehearted, did your migraines subside? Living Entity, has your rheumatoid arthritus subsided? From what I've been reading, it sounds like people feel something good in the beginning, but for whatever reason (perhaps being unable to stick with the program for more than a week or two), they are unable to reap the full benefits of the water program. I know someone who was experiencing good results with this program, great results in fact, but then he had to stop because he got sick due to drinking well-water which was infecting him with parasites. Distilled water worked for him, but when he ran out, he used well-water and then had to stop the program. Just curious as to whether anyone had any actual cures or remissions of their various illnesses. If so, I would be interested to hear about it so that I can forward this water therapy on to others who may benefit from its (alleged) healing affects.



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I did it for about two months. I stopped just before classes began because the constant shee-shee for the rest of the morning just got to be too annoying. The only way I could do it was to drink the water, bathe immediately and start my puja in hopes that I'd finish the puja before the flow of water started.


Results? There was absolutely no such thing as constipation. Every morning I'd suddenly have to use the toilet, and when it hit, there was no possibility of stalling, compromising or anything of the sort. I had to answer as if it were death's call (except that I always suvived). The migraines never stopped, but I felt quite well otherwise, except for a nasty cold that hit me in the middle of the summer. The aches in my neck and shoulder didn't go away, but I'd like to see what may happen if I were able to continue for a longer period of time.


One thing I was interested in was the assertion that it would cure acidity. I took this to mean that it would alkalinize the body. I actually never checked on this.


Would I try it again? Yep. Even though it is a little inconvenient in the morining, I may do it for shorter periods, especially when I have no classes to teach and will probably try it again next summer.

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"Results? There was absolutely no such thing as constipation. Every morning I'd suddenly have to use the toilet... I had to answer as if it were death's call (except that I always suvived)."


thats because we really don't need that much water...we get enough water just by eating our food. But drinking water is good though, because it makes our kidneys do extra work each morning or can make our large intestine do less work pulling the water up, in case of no constipation . /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Here is a good article on water consumption: webmd.com/content/article/14/1668_51096


April 16, 2001 -- You'd think we were suffering a nationwide drought, the way Americans go around clutching bottles of water these days. Forget American Express cards: The one thing many of us would never dream of leaving home without is our bottled water.



By all rights, that should be good news. For years nutritionists have been warning us about the dangers of dehydration. Quaff at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water, the common wisdom goes, or you'll suffer the consequences: flagging energy, dry skin, lowered disease resistance, even constipation.



And don't count the coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverages you drink. Anything with caffeine, we've long been told, actually increases the risk of dehydration because it flushes water out of the system.



Nor can you rely on thirst. By the time you're thirsty, you're well on your way to being dehydrated.



There's only one problem with all these warnings. Almost none of them hold water. Here's why:



Myth No. 1: We need to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day



Researchers aren't sure where this familiar advice came from, but most agree there's very little solid scientific evidence to support it. The average adult loses only about 1 liter of water a day through sweating and other bodily processes -- the equivalent of only four 8-ounce glasses. We typically get that much water just in the foods we eat. Drinking an additional eight tall glasses of H20 is probably more fluid than most of us need.



What about older people? For years, experts have warned that elderly people are especially prone to dehydration because they lose their sense of thirst. But even this may be overstated, according to a report in the July 2000 Journal of Gerontology. Robert Lindeman, MD, professor emeritus of medicine at the University of New Mexico, surveyed fluid consumption among 833 elderly volunteers.



"People who drank less than four glasses of water a day were no more likely to show signs of dehydration than those who drank six or more," says Lindeman. "We found absolutely no difference between those who drank a little and those who drank a lot when we looked at all the standard markers for dehydration."



Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't drink plenty of water a day. In fact, there's at least one reason to think it's a very good idea. In a 1999 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that the more liquids men consumed, the lower their risk of bladder cancer. Men who drank more than 10 8-ounce servings of fluids had a 49% lower incidence of the disease than those who drank only half that much.



Myth No. 2: Caffeinated beverages make you dehydrated


Not true.


"For years, newspaper and magazine articles have repeated the notion that caffeine is dehydrating as if it's absolute fact," says University of Nebraska researcher Ann Grandjean, EdD. But in a study published in the October 2000 Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Grandjean and her colleagues at the Center for Human Nutrition showed that it's pure fantasy.



The researchers looked at how different combinations of water, coffee, and caffeinated colas affected hydration levels in a group of 18 men between the ages of 24 and 39. During one phase of the experiment, the only fluid the volunteers consumed was water. During another, 75% of their intake was caffeinated.



"Using almost every test ever devised to measure dehydration, we found no difference at all," says Grandjean.



Myth No. 3: By the time you feel thirsty, you're already becoming dehydrated



Maybe if you're an elite athlete running a marathon or a hotshot tennis player sweating in the noonday sun -- but not if you're going about your everyday activities.



Thirst is, in fact, a very sensitive mechanism for regulating fluid intake, according to Barbara Rolls, PhD, a nutrition researcher at Pennsylvania State University. In a 1984 study in Physiology and Behavior, she and a group of colleagues at Oxford University followed a group of men as they went through their normal day. Left to their own devices, the volunteers became thirsty and drank long before their hydration levels showed any signs of dipping.



Says Rolls, "If people have access to water or other fluid beverages, they seem to do a very good job of maintaining hydration levels."



Myth No. 4: Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight



This idea makes sense, since water contains no calories. The trouble is, drinking a glass of water doesn't do anything to take the edge off hunger.



"Water sneaks right past without triggering satiety signals, the cues that tell your body when you're full," says nutritionist Barbara Rolls, author of Volumetrics.



Surprisingly, adding water to the food you eat, on the other hand, does seem to tame hunger. In a study reported in the October 1999 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Rolls found that women who eat a bowl of chicken soup feel fuller than those who eat chicken casserole served with a glass of water, even though both meals contain exactly the same ingredients. The soup eaters also tended to be less hungry at their next meal -- and to eat consume fewer calories -- than those who ate the casserole.



There is one way that drinking water could help you lose weight, however: if you drink it in place of beverages that contain a lot of added sugar. Like water, sugary beverages fail to trigger a sense of fullness, which means you can consume a lot of calories without taking the edge off hunger.





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i have been suffering from skin allergies since six yrs...i get hives,my body gets hot...i can' sleep i scatch at nite...sometimes i get the whole day....i m drinking 10 glasses of water and half after waking up b4 brushing..if i increase the water to 4 glasses after getting up will it help...plz help i m really depressed.

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