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Nobody says that. That is just what ISKCON outsiders like to accuse ISKCON devotees of claiming in order to make ISKCON devotees look stupid and arrogant. Nobody in ISKCON says that. This is just some foolishness that those who envy ISKCON devotees like to accuse them of falsely. You can have your Gaudiya Math gurus. Nobody is stopping you. Why can't you just follow your own guru and leave ISKCON to it's own devices. Nobody is being forced to accept ISKCON. In today's world you have your choice, so just go your own way and quit harrassing those devotees whom you have chosen to reject in favor of Gaudiya Math gurus who want you to practice smrti that was meant for Brahmanas coming from smarta families.

Prabhupada adapted Krishna consciousness to the western world and the smrti gurus of the Gaudiya Math don't have a clue. Karma-kanda smrti will never help you attain prem. It was just meant to appease smarta brahmanas and make Vaishnavism respected and appealing to these smarta brahmanas. It has nothing to do with pure bhakti in the ultimate consideration.

Even if some so-called ISKCON devotee says this, Prabhupada never did and ISKCON is his institution.... not theirs!

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ISKCON is the way,the truth and the life ;no man goes to Krishna except through Prabhupada.Everyone else goes to hell.Is that correct?

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I cannot say "Yeah or nay" for other schools of religion. However, I can say that Prabhupada takes us to Krsna, and that Krsna is God. For me, he is the only way.


Prabhupada has said that there are other bonafide paths and organizations of pure devotees. On that basis I accept that others schools may be valid.

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This guy is just a kook. I have no doubt he is not from Iskcon, but rather an individual who wants to post something stupid as if it came from an Iskcon member. As Guruvani rightly points out, no one in Iskcon says this.


Its just classic flame bait. Best to ignore it.

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ISKCON may be a way to Krishna. But of course there are other ways to God, who can be called by any other name too - Shiva, Devi, Father etc.


To Gary - accepting guru's words as God's words is very true and right. But it is even better to realize the import of the words through direct intuition by meditation.


- Sooraj.

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I agree with Gaurachandra, this guy is here to stir up anti-ISKCON feelings. Intially I couldn't resist a little jab towards Ramesvar as he told me basically the same thing once,except it was even more specific. He had it down to a specific 11 within ISKCON. The magnificant 11 as I call them.


But we really should discuss this issue at a more mature level. if we discuss it at all.

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<<ISKCON is the way,the truth and the life ;no man goes to Krishna except through Prabhupada.Everyone else goes to hell.Is that correct? >>


No. iskcon is an org, not a way.

the way is vaishnavism (krishna bhakti),

a branch of hinduism.


vaishnavism is eternal( because sanatana dharma is eternal,)

but iskcon is not.


jai sri krishna!


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ISKCON has to be interpreted in his most open meaning


"international society of Krsna Consciousness"


everyone cultivates this consciousness is in iskcon


srila prabhupada some days before going back to krsna, meeting some godbrothers, said that if they (prabhupada and them) could work together the famous shloka : "in every town and village" will be soon reality


in lilamrita is the famous circumstance where srila prabhupad asked for forgiveness to his godbrothers to be an offender a patita


my spiritual master, srila bhaktivaibhava puri maharaja was the one who answered "no, i am not agree, you are patita pavana, not patita"




every good and bad thing done by iskcon (and obviously by anyone else) will be destroyed if this thing of the offenses or "pay homages but do not associate" regarding srila prabhupada's godbrothers and their disciples go on


we are everyone in iskcon (society of krishna conscious people) and gaudya math (the path of sri caitanya mahaprabhu)


if we fight like materialists , how can we advance


so ISKCON is the only way... but it ISKCON a house where all the world can (=should) live, first of all the devotees of the lord

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in this way iskcon does not represents krishna in the material world


iskcon is in vaikunta... or it is vaikunta itself......... but without offenses

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I do not agree. Isckon is a great organization, but not the only one.


satyameva jayate

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Letter from Srila Prabhupada



New York

13th November, 1966



Madame Sumati Moraji Bai Saheba,



Please accept my greetings, and I hope everything is well with you.



Surely you will be very much pleased to know that my preaching work is getting ground in this country. The most important factor is that my followers and assistants are all young Americans. They are educated and possess an aptitude for grasping reality.



Under separate cover, I am dispatching the following publications which my Society has already published:



2 issues of Back to Godhead,

Who is Crazy?

Krishna the Reservoir of Pleasure,

and Introduction to Geetopanisad.



And I am enclosing herewith the prospectus of the Society and some press clippings from which you will know how the movement is growing.



I am very much obliged to you for your support for me in my mission, and I shall be more glad

If you enroll yourself as an honorary member in this great Society. Some of my Indian friends have already acceded to this request. I hope you will also do so. I want to make this movement actually international, and as a great devotee of Lord Krishna, not only yourself but all others should become members of this International Society. Tomorrow we are just going to celebrate Lord Krishna's worship as Gridhari at Gobardhan Pujah, and we have invited many friends to partake of Prasadam. You will be glad to learn that I am distributing Prasadam to my followers (20) daily, and Krishna is arranging food for them. I wish to increase this number more and more, and my good boys are trying to purchase a bigger house for this purpose.


Sriman Choksi, your secretary, wanted to visit the States while I was coming. Now I am in a position to sponsor him. If you so desire, please let me know and I shall send the sponsoring letters in this connection. My blessing for Choksi and all your staff members, and my good wishes for you. Awaiting your early reply,



Yours sincerely,



A.C. Bhaktivedanta, Swami

enclosures: 3


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this sounds like:


"jesus is the only way."

"allah is the only god."


iskcon preaches krishna bhakti.

krishna bhakti came from india to the west.


did prabhupoada sucked up all the krishna bhakti from india (hindus) and showered it on the hippies and the western world, so that no way remained with the hindus and india?


in other words, did prabhupada hijack all the vaishnavism from india, and made it his brand name KC monopoly?


jai sri krishna!


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"What does "Krishna consciousness" mean in the word ISKCON? "


we are not this body, we are spirit, our existence depends from krsna, we will come back to the state of happiness, eternity, cosciousness that everyone desires if we rediscover our forgotten love relationship with Him and we come back living in his kingdom


experiencing this is krsna consciousness


also who chanting the holy name has all the senses pervaded by krsna, he experience name, form and activities of krsna is krsna conscious


the association of this kind of people can be called International (because is for everyone in the worl) Society (sanga, union, together.. opposite to what is the normal behaviour in the material world) for K.C.


every other interpretation, for me , is sectarian

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Who is that unique person in " Krishna Consciousness " in your organization called ISKCON ? Can I as a jiva soul get that " Krishna Consciousness " ?Is it something to be attained externally from someone realized,enlightened and powerful ? Or is it that my own self consciousness is automatically and suddenly awakened to " Krishna Consciousness " ?

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>>"... Can I as a jiva soul get that " Krishna Consciousness " ?Is it something to be attained externally from someone realized,enlightened and powerful ? Or is it that my own self consciousness is automatically and suddenly awakened to " Krishna Consciousness " ? <<


I understand it something like this.


Krsna consciousness is natural and intregal to everysoul. Although in our case it is in a dormant stage. It is not something that is artifically acquired from the outside but it is awakened in us in association with one who is himself awakened.


Like a tuning fork that starts its own vibration when one next to it is struck and that vibration from the other tuning fork causes it to vibrate. Then a third tuning fork can be caused to vibrate by the third and so on.


This is the parampara system. The initial resonance was intiated when Krsna vibrated into the ear of Brahmaji.


From our perspective in time it seems gradual in most cases, through steady association with an awakened soul. From a higher 'outside' view of time it may appear sudden. That's relative.


The essential thing is to keep contact with a realized soul, through hearing, and let that vibration act on you. We are to become submissive to that vibration through non-envious aural reception. Then we will also start to vibrate in consonance with Krsna.


This is why it is imperative to receive the maha-mantra from the lips of a true lover of Krsna, not in the mayavadi mood. We want his vibration to awaken the same love for Krsna within us.



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This shows some understanding of how the process works. However, I'd suggest you're missing an essential element. You write, "The essential thing is to keep contact with a realized soul, through hearing, and let that vibration act on you," it would be more accurate, according to gur and shastra, to say "through hearing and service." The process Krishna prescribes in Bhagavad-gita is submission, initiation, inquiry, and service. Chanakya explains that, just as we get water from a well by digging, we get knowledge from the guru by service.


Reading a guru's books and listening to his lectures may help us to a variety of degrees, depending on how we hear. If we consider it a matter of collecting information, memorizing slokas and philosophical points to blow others out of the water, we will get little help. We should hear with ardor and with the hoep that it will fuel our practice. Then we may make real progress.

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Thank you for your reply. How can i guard against the mayavadi mood in my hearing tattva-jnana/sabdha brahman from the lips of a sadhu guru Vaisnava ? I know that i am filled with impersonalism and voidism.Is that wht you mean ?

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Well we are all filled with nasty things. Gross material desires for sense enjoyment and the tendancy to recoil from them. Bhukti mukti. But the cure comes from hearing Krsna-katha from said vaishnava. That will eradicate it from our hearts.


Hearing from professionals and mayavadis in the guise of vaisnava's will never deliver Krsna because they don't have Krsna.


This is the essential thing. Hear abour Krsna from one who has Krsna. In ISKCON or out of ISKCON is not the point. ISKCON was started to give us this opputunity for association and hearing. That is the purpose of all truly spiritual institutions.


Rather that is in ISKCON presently only Supersoul can tell you. being for or against ISKCON is not the point. Hearing from the proper source is.



One should therefore begin yoga practice as directed in the last verse of the Sixth Chapter. Concentration of the mind upon Krsna the Supreme is made possible by prescribed devotional service in nine different forms, of which sravanam is the first and most important. The Lord therefore says to Arjuna, tac chåëu, or “Hear from Me.” No one can be a greater authority than Krsna, and therefore by hearing from Him one receives the greatest opportunity to become a perfectly Krsna conscious person. One has therefore to learn from Krsna directly or from a pure devotee of Krsna—and not from a nondevotee upstart, puffed up with academic education.-Bg 7.1 purport



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