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the war continues

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Haribol. I guess most are thinking that the media is giving accurate information, that since the traitor dry-drunk, fundamentalist fanatic bush said the war is all but done, then we move on to other things, like the idiotic democrats who think economy is a valid point that will win them the big prize.


But Iraq is not over. We see the wonderful scenes of the troops returning home, and are fooled into thinking that things are winding down. Got news for ya sunshine, pink isnt well and is back at the hotel. 10,000 return while 20,000 are deployed, not even mentioned by the media. Bhagdad is worse now than ever under the former stalinist dictator. Al Qaida is gaining strength, not decimated. The war on terrorism cannot be fought by terrorists disguised as large governments, and there are no comparisons that can be made about any tin hat dictator with hitler if they have no military, industrial strength thet threatens the world. Only the United States and the demagogues who unconstitutionally usurped powers of perpetual war are comparable to the fuhrer.


So, though we want it all to be cool and think the danger is past, take a look around. Iraq is exactly like vietnam, a big show and then bogged down in a shootin gallery. All the good will the world felt for us after 9-11 is long gone because of the demoniac leadership of this godless country. They act so pious, but they fail to do the will of the Father, so they are not known by the one whose name they think they call.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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