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Where to find the true word of God

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Shree vakra tund maha kaya koti surya samah prabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subh karya suh sarvada



Krishna is our father and as such his sons have right to call him theirs.He is not exclusive of any one but ye yam tatha prapandhayta tams thatha bhajayam ahm.[please excuse my ignorance in actual verse]


Iskcon has nothing to do with Hindu then that is your parogative.

Followers of Vedic Dharma, Sanatan Dharma are nic named Hindu by outsiders and thet is also a fact, they are also followers of Krishna.

You might have others to belive thet prior to Iskcon there were no Krishna followers.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Jai Ganesh


Please excuse my many spelling mistakes on above post.


Also furgive me, for no ofence is ment to anyone.

Thank you.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Followers of Vedic Dharma, Sanatan Dharma are nic named Hindu by outsiders and thet is also a fact, they are also followers of Krishna.



Yes. The name "Hindu" is a "nic name" from "outsiders". I think we both agree on that.



You might have others to belive thet prior to Iskcon there were no Krishna followers.



I never implied anything like that. All I said was that devotees of Krsna are not Hindus. Krsna is above all material designations and so are His devotees. If you're attached to the designation of "Hinduism", by all means be a Hindu. I'm not saying you shouldn't. What I disagree with is people trying to associate Srila Prabhupada's movement with Hinduism when he himself said his movement is not Hindu.

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thanks leyh,


Hinduism is just a new name of sanatana dharma.

therefore it is obvious that hindu or hinduim words cannot be found in ancient hindu scriptures.


i feel sorry that prabhupada said he is not preching hinduism, and krishna consciousness has nothing to do with hinduism. he could have truely said that he is preaching vaishnavism part of hinduism but in its pure form.

any one can vefify that all his preaching is in hindu (vedic) litersture already since milleniums.


so he distanced himself from hinduism

and preached a part of hinduism saying it is not hinduism.


rather than checking the evidennces and telling the truth inthis matter, all his western followers talk like parrots, just as he talked, "we are not hindus; KC is not hinduism."


only he says it, not other sadhus and shastras and 1B hidus.

praman for truth is guru, sadhus and shastras.


now, can any one prove he was not a hindu himself?

come on try to prove it.


as far as i can see, he was a pure and great hindu.


he even has said to his followers that if they get in financial trouble, hindus would help.

and hindus do help and take part in hare krishna activities.


what has happened is that hindus malpracticed hinduism.

consequently hinduism word got so many negative feelings all around the world.

rather than cleaning it up with example of KC conduct,

prabhupada chose to dump the whole word hinduism.

and preached hinduism under KC name.

this is his deplomatic act to reduce resistance to KC movement in western world. if not, what is it?

can you say he cheated hippies?

yes, technically.


but did any hippi suffered due to KC?

never. they experience bliss instead.


jai sri prabhupada!



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Shree vakra tund maha kaya koti surya samah prabha

Nirvighnam kurume deva subha karya sah sarvada


Yes Krishna is above all material designation and we are all part of his creation and we are all trying to reach him one way or other.


Hindus and Iskcon is two seperate ''ID''for the same Sanatan Dharma,by denying either it make no sense.


In any case belonging to either does not automaticaly bring one to spritual platform.


Maa Ganga is also refered to as Ganges taking a dip in it will produce the same result.One can argue I am having a dip in Jhanvi, it does not matter.What is importent is we take a dip.


So let us all chant together until Krishna can hear us.


Jai Shree Krishna

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prabhupada chose to dump the whole word hinduism.

and preached hinduism under KC name.

this is his deplomatic act to reduce resistance to KC movement in western world. if not, what is it?

can you say he cheated hippies?

yes, technically.



Now you are saying that Srila Prabhupada cheated his disciples.This is most offensive.


Anyone who is familiar with Srila Prabhupada's mission knows that although he may have made adjustments due to time, place and circumstances, he never compromised on the philosophy. If he had wanted to cheat the hippies, he could have allowed them to go on taking marijuana and have illicit sex, but he did not.


Rest assured that if Srila Prabhupada was ordered by his guru to preach "Hinduism" in the western world, he would have uncompromisingly preached Hinduism. Prabhupada was like a lion.


But Prabhupada was ordered to preach Lord Caitanya's message --- Krsna Consciousness. Not Hinduism. To say that Prabhupada "diplomatically" preached Hinduism under the guise of "Krsna Consciousness" is simply misrepresenting Prabhupada's preaching. Once a reporter asked Prabhupada what his movement "How does your group differ from other Buddhists?" And Prabhupada's swift reply, which I humbly direct to your attention was: "We have nothing to do with this Hinduism or Buddhism. We are teaching the truth. And if you are truthful, you will accept it."


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Hinduism is not a new name for sanatana dharma. Sanatana dharma is just that, sanatana dharma. While many who are Hindu's follow it, do not confuse the one with the other.


The word 'Hinduism' is not to be found in any ancient, Sanskrit text.


Hinduism is more of a modern religion, all be it, started long ago. However, it is not a form of the original sublime and highest teachings of Krishna's sanatana dharma of pure Krishna consciousness.


Hinduism started when there was separation between those who were known as living on the one side of the Sindu river who became known as "Hindu's" because those across from them could not pronounce the letter "S" as in Sindu. That's its roots.


Some Hindu's worship Krishna as God. All Hindu's do not worship Krishna as God.


Some worship Lord Siva.


Some worship demi-gods.


Some eat meat.


Some believe they are born brahmana's, which Prabhuapda does not preach and disagrees with.


Some believe because they are born in India (brahmana or not) they are higher birthed than Westerners. Again, these are not Prabhupada's teachings.




That Prabhupada engaged the Hindus in Krishna consciousness, even in relationship to money, should not be seen with material eyes. Prabhupada was never in need of money. Ask someone about the time the devotees were in need of money and it mystically started flowing out of his clothes! However, Prabhupada did not want to encourage us in the ways of magic or mysticism, but in personal purification. His instruction to turn to the Hindus for finanical help could be nothing short of spiriutal benefit for everyone involved.

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Shree vacra tund maha kaya koti surya samah prabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subh karya sah sarvada




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Hinduism is not a new name for Sanatan Dharma etc


Obviously it is not a new name for Sanatan Dharma but it's sure is synonymous,ingrained.An id for outsiders for the followers of Sanatan Dharma.It is a way of life and if someone call me Hindu I am not confused about it you are.

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The word hinduism not in any Sanskrit text.


Nickname never appear in any Birth certificate do they?

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Hinduism started when there was separation etc.


Are you saying a new religion started then? or the use of the word 'Hindu' came in to use for the followers of Sanatan Dharma by outsiders. Facts please.


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[Hinduism is not original, pure Sanatan Dharma.

Some worship Krishna as God.All Hindu's do not worship Krishna as God.Some worship Lord Siva Some worship Devi/Devtas]


Here lies the root of your problem.Hinduism oh sorry Sanatan Dharma is an umbrella of different realisation of different aspect of the Supreme Lord and one of them is pure Krishna Bhakti

Krishna says only few know me in truth

In ch.7 Bhagvat Gita he says people worship Devi/Devtas and they go to them, it is their choice.In Bg ch.9 Some people worship me as one Some in duality and others in many different way.Ch 17 people in mode of goodness worship Devtas.

Worship of LORD SIVA, DEVI MAA and others is nothing NEW.

In Vedic time all this worship was going on but according to you it is not Sanatan Dharma.Still it is your choice.


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Some believe they are born Brahmin or some believe they are better then westerners.


Facts do not change on belief, if you accept the concept of Karma then it follows that your birth is based on your past Karmas and one is rewarded good bad or ugly accordingly. make your own judgement.Even a street cleaners [no insult is ment here]in India knows the concept of Karma now where have I heard this?But the West has very little knowledge of this.

Everyone has a right to worship Lord Shree Krishna if we are qualified he makes it possible, nothing happens by accident,he is not partial to anyone but those who worship him he rewards them accordingly.

My pranam to all.


Jai Shree Krishna

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vaishnavism is a part of hinduism (sanatana dharma).


chaitanya is the last of five vaishnav aacharyas.


so chaitanya was a hindu.

so prabhupada was a hindu.

so harekrishna are hindus.


he preahed krishna bhakti.

krishna bhakti is mentioned in gita, The Book of Hinduism.


Therefore, Prabhupoda preached a part of Hinduism.

He preached it correctly and very nicely,

better than many other hindu swamis.


he however did not say it is a part of hinduism.

that is all.


just as a mother cheats a small boy and gives her a medicine under a different name of a candy e.g.,

prabhuada gave krishna bhakti to hippies in different name than as "a part of hinduism'.


if he had said, "this is a part of hinduism,"

even the hippies might have said,

'oh no, we dont want it.'

or, at least that is what he might have thought.


what is the loss? nothing!


did he cheat hippies in that point? yes.

do hippies compain about it? no.

do i like prabhuada? yes.

why? because he spread krishna bhakti.


jai sri prabhupada!


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Shree vacra tund maha kaya koti surya samah prabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subha karya sah sarvada



Sorry Prabhu Hindu might be just a word to you .And just as Bombay is changed to Mumbai if we call our self Vedic, Sanatanis, the contents will still be the same.

And I am attached to contents behind this word.


Jai Shree Krishna


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so chaitanya was a hindu.

so prabhupada was a hindu.

so harekrishna are hindus.



When and where did Lord Caitanya ever used the words "Hindu" or "Hinduism? Can you quote even one scriptural reference as evidence of your claims?



just as a mother cheats a small boy and gives her a medicine under a different name of a candy e.g.,

prabhuada gave krishna bhakti to hippies in different name than as "a part of hinduism'.



This is nonsense. You really should stop misrepresenting Srila Prabhupada.


We have Srila Prabhupada's clear and unambigious statements on many occasions saying that Krsna Consciousness is not Hinduism. But you keep proclaiming that Srila Prabhupada was deliberately preaching "Hinduism" in the guise of Krsna Consciousness. This is very wrong. You may like Prabhupada, and that is good. But if you want to follow Prabhupada, you have to accept his instructions. He tells us that Krsna Consciousness is not Hinduism, and you may disregard that instruction, but it is most inappropriate to distort it.


If you cannot accept what Prabhupada says about Hinduism, don't accept. Don't make Prabhupada say what you want him to say. That is not the way to treat a sadhu.



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The purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement is not to make Christians into Hindus or Hindus into Christians but to inform everyone that the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Krsna Consciousness, The Matchless Gift, Chapter 6)


Similarly, if one is serious about understanding God, he should not think, "I am Christian,I am Hindu," or "I am Muslim." (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Krsna Consciousness, The Matchless Gift, Chapter 6)


I am thinking that I am a man or a woman, an American or Indian, a Christian or Hindu--these are all designations pertaining to the body, and when the body is finished, they will also be finished. We are actually spirit, and therefore our spiritual activities will go with us wherever we go. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaRaja-Vidya: The King of Knowledge, Chapter 1)


God is neither Moslem nor Hindu nor Christian--He is God. Nor are we to be considered Hindu, Moslem or Christian. These are bodily designations. We are all pure spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaRaja-Vidya: The King of Knowledge, Chapter 2)


The Sanskrit word dharma has been translated into English as "faith," but faith has come to mean a religious system that goes under the name of Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. But the word dharma does not have the same meaning as faith. The faith of an individual may change from Hindu to Buddhist to Christian to Moslem, etc.People have the ability to accept one faith and reject another, but dharma cannot be changed. It is the nature of every individual to render service, either to himself, his family, his community, nation or to humanity at large. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaRaja-Vidya: The King of Knowledge, Chapter 6)


Because we have material bodies, we take on so many designations; thus we call ourselves a man, a parent, an American, a Christian, Hindu, etc. These designations should be abandoned if we at all want to become free. (His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaRaja-Vidya: The King of Knowledge, Chapter 6)


There is a misconception that the Krsna consciousness movement represents the Hindu religion. In fact, however, Krsna consciousness is in no way a faith or religion that seeks to defeat other faiths or religions. Rather, it is an essential cultural movement for the entire human society and does not consider any particular sectarian faith. This cultural movement is especially meant to educate people in how they can love God. ("Krsna Consciousness --- Hindu Cult or Divine Culture?", The Science of Self Realization by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)


We have created Christian, Hindu, and Muhammadan religions, but when we come to a religion without designations, in which we don't think we are Hindus or Christians or Muhammadans, then we can speak of pure religion, or bhakti. ("Krsna, Christos, Christ", The Science of Self Realization by by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)


Guest (6): Then why they attracted to Hare Rama, Hare Krsna?


Prabhupada: They are attracted to Krsna. These people, they are... (Hindi) But you are taking Krsna as Hindu. That is your mistake. Krsna is... Hindu ne. He is God. He is God. God Hindu ne, Mussulman ne, Christian ne, Parsi ne--God is God. (Hindi) And I am also not interested to preach Hindu dharma. (Hindi) ...Krsna dharma. Krsna consciousness, that is the only dharma. (Hindi) ...Krsna literature. It is not a Hindu dharma literature. (Room Conversation,November 7, 1970, Bombay)


Please note that I have nothing against Hinduism. I only have something against the assertion that Srila Prabhupada preached Hinduism. The statements above show quite clearly that he did not.







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Shree vacra tund maha kaya koti surya samah prabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subh karya sah sarvada



{So why not become attatched to the word vaisnava and its contents? Trade in something lower for something higher, more specific.}


Thank you Prabhu how do you know what I am attached to?


Since when was Vedic Dharma just specific one Darshan?

Shastras talk about the same supreme Lord in varieties of ways and different ways of approaching him/her.



{If not, that's your choice, but please have the courtesy to stop putting words in Prabhupada's mouth.}

Please have a look at my posts, they all start with Shree Ganesh and end in Jai Shree Krishna

Not once have I mentioned Srila Prabhupada.

All I have tried to do is point out some unfair and injustices heaped on the people of Bharat/India the follower of Sanatan Dharma {Nicknamed Hindu} It is a way of life, Dharma is and always has been.



It is extremely rude.}


Yes I agree. But check your facts before accusing me.

Thank you.



Jai Shree Krishna


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Where to find the true word of GOD in this world? When you suffer lonely in a deserted place when you car or motorcycle break down or you have fallen in a pit with nobody around and somone comes to your rescue, you find the true word of GOD. For the thousands of lepers who were treated without any discrimination, mother Theresa was the true word of GOD. For a girl who is saved from a animalistic human pig, the individual who saved her from getting molested is the true word of God/Krishna. For a deserving student who could not pay his school fees, if paid by someone for his exams without any expectations, the person who paid the fees is the true word of GOD. When you yourself extend a help selflessly to another person who is in need and if your help to that person is something great for that moment, you are GOD. As explained in GITA, HE is manifested in every soul. When we realise HIM and call HIM, He comes in some Human form to help us and make us help others who are in need. That Human Form both in its soul and its body matter is nothing but that Supreme power or Shree Krishna. Instead of realizing this, the ignorant minds fight among each other. After realizing this lets try to do as far as possible whatever small help we can be of to other individual or any creature and express the God in us to the other individual or life.



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Shree vacra tund maha kaya koti surya samah prabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subh karya sah sarvada


Jai Shree Krishna Shyam.

Thats a good quality to cherish.


Reminds me of nice Bhagan by Narsi Mehta


Vaisnava jan to-tene re kahiye je pid parayi jane re

par dukhe upkar kare toye mana abhiman na ane re.


Jai Shree Krishna



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very nicely put. Isaiah said in Isaih 58 when you feed the hungry, visit the sick, help the poor, etc.. then will God answer you. Jesus also stated this in Matthew 5.

There is one God/Kirsna for all. By the way I am no religion just love God/Kirsna and prefer to just say I am a son of God. God calls us his children and this unites all.

With love and compassion,


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It really does not make any sense to me when I see people confronting, arguing, discussing about GOD in the name of religion. The Supreme Power which governs this Universe what we call as GOD certainly appeared at different times to establish basically morality, and social values called Dharma. But unfortunately, because HE appeared in different pockets at different times in the same globe, different religions and beliefs started in course of time out of which a purely private one-to-one relationship between all souls and GOD is misunderstood and everyone started fighting for superiority forgetting the actual reason for which GOD appeared in some form. HOnestly, people who fight for GOD, irrespective of howmuch ever that person or group claims that they have realised GOD, and show the way for others to reach salvation, actually have not realised GOD. An Individual who has realised GOD, will remain humble, egoless, adjust to any situation given to him/her, extend kindness and help to whatever best possible exten he/she can extend to others without any discrimination and further imposing his/her ideas on the person about GOD or religion. I was asked a question what I will do if GOD comes again now suddenly from the sky, like how we see in movies in front of me and ask me what I want. I answered "I will tell GOD to go back and not to appear again anywhere anymore, because someone will create another new religion in the name of new GOD which will further spoil the existing fight among the stupid people fighting in the name of GOD". Its very sad to see people who are following same religion itself have discrimination among themselves and claim superiority over other group, ulitmately forgetting the human values to the extent of going for war between countries. Following religious beliefs or not, even belief in GOD itself is entirely a private matter and the world will be a peaceful place when everyone start realizing this rather than imposing ideas of their beleifs on others which first create a group, then an organization, then a new religion and sub division among the followers and finally war. "OH GOD..WHY DID YOU APPEAR LIKE THIS IN DIFFERENT AVATHAR JUST TO CREATE ALL THESE CONFUSIONS ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU KNOW, NOT ALL HUMAN SOUL HAS THE CAPACITY TO REALIZE WHO YOU ARE"!!!!!

With Kind Regards,


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  • 4 weeks later...
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It's strange that God doesn't mind expressing Himself/Herself in all the religions of the world, while people still cling to the notion that their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say about God, someone will take offense, even if you say everyone's love of God is right for them.


For me the form God takes is not the most important thing. What's most important is the essence. My songs and dances are outlines for Him to come in and fill. I hold out the form. She puts in the sweetness.


I've looked up at the night sky and beheld the stars so intimately close,

it was as if my grandmother had made them for me.

"How rich, how sumptuous," I thought. In that moment I saw God

in His creation. I could as easily have seen Her in the beauty of a rainbow, the grace of a deer bounding through a meadow, the truth of a father's kiss. But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form.

I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence.

The infinity of God's creation embraces me. We are one.


© Michael Jackson




Dancing the dream


Consciousness expresses itself through creation.

This world we liveand in is the dance of the creator.

Dancers come go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on.

On many an occasion when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something sacred.

In those moments, I've felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.

I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.

I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.

I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.

The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy. ]

I keep on dancing and dancing.......and dancing, until there is only......the dance.......


© Michael Jackson



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  • 4 months later...

meditation means : "think of... "


"meditation" is the opposite of "without expecting results", if you do not want to reach the object of your meditation, concentration, dedication, this activity lose his sense

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If you meditate on something higher, then that is good, but meditation with in yourself will only reveal that which was dwelling in your thoughts. So, if you were impure , then all the meditation that you did would be for nothing. Without the purity of the heart we cannot meditate and find the truth. We have to first know what is right to meditate on what is right. The best way to do that is to refer to shastras and meditate on their message.


You know what they say: devotion with out shastras= pure disturbance.


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