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Whats is right & What is wrong ?

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I have given answers to best of my knowledge and understandings based on the essence of Gita below every paragraph of yours


Well yeah we do have sixth sene to know whats wrong and whats right and

the very reason for me to be here is this, well - we are here to

perform some duties , to our mother father , as a son , or as a student , as

a teacher, manager , employee .. etc , ( I hope you wont disagree that

we need to perform basic duties like this). While we are doing so, we

are actually doing something considered as wrong , look a meat shop

owner , he has no mercy for goat ,cow or chicken , all he does is chop them

for money.That is his life, his duty to server his son and wife , to

take care of his mother and father, And as a manager, a person may need

to scold someone , someday to do a job properly - but by doing that he

is hurting the others feeling. Which i suppose cannot be avoided.


What my point here is while we are performing such duties here we are

actually doing something right and something wrong , again its relative

, its very hard to understand by what one means right what one is




Performing one's duty is different from hurting from someone. A butcher shop worker cutting animals for meat is his profession and it is not considered wrong because that is what he knows and he is perfoming his duty. Like wise as a boss if we have to shout at our subordinate for he is not perfoming his duty, its not hurting him or her, because you are raising voice against someone who is not sticking to his/her commitment. Gita does not say to be humble and foolish at all times. That person deserves that shouting, like how Krishna asked Dharma to wage war against Duryodhana because duryodhana was against truth. But if you proceed to contain grudge against that person after he perfoms his duty also which is going to affect his personal life then its a personal conflict in which you are hurting your subordinate. Hurting the innocent is considered wrong.



Why Duryodhana choose to be bad , when he had chance of being good ? ,

the reason the situation , i do believe , everyone does things (

whether good or bad ) whith a reason behind it. Duryodhana choose to be bad

because of the way he brought up and of course due to the way things at

his side.


The example you have given , about the story of Duryodhana and Dharma

to meet krishna, is classic example , but

think from the point of view of Duryodhana.




No body is brought up as arrogant or cruel person. I dont think any parent will do that. Duryodhana developed evil characters because of his over greediness and hence in course of time he started hurting everyone because of his ego. This resulted in war out of which many women had to loose their husbands, children had to loose the fathers, like what is happening with the present day war. The ego of one person, trying to become dictator, which makes everyone to suffer. Why the innocent sholdiers have to die. Do you think within one's country every one agrees with their leader even if he goes against truth. No..the people who have no mental or physical power who remain submissive have to loose at one point, because they have no strength to fight against the leader who is hurting everyone. Imagine if all the innocent sholdiers and the whole nations democrats who feel that their leader is doing something wrong, and if they start protesting, naturally the leader has no choice of giving it up and he cannot become dictator. But this situation does not happen in reality. Everyone for their personal benefit keep their mouth shut and the result a mass of people remain shut, so the leader continues to be atrocious. At one stage the leader is made to pay for his evil actions and so his supporters (even though they did not support him from heart, yet supported him out of fear or personal benefit) had to give up or suffer and pay for it.



We are not at all blaming god , nor i wanted to , The idea is to find

out what he meant by doing all these things.


he has created situation , some are favourable and good to somepart and

some are unfavourable and bad to others, people who are bad side of it

acts accordingly.


Even if we say that God is creating situation, for our convenience, favourable and unfavourable lies in our hands as humans with six senses. We have to think on several aspects about the pros and cons of every actions before we indulge ourself in it. When you try to be truthful and honest and if the other one is cheating you, Krishna is not asking you to keep quiet. He tells you to fight back until you get justice.



but i still see soo many sisters of mine who are

like Draupathi with no krishna coming to save them.


I do agree and feel pained to see sufferings of women in the hands of evil men trying to use them, abuse them physically for which i could not find answer. But what i feel is added to their karma, (which we do not know), it also depends on how one conducts themselves before getting into such a situation. A girl may be innnocent, but when she knows the danger of the present day world, she should be more careful, in all aspects, right from wearing the kind of clothes, jewels etc, to avoid any trouble from bad men. She should avoid joining with men after particular time in a day, rather than partying around until midnight thining that everyone is friend. There is a saying, treat everybody a rogue, until he proves to be gentleman. This is true for anyone. You dont have to be harsh, in treating someone as a rogue, but wait and take time before you trust the person totally.

But there are situations where really innocent girls suffer, for which I honestly do not know any answer, and everytime i think of Krishna, i pray that he saves them through some means. I have no choice to putting it in a way and call it as their prebirth karma although we do not know whether such thing exists. But if such a kind of girl who faced harrassment, and if she uses any arms to save herself and even kill the other fellow it is not wrong. Gandhiji says that it is not ahimsa.


Ultimately what I am trying to say is as far as possible, we try to avoid hurtful actions to anyone either emotionally, or physically. If we happen to do that out of situational crisis dont hesitate to apologise or compensate for your hurtful action to that person if that is going to calm the person down. Again this is not possible in every situation. For example if someone loves you and you dont love that person, just because that person wants you, one cannot cooperate for every individual who likes us. But when yu start realising that otherperson likes you for whom you have no feelings, tell that to the person straight away in a nice way, and be a good friend, rather than throwing things by words. Never give room for such thoughts or even encourage in such a person and hurt the other person emotionally later giving false hopes.


This topic can be discussed for so long for every situation we face in life.



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Hi shyam,


Thanks for your answers , it convinced me a litte, but still i do have lot of queries on each part of it. May be somethings in life has no answer.


One thing which is out of this conversation which impresed me about you


"Never give room for such thoughts or even encourage in such a person and hurt the other person emotionally later giving false hopes. "



whether it has got something to do with you or not, /images/graemlins/wink.gif that concept of not making hope to another person if you dont like them is simply good !


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala /images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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Hi..Yu are welcome to write to me and I certainly would like to clarify whatever best I can. I have faced different kind of experiences of both extremes in young age itself which certainly helped me in moulding myself. With whatever knowledge and experience i have i will give solution to your situation. If you dont wish to post it you can send personal mails to my id shyam_manohar@



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I forgot to answer your question "If karna should be considered good or not. Ceratinly the character Karna is good by himself due to his unique nature of giving away everything what ever he has. But that does not mean he could go against truth for which he lost his life. He was not right when he supported Duryodhana while Draupathi was insulted. He asked her to sit on duryodhana's lap which was against Dharmam for which he paid for it in the battle. Just because an evil force is helping you out you cannot go out of the way to help the evil when you know that it is evil and going against truth. If you still go for it for personal benefit, like many sholdiers and democrats of the present day world who keep their mouth shut for the sake of not getting into bad side of their leader, then you have to pay for ur hurtful actions against others. But Karna was one among the very few characters who had the Vishvaroopa Dharshan of Mahavishnu through Krishna. This is because of karna's good deeds. So it can be interpreted in such a way that you reap for whatever you sow. If you remain good without hurting anyone and follow the truth, you get good benefits for ur actions. From your side, on the first hand, never try to hurt someone. When some one hurts you especially emotionally, although it may be difficult to digest the situation, make the person realise his/her mistake and make them apologise to you and see to it they dont repeat it again. When somebody hurts us when we are sincere and honest, they certainly pay for it although not on the same day. IN the same way when u hurt others you pay when time comes. These experiences should refine yu so that you wont put some one in a simillar situation sometime later. Be gentle, egoless, kind and honest to others. When you face injustice, fight for it and that is not wrong.



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